11-01-1982 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 1st day of November, 1982, at 8:00 p.m. William Town of Otsego Schulz, Chairman; Douglas Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden, Supervisors; Lani Will, Deputy Clerk; Jerome Perrault; Clerk; and Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman William Schulz. The minutes of the October 18, 1982 meeting were approved as read. Lewis Pouiliot, Treasurer, gave the following report for the month of October; Receipts - $24,195.40 Disbursements - $31,643.73 Review of the Comprehensive Plan was the first item on the agenda, Carl Swenson, Chairman of the Otsego Planning Commission, was present at the meeting. In regard to the plan presented previosly, the strip of the land south of Co. #39 (1300 ft wide) all the way to the west border of the Otsego Township that was considered as possible residential development was withdrawn and will remain agricultural. The land now recommended for residential development generally includes the area north of 77th Street and east of Needham Avenue and the area north of Co. #39 to the Mississippi River to the west border of the township, except areas previously zoned commercial. Motion by William Schulz to recommend the area north of 77th Street and east of Needham Avenue as residential area including the area east of Highway 101 and north of 80th Street. The area north of Co. #39 from needham Avenue to the west border of the township would remain agricultural with the exception of the areas already in resi- dential development. Seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. Blaine Midway All Pets gave the Town Board written notice that the present dog control contract will expire December 31, 1982. They will be offering a new system of dog control after that. Motion by Floy Roden to table action on the new plan until more information is received. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: