04-18-1983 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 18th day of April, 1983, at 8:00 p.m. Floyd Town ofOtsego Roden, Chairman; Douglas Lindenfelser and Wil- liam Schulz, Supervisors; Lani Will, Deputy Clerk; Jerome Perrault, Clerk, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Floyd Roden. The minutes of the April 4, 1983 Town Board meeting were approved as read. Perry Dahl appeared before the Board to apply for a conditional use permit for transfer of a 1 -per -40 break subdivision for a resi- dential lot as regulated in Section 604.5 of the Wright County Zone- ing Ordinance. Motion by William Schulz to approve the request of Perry Dahl, Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Mr. & Mrs. Steven Schmidt and Dave Bullock appeared before the Board to see what action had been taken about the junk cars, unoper- ating well and sewer system, and messy lot of Mark Posley and the junk cars in the lot of Ronald Webber. The Board replied that Mr. Webber has been given until May 1, 1983, to remove the cars from his lot. Mark Posley has not responded to any letters sent by the Board requesting him to appear at Town Board meetings to discuss the com- plaint filed against him about junk cars on his lot, a well that does - not operated and a messy yard. The Board advised they will turn the complaint and copies of the letters Mr. Posley has ignored over to the Wright County Sheriff and have him serve notice on Mr. Posley to clean up his lot and have his well repaired. Glen Lindenfelser appeared before the Board in regards to the drainage problem on his lot located on the service road along Co. #19 in Section 25. The culvert under the service road is blocked and holding the water back. Motion by Floyd Roden to get an estimate from Meinrad Daliedem in regards to replacing the culvert under the service road and repair- ing the ditch along the service road to improve drainage. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Pete Raatikka, Engineer of the Hokanson, Anderson and Associates, Inc. appeared before the Board to discuss the proposed repair of 62nd Lane, N.E., a bituminous street. He has done a study of the needed repair project. He recommends a 1 inch bituminous overlay to repair the breaks in the bituminous surface. There is a drainage problem that needs to be corrected if the street is to stand up. The existing culvert under the road is not providing adequate drainage. One al- ternative of the drainage problem would be to install a store sewer along the south side of the street to the river, the other would be to drain the area by way of an open ditch to a pond in a pasture a- bout 500 feet to the south of the street. He is recommending the o- pen ditch as the least expensive way. It would be necessary to have a drainage easement across Parcel #364400. The Board will meet with Pete Raatikka at the 62nd Lane site on Tuesday, April 26, 1983, to discuss the street repair and drainage problem. Motion by William Schulz to hire David Cecka as Dog Catcher pro- viding he meets the terms of the Dog Catcher Contract with the Town- ship. Seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. State of Minnesota Continuation of the Town Board meeting of County of Wright April 18, 1983. Page two. Town of Otsego Greg Maher appeared before the Board in regards to his purchasing a lot in Walesch Estates and moving a mobile home onto the lot. He needs a percolation test on the lot and inquired if it would be ac- ceptable if he did the test himself. The Board advised him to con- tact the Wright County Zoning office to see if they would accept his own test. Motion by William Schulz to table action on Mr. Yahnke's re- quest to subdivide his 30 acres parcel into 2 lots at this time until a further request is made. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. On Motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: