10-18-1982 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 18th day of October, 1982, at 8:00 p.m. William Town of Otsego Schulz, Chairman; Douglas Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden, Supervisors; Lani Will, Deputy Clerk; and Jerome Perrault, Clerk; were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman William Schulz. The minutes of the October 4, 1982 meeting were approved as read. "Off Sale" Liquor Licenses were the first item on the agenda. Two applications have been received, Warren Phillips of the Tom Thumb store and M.C. Liquors represented by 1 .ne Lindenfelser and Bruce Gagneluis. Motion was made by William Schulz to not accept any more appli- cations. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Warren Phillips presented his plans for building an addition on the Tom Thumb store to house a 2500 sq ft addition. Robert Gabbe, attorney, addressed the meeting concerning the "Off Sale" Liquor License. He stated that in most instances of this type, the first application received was considered first. Motion by Floyd Roden to issue only one "Off Sale" Liquor License for the commercial area known as the 6th addition of Mississippi Shores (N.W. corner of the junction of Co. #39 and State Highway 42). Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Motion by William Schulz to approve the application of Warren Phillips for an "Off .Sale" Liquore License due to the fact that he had conducted a business in that area for the past three years (Tom Thumb store). The license is subject to the review and approval of the Otsego Planning Commission. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to approve the application of M.C. Liquor (Duane Lindenfelser and Bruce Gagnlius) for an "Off Sale" Liquor License providing it is located in an area other than the 6th Addition of Mississippi Shores, site subject to the approval of the Town Board and the Otsego Planning Commission. Seconded by Floyd Roden passed unanimously. The Town Board went on record as being opposed to changing the Wright County Ordinance to allow more, than one employee for a home extended business. In their opinion, business with more than one hired employee should be located in an area zoned commercial. Ingall Roskaft appeared before the Board to discuss the discharge and use of firearms ordinance put in effect by the City of Elk River. Elk River officals felt that to control the hunting along the Missis- sippi, Otsego would also have to pass an ordinance. Mr. Roskaft sug- gested having the D.N.R. designate the Mississippi River a migratory waterfowl sanctuary from the mouth of the Elk River to where the Crow River enters the Mississippi River. Hunting would be banned and the D.N.R would police it. No action was taken by the Board on the sug- gestion at the time. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: