07-05-1983 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met. this 5th day of July, 1983 at 8:00 p.m, Floyd Roden, Chairman; Douglas Lindenfelser and William Schu17, Supervisors; Jerome Perrault, Clerk were present, The meeting WAS called to order by 'hairman Floyd Roden, The Minutes of the June 20, 1981, Town Board meeting were approved as read. Ronald Triden appeared in regard to junk cars on his lot. HP has got rid of one car and is repairing the other car. John lasen appeared in regard to the complaint of having junk cars on his lot. He said he does not have any junk cars on his lot, all are licensed, insured, and in running condition. He did have one junk car at the time of the complaint but has disposed of that one. The Town Board will check his lot and also the lot next door. The house is vacant and for sale and the lot has not been mowed. John Gilbertson, Engineer for Consolidated Engineers Deversified, appeared in regard to the bad condition of the shoulders on the streets in Otsego Acres, a bituminous project that was completed last summer. He has composed a letter he will be sending Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. and their bonding company notifying them that the road shoulders are in need of repairs to protect the road surface. The road project is still under warranty. Mr. Gilbertson will give them 10 days to reply to his letter. John Berringer appeared in regard to flooding problems on his lot. He felt that a culvert under the road would solve the problem. The Board advised him they will come out and check the problem. Floyd Goenner and Alvin Beaudry appeared in regard to the con- dition of Nashua Avenue, 77th Street and MacAllister Avenue, as they are badly in need of gravel. The Board replied they are aware of the problem and will discuss it with Maintenance man Edward. Greninger. Edward Greninger said that the roads in need of gravel are Nashua Avenue South from County #39 to 77th Street, 77th Street west to MacAllister Avenue and MacAllister Avenue South to County #37. Kadler Avenue South to 70th Street and 70th Street from Kerner Avenue to County #19, and 70th Street from County #19 East to MacIver Avenue and Kadler Avenue from flounty #39 to 85th Street. Motion by William Schul7 to advertise for bids for the furnishing and hauling of 4000 yards (Approximately) of class 5 gravel out of stockpiled gravel on roads to be specified by the Town Board, hauling to be completed by September 1, 1983. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, Passed unanimously. Motion by Floyd Roden to permit the Otsego 4 -leaves 4-H club to use a cupboard in the Town Hall basement to store their materials. Seconded by William Schu17, Passed unanimously. Gerrit Hoogenraad was requested to appear at the Town Board meet- ing regarding a temporary permit he has for a mobile home of less than 800 sq ft that expired on July 1, 1983, but he failed to appear. Motion by William Schulz to postpone reveiwing Lani Will's wages until the next meeting when she would be present. Seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. Proceeding as a Board of Audit, the Town Board audited and allowed vertified accounts Nos. 163 to 197, inclusive On motion, the meeting adjourned. Attest: