02-06-1984 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 6th day of February, 1984, at 8:00 p.m. Floyd Town of Otsego Roden, Chairman; Douglas Lindenfelser and Will- iam Schulz, Supervisors; Lani Will, Deputy Clerk; and Jerome Perrault, Clerk, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Floyd Roden. The minutes of the January 16, 1984, Town Board meeting were approved as read. James Lefebvre appeared before the Board to request rezoning 20 acres of an 80 acre farm he has a purchase agreement on. The farm is located in Section 33, Range 23, and the 20 acres he wishes to rezone into 5 acre residential parcels are wooded. The Otsego Planning Commission rejected the request as it did not meet the re- quirements of the Township Comprehensive Plan. Motion by Floyd Roden to table action on the request of James Lefebvre until the next Town Board meeting. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. David Plude appeared in regard to his request to put a retail business in part of the building housing Riverview Liquorette, in Mississippi Shores 6th Addition. Motion by William Schulz to grant David Plude a Conditional Use Permit to put in a retail business, a Radio Schack dealership, in part of the building owned by Warren Phillips in Mississippi Shores 6th Addition. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unaimously. The Town Board discussed renewal of the Fire Protection Contract with the City of Monticello. The City of Monticello has offered 3 options to renewing the contract. Option 1 calls for a standby contract fee of $1250.00 per year with a fire department call charge of $200.00 for the first hour and $100.00 for each additional hour. Option 2 calls for a standby contract fee of $850.00 per year and a fire department call charge of $400.00 per hour for the first hour and $200.00 per hour for each additional hour. Option 3 calls for a standby contract fee of $1600.00 per year and no additional charge for fire department calls. Motion by William Schulz to renew the Fire Protection Contract with the City of Monticello for one year and accept Option 2 which calls for a standby contract fee of $850.00 and a fire department call charge of $400.00 per hour for the first hour and $200.00 per hour for each additional hour. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. By telephone call, the Town Board arranged to be on the Agenda of the City of Albertville Council Meeting at 7:30 p.m. on February 21, 1984 to discuss the change in the Township Road that runs diagonal across Government lot 10, Section 36, Range 24. The City of Albert- ville wishes to vacate the present road to put in their new sewage disposal system. Motion by Floyd Roden to postpone the 2nd meeting in February from February 20 to February 27 as February 20 is a legal holiday. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. The Town Board appointed the following people to serve as election judges for the Annual Town Meeting on March 13, 1984: Continued on Page 2. State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego Town Board Meeting - February 6, 1984 Page 2 Lewis Pouliot Stella Lefebvre Marie Corbin Germaine Beaudry Olive Kolles Sharon Berning Kelly Bistodeau Carol Weidenbach Marion Alexander Della Anderson Judy Roden Proceeding as a Board of Audit, the Town Board audited and allowed verified accounts numbers 413 to 455, inclusive. On motion the meeting adjourned. SUPERVISORS: ATTEST: Jerome Perrault, Clerk