05-17-1982 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 17th day of May, 1982, at 8:00 p.m. William Town of Otsego Schulz, Chairman, Douglas Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden, Supervisors, Betty Adkins, Deputy Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman William Schulz, The minutes of the May 3rd, 1982 meeting were apnroved as read. John Gilbertson appeared before the Board to introduce himself. He will be the engineer on the bitunimous projects now in progress in the townshin. He is an employee of Consulting Engineers Diversi- fied, Inc. and has replaced Pete Raatikka who has resigned from the Consulting Engineers Diversified, Inc. firm. A request has been made from the Elk River School District for a contribution from the Township to help operate the summing pool for the summer months. The Township can legally contribute up to $800. for this purpose. The Board discussed it and due to the fact that the Township is not receiving monsy from the State as expected they could not afford to contribute at this time. Another -onsideration against contributing was the fact that there are 2 other school dis- tricts within the Township, Monticello and Albertville -St. Michael. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to not make a contribution to the operation of the Elk River Swimming Pool at this time. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Betty Adkins advised the Board she is receiving numerous calls about dogs running loose, particully from Halls addition and Missis- sippi Shores. Motion by William Schulz to request Blaine Midway All Pets, Inc. to patrol the residential areas of the Township for 3 hours. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. A representative of Hokanson, Anderson Associates, Inc. appeared before the Board to advise the Board they would be interested in pro- viding Engineering Services for the Township. Pete Raatikka is now a member of this Anoka based firm. The Great River Acres bituminous street project was discussed at this time. Several residents of the area were present who spoke in favor of having the project completed. William Schulz reported re- ceiving several telephone calls from residents of the area, who while they would like to see the project completedwere concerned about the assessment cost because of the economic conditions in general. The Board advised the residents that anv input they receive from residents area before the next Board meeting would be helpful in making a decision by the Board as to whether to do the project or not. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to table a decision on the rnoject at this time. Seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. The Board then called a recess and travelled to Albertville to meet with the Albertville City Council. Page 2 Continuation of the May 17, 1982 meeting. The meeting re -convened at the Albertville City Hall. William Schulz, Chairman, Douglas Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden, Supervisors, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, and Mr. Vetsch, Albertville Fire Chief, and Donald Berning, Albertville City Clerk were present. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss Fire Protection Contract the Township has with the City of Albertville, particularly the Annual Contract dues which is based on one mil per dollar of assessed valuation of the area serviced is $3,634,723. which would be an Annual Contract of $3,634.72. This added to the Contract Fee with the City of Elk River of approxi- mately $9,000 and the City of Monticello Contract fee of $600. made a total Contract fee of $13,000.00 yearly. This Contract fee is paid yearly whether there are any fires or not. The Board suggested a reduction of .75 mil per dollar of assessed valuation. Donald Berning advised they would discuss the suggested reduction with the Albertville Councill at their next meeting and ad- vise the Town Board of their decision on the matter. Donatius Vetsch said the actual operating cost of the Albertville Fire Department for 1981 was $12,920. at present it is an volunteer Fire Department and no one is paid. On motion, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: