09-30-1982 Public Hearing MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 30th day of September, 1982, at 8:00 p.m. William Town of Otsego Schulz, Chairman; Douglas Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden, Supervisors; Betty Adkins and Lani Will, Deputy Clerks, William Radzwill, Attorney, were present. This meeting was called for the special purpose of conducting a public hearing on Otsego Acres and 80th Stret, Kadler Avenue and 85th Street road im- provement projects. John Gilbertson, engineer from Consulting Engineers, made a pre- sentation using a slide presentation. Otsego Acres was discussed first. With 58 units in that project the cost per unit comes to $1725.76 per unit spread over 10 years at 11.1 percent. This is using the equal principle method of interest. Following the acceptance of the asses- ment by the Town Board the assessment roll will be transmitted to the County Auditor to be put on the 1983 property taxes. The interest starts on the date the Township adopts the roil, 30 days following that acceptance a property owner may pay off the entire amount with no interest charge. Residents present asked the Board to view 90th Street, O'Brian & Ochoa Avenues. They are concerned about the shapes of the ditches and whether they will be able to mow it. They said there was no grass there and the gravel has washed down into the ditch. There was mentioned that sod was put on O'Brian Street to restabilize a newly constructed ditch, the rest of the project was seeded. Mention also was made that this is a seven ton road. William Schulz moved to defer the assessment roll to the October 4, 1982 meet- ing, seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. The next hearing began with a slide presentation by John Gilbert- son on the 80th Street, Kadler Avenue,and 85th Street project. The costs of that project were $176,696.12 spread over 10 years at 11.1% interest. The Board has three options: asses the costs 100% to the 23 property owners which would be over $7,000. per parcel owner, or assess the same as Otsego Acres property owners are being assessed $1,725.75, or assess $600. per parcel unit with the Township picking up the difference. Question arose to the warranty of the road John Gilbertson responded that it has one year warranty. Question regarding property taxes going up due to a new road - this cannot happen by state statute it is illegal. Douglas Lindenfelser made a motion to defer the assessment roll to the October 4, 1982 meeting, seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. At 10:00 p.m. motion was made to adjourn. Attest: