01-16-1984 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego Clerk; Lewis Pouliot, present. The meeting was called to order by Chai n Floyd Roden. The minutes of the January 3, 1984, Town Board meeting were approved as read. Wayne Hillukka appeared before the Board in regards to his op- erating a car repair business on a residential lot. He stated that the person who was doing the car repairing has left and is no longer going to be operating a repair business. He said that the cars on the lot will be removed as soon as weather permits. The Board re- quested that he have the cars removed by February 1, 1984. David Plude appeared before the Board to say he is interested in putting a retail business in a building owned by Warren Phillips in Mississippi Shores 6th Addition. He is interested in a Radio Shack dealership. The Board stated they had no objections and re- quested that he appear before the Otsego Planning Co:pission at their next meeting and present his request to them. Gene Jasukula, a supervisor in Woodland Township appeared be- fore the Board to explain the type of contracts (fire) Woodland Town- ship has. Four fire departments serve Woodland Township- Waverly, Montrose, Winsted, and Watertown. The Township proposed a contract with each department based on a per unit served basis, a unit being a residence or farm. Winsted Charges $22.00 per unit, Waverly and Montrose $20.00 per unit and Watertown $30.00 per unit. This is a yearly charge and there is no other contract charge and no run charge. The residents of the Township decide which Fire Department they want service from, the unit charge for the department they choose is add- ed to their taxes, collected by the County Auditor, and the County Auditor forwards the money collected to the Township and the Township pays the respective departments. Winsted now has a Fire Board made up of one elected official from each municipality served and one appointed member from each municipality. The appointed members have voting power, the elected officials act as advisors. This Fire Board determines the unit rate by how much the operating expense was for the preceding year. Bill Radzwill, Township Attorney, met with the Town Board to discuss the road changes contemplated by the City of Albertville. The City of Albertville has purchased the land in Coot lot 10, Sec- tion 36, Range 24, and intends to build a Sewage Disposal Plant on the land. They have expressed an intention to vacate the Township Road on the North side of I-94 in the City of Albertville. The City has indicated they would build a new road along the East and South side of the land they purchased. The other alternative would be to extend MacIver Avenue along the Section tine between Section 36, Range 24, and Section 31, Range 23. This road would connect with County Road #37. The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 16th day of January, 1984, at 8:00 p.m. Floyd Roden, Chairman; Douglas Lindenfelser and Will- iam Schulz, Supervisors; Lani Will, Deputy Treasurer; and Jerome Perrault, Clerk were State, of Minnesota Continuation of January 16, 1984 meeting County of Wright Page 2 Town of Otsego This route would require the City of Albertville purchasing right- of-way from Otsego Township. The Board will meet with the City of Albertville to discuss the road proposals and requested Mr. Radzwill to attend the meeting also. On motion the meeting adjourned. SUPERVISORS: ATTEST: Jerome Perrault, Clerk