06-20-1983 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 20th day of June, 1983, at 8:00 p.m. Floyd Town of Otsego Roden, Chairman; Douglas Lindenfelser and William Schulz, Supervisors; Lani Will, Deputy Clerk; Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer; Jerome Perrault, Clerk; were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Floyd Roden. The Minutes of the June 6, 1983, Town Board meeting were approved as read. Warren Phillips appeared to formally request his Off -Sale" liq- uor license for his new store he is building. The license fee will be $500.00. per year and the license will be in force as of July 15, 1983. David Schulze appeared before the Board to request a. permit to build a 16' x 20' addition to an existing building (for storage use only). The Board approved the permit with the stipulation that the same siding be used on the existing building as on the addition (sid- ing to be completed by November 1, 1983) and the building be used for storage use only. Stewart Turnquist appeared before the Board in regard to his request for a. 675 sq ft meeting room addition to his Riverwood 'Con- ference Center. He gave a, brief review of how the Conference Center was started. Tom Salkowski said decision was made 3 years ago to label the Conference Center as a resort. Because it is a condition use permit, a new hearing is required each time an expansion is requested. He did not feel there should be any problem anproving the expansion. Larry Fournier, representing the Otsego Planning Commission, said the Planning Commission's concerns were that it was a non -conforming use to begin with, how much more expansion will occur, and whether the sewage system is adequate for the expansion. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to approve the application of Stewart Turnquist for a conditional use permit to construct a 675 sq ft meeting room addition in the courtyard of the lodging building. Sec- onded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. The temporary permit of Gerrit Hoogenraad for a mobile home of less than 800 sq ft is due to expire July 1, 1983,.and the Wright County Zoning Office has requested the opinion of the Town Board as to whether the permit should be renewed. The Board will contact Mr. Hoogenraad to see what action he has taken to build a home or secure a larger mobile home. Ronald Triden appeared before the Board in regard to the letter he had received complaining about junk on his lot. He said he had only 2 cars on his lot, one will be removed and the other will be repaired. He said the State had informed him he could have as many as five cars on his lot. The Board explained that Wright County is more restrictive. The Board will go out and check his lot. Earl Cook appeared to complain about the road shoulders in Ot- sego Acres, the bitunimous project that was done last summer. The Board will go out and check the condition of the road shoulders. Mr. Schwartz of the Soil Conservation Office appeared to discuss the repair of 62nd Lane. He has viewed the areaand observed a lot of shore line erosion. A storm sewer to drain the water away from 62nd lane would be too expensive. He would like more time to work with Pete Raatikka to try and solve the drainage problem along 62 Lane. The Board decided to delay any work on 62nd Lane until a final decision is made on what to do with the drainage problem. Dean Hanson of Buffalo Sealcoating appeared to discuss bitunim- ous repair, projects. He submitted a proposal to repair Page Avenue State of Minnesota Town Board meeting June 20, 1983 County of Wright Page 2. Town of Otsego for $750.00 and Needham Avenue for $5,000,00, and to seal coat Need- ham Avenue for $9,600.00. He gave the Town Board the option of buying the materials needed for the project or having him furnish the materials. The Board will delay a decision on the repair and seal coating overlay until after July 15, 198.3. Motion by William Schulz to approve Lani Will taking a vacation on July 5, 1983 through July 7, 1983. Seconded by Douglas Linden- felser, passed unanimously. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: