09-07-1982 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 7th day of September, 1982, at 8:00 p.m. William Town of Otsego Schulz, Chairman; Douglas Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden, Supervisors; Betty Adkins, Deputy Clerk; Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer, were present. The meeting was called to order by William Schulz. The minutes of the August 16, 1982 meeting were read and approved with one addition. Town Board policy on weed cutting was set at $25. per hour, that in- cludes cost of man and mower. John Gilbertson was present to discuss the road improvement hear- ing. Notices of the public hearing had been prepared and date of hear- ing set for 8:30 and 8:45 on September 30, 1982. Stewart Turnquist presented his request for a Conditional Use Permit to increase his exsisting facility. The specific request is for an additional fourteen single room addition and indoor swimming pool, and to extend the north meeting room to include the exsisting porch. Stewart Turnquist gave the background of the Patton Station which be- gan in 1978. William Schulz inquired about the sewer system and whether it was adequate to accomodate the expansion. Steward Turnquist explained that the sewer was built to accomodate twenty room (double) and has since found that occupants of the Patton Station do not care to share rooms but prefer single occupancy so the double rooms will be converted to singles and the use will remain the same. At this time the minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission were read and indicated that the Turnquist request had been turned down the reason givin: the request did not fit the Comprehensive Plan. Chuck Riesenberg spoke his view points that this was not an expansion just a design change of the same business. The feeling was that the sewer capacity would not increase considerably. William Schulz stated that Douglas Lindenfelser has visited the site and he approved and suggested he and Floyd Roden also go and look at the business. A variance is also requested on the same facility requesting a rear yeard setback less than allowed by the Wright County Ordinance. The vaiance will be considered on the 10th of September and the Conditional Use Permit on the 16th. Turnquist would like an answer to his request so he can persue the same request at the County on those dates. The Town Board stated that they would like to view the site, this will cause a change in the hearing dates. Turnquist said he would change the County meeting to September 30th to give the Board time to view the site. Carl Swenson spoke of the decision of the Township Planning Com- mission and the reason why they denied the request. He spoke of his concern for the use of the facilities if ownership changed in the fu- ture. The Planning Commission felt expansion is not wise as the Plan- nigg Commission looks at the request in a broader view. Turnquist objected to the Planning Commission looking at future use instead of the present use. William Schulz said the Planning Commission does look at future goals and land use and what are the needs of the Township. State of Minnesota Continuation of September 7, 1982, meeting County of Wright Page 2 Town of Otsego William Schulz moved to table the request until the next meeting to do a site inspection. Douglas Lindenfelser seconded. The newly prepared ordinance issuing "Off Sale" Liquor Licenses was reviewed by the Board. Three applicants were present: John & Gil Darkenwald, Warren Phillips, and Dwane Lindenfelser. The Board agreed to have the ordinance published after they have had a chance to read it through. At the October 4th meeting the Board will accept all applicants requests for licenses and will also have the Otsego Planning Commission review any applicants request as a part of the Condition Use Permit process required by any business going into the county. The Otsego Planning Commission meeting will be held on October 7th at 8:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. Gilbert Darkenwald asked if a building had to be constructed before a license would be issued. Mrs. Bajari had some questions relating to a bill board advert- ising along the I-94 Freeway. She was informed that permits are required and a Conditional Use Permit issued for all signs in the County. Arlene Nagel was present and expressed an interest in the posi- tion of Deputy Clerk. The Town Board agreed to discuss the Comprehensive Plan at the next regular Town Board meeting to be held September 20th, motion to do so was made by William Schulz, seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser. William Schulz read a letter from Viet Construction Co. regarding a road slag product which can be used in place of sand and salt. The Board asked Ed Greninger to check out the product. Discussion of Fabian Sadowski's road followed with Ed Greninger reporting that the road gets bladed three time a week - Monday, Wed- nesday, and Friday. William Schulz stated the tar kettle should be ordered now so we have it ready to go this spring. Some Discussion continued on the enforcement of illigal signs appearing in the Township. Betty Adkins will check with the County to see if their are persuing the violators of the ordinance in this regard. Betty Adkins was directed to advertise the position of Otsego Township Deputy Clerk. Bills were paid Nos. 5807 - On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: