10-04-1982 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 4th day of October, 1982. William Schulz, Town of Otsego Ohairman; Douglas Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden, Supervisors; Betty Adkins and Lani Will, Deputy Clerks; and Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer, were present. William Schulz called the meeting to order, the minutes of the September 30, 1982 meeting were approved as read. The first item on the agenda was the discussion of the Otsego Acres road project. Douglas Lindenfelser moved the acceptenance of the assessment roll, William Schulz seconded, passed unanimously. The next road improvement discussed was 80th Street, Kadler Avenue and 85th Street. John Gilbertson stated he was doubtfull as to whether the contractor would be responsible for repairing the washouts which happened after a heavy rainfall. The question was asked as to what a parcel is? William Schulz moved that the assessment on that road project would be by parcel unit. Floyd Roden seconded, passed unanimously. A parcel is a sep- erate piece of property with it's own tax statement, with frontage on the road. The cost per parcel was discussed. In 1978 a similar road project was $500. per parcel and it was felt that with increased costs an increase should be considered. William Schulz moved a $600. cost per parcel, Floyd Roden seconded, passed unanimously. Douglas Lindenfelser moved to accept the assessment roll, William Schulz seconded, passed unanimously. There was a request for a defferred assessment in Otsego Acres by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Eastman as allowed by state statute 435.193 and .195. Douglas Lindenfelser moved to accept the request, William Schulz seconded, passed unanimously. A resident from Otsego Acres inquired about the shoulders on that project. The Town Board agreed to fill and repair any damaged areas at township expense if the contractor wouldn't. The best time to do such seeding would be next spring. The Town Board accepted the applications from two applicants. Warren Phillips and M.C. Liquor, Inc. The Board may shut off accep- tance of applications at their discretion. Mr. Phillips presented his plan to build either on a seperate lot or attach onto his exsist- ing Tom Thumb store. It was noted that a 30 foot side yard setback is required in B-1 & B-2 district. Lindenfelser and Gagnelius of M.C. Liquor presented their plans for lots 6,7, &8 which include a 2500 square foot building proposed to be of cement block with a cedar front. The Off-Sale will be placed on one lot, the other two lots would be for future use. William Schulz accepted both applications and moved to send them both to the Wright County Sheriff's Department to be checked out, Douglas Lindenfelser seconded, passed unanimously. The next item discussed was road washouts. The Board asked Ed Greninger about the road slag, Ed said it costs $8.50 per load and Rogers would deliver. William Schulz moved to get two loads delivered and try it out, Douglas Lindenfelser seconded, passed unanimously. Lewis Pouliot stated he had Plude Electric coming out to put in two 8 foot lights in the basement. William Schulz moved to pay Gordon DeMars for 20 hours work week vacation, seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego Continuation of the October 4, 1992 meeting Page 2 Proceeding as an Board of Audit, the Town Board audited and allowed verified account Nos. 5847 through 5900 inclusive. William Schulz moved to adjourn, Douglas Lindenfelser seconded, passed unanimously. Attest: