08-02-1982 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 2nd day of August, 1982, at 8:00 p.m. William Town of Otsego Schulz, Chairman; Douglas Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden, Supervisors; Betty Adkins, Deputy Clerk; Jerome Perrault, Clerk and Lewis Pouliot, treasurer were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman William Schulz. The minutes of the July 19, 1982 meeting were approved as read. The application of Perry Dahl to place a mobile home as an asses- sory to a farm (Kenneth Davis farm) was discussed. The Board will request him to present his application to the Otsego Planning Commis- sion at their next meeting for their consideration. Larry Brockmer appeared before the Board to discuss the barricade he had placed on the Township road by his property in Walesch Estates, 2nd Addition, the road comes to a dead-end at the end of his lot. The Board advised him they will come out and check the barricade(constructed by Mr. Brockner) to see what is needed to make it a legal "Road Temp- orarily Closed" sign. Carl Swenson appeared before the Board to discuss the 1982 Comp- rehensive Plan for the Township. In regards to commercial development and in view of the fact that the County Planning Commission requires that commercial use have utilities available, the Otsego Planning Commission has decided not to designate any area as commercial and to consider future application on an individual basis. The Board expres- sed agreement on this proposal. In regards to residential development, one area that before was considered as residential development area is the southeastern part of the Township. Carl Swenson felt this should be changed as it contains considerable good farmland as well as wildlife areas. The Otsego Plan- ning Commission suggested that 78th Street be the south border of resi- dential development area. In regards to development along Co. #39, as the previous Compre- hensive Plan called for residential development on the north side of Co. #39, the Planning Commission felt they should also include a 1320 foot wide strip along the south side of Co. #39 all the way to the' west border of the Township. On this change the Town Board expressed con- cern about taking more agricultural land out of production. Motion by William Schulz that the 1982 Comprehensive Plan be sent back to the Otsego Planning Commission for re-consideration, the items in question being expanded for the possible residential development along the south side of Co. #39 and extending the western edge of pro- posed residetial development area from Oakwood Avenue to Nashua Avenue Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Lawrence Milstroh appeared before the Board to request approval of his application for an "On Sale" Liquor License. The Board advised him they would like to view his establishment to check on parking space avaialable, ect. before making their decision. The Board set August 24, 1982, as a tenative meeting date with the City Administrator of Elk River to discuss the 1982 Fire Protection Contract. State of Minnesota Continuation of the August 2, 1982, meeting. County of Wright Page 2 Town of Otsego Betty Adkins advised the Board that John Gilbertson, Engineer, had requested what figure he use when preparing the assessment roll for blacktopping project of 80th Street, Kadler Avenue, and 85th Street. The Board recommended that he use an assessment rate of $600. per parcel. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to pay the 4-H club $10. per time for mowing the lawn around the Town Hall and garage area. Seconded by Floy¢IRoden, passed unanimously. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to postpone the first meeting in Spetember from September 6 to Spetember 7, 1982 at 8:00 p.m. because of the Labor Day Holiday. Seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. the Town Board appointed the following to serve as Primary Elec- tion Judges on September 14, 1982. Lewis Pouliot Erma Lefebvre William Schulz Germaine Beaudry Judy Roden Olive Kolles Della Anderson Arlene Lindenfelser Marion Alexander LeAnn Lindenfelser Joy Swenson Ingall Roskaft Stella Lefebvre Sharon Berning Marie Corbin Proceeding as an Board of Audit, The Town Board audited and allowed verified accounts Nos. 192 to 222 inclusive. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: