02-27-1984 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 27th day of February, 1984, at 8:00 p.m. Floyd Town of Otsego Roden, Chairman; William Schulz and Douglas Lindenfelser, Supervisors; Lani Will, Deputy Clerk; Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer; and Jerome Perrault, Clerk, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Floyd Roden. The minutes of the February 6, 1984, Town Board meeting were approved as read. First item on the agenda was a discussion of the proposed road change contemplated by the City of Albertville. Their plans are to vacated the Township Road running diagonal across Government lot 10, in Section 36, Range 24, to make room for their new sewage dis- posal system. The Albertville City Council was present along with their Attorney Gary Meyer. Mr. Meyer presented a waiver dated March 16, 1981, and signed by the Town of Otsego that the Township had no objections to the annexation of Government Lot 10. The Town Board questioned the waiver as the Town Board minutes of a Town Board meet- ing held March 16, 1981, stated the request for approval of the an- nexation was tabled. Mr. Meyer said that the City is willing to pay the Township for maintaining the road since the annexation but has not been billed since March, 1982. Thor Meyer presented the maps of the road the City of Albert- ville proposes to build on the east and south side of Government lot 10. They intend to place the road entirely on City land just inside the section line between Section 36, Range 24 and Section 31, Rapge 23, then west along the south side of their land. The Town Board said they would prefer the road be on the Section line as it would be a straight road if it were to continue to meet County #37. David Eide, the owner of the nursery on the land in Section 36 and Section 31 just north of County Road #37 was present at the meeting and said he was apposed to the road being extended along the Section line to County Road #37. He said he could see where it would be a benefit to Otsego residents but it would be detrimental to his nursery business. Especially at this time as the trees on the land will not be ready to harvest for two more years. In the future he could see a benefit by building the road but not at the present time. Mr. Zimmer, who owns the farm in Section 31 just across from Government lot 10 said he would agree to the road being placed on the Section Line if the drain tile line from his farm across Govern- ment Lot 10 to Mud Lake would not be damaged. Thor Meyer said that any tile across Government Lot 10 that are damaged would be repaced. Charles Christian appeared before the Board to discuss his plans for developing Outlot A of Deerfield Acres. He is planning on put- ting in 29 lots. Deerfield Acres is within the area designated as residential by the Township Comprehensive Plan as is zoned R-1 which allows for lot size from 1 to 2 2 acres. The Board advised him to present his plans to the Otsego Plan- ning Commission for their consideration. The Town Board discussed the per-unit charge for Fire Depart- ment Contracts. the per-unit charge would replace the standby Con- tract Charge and the run charges. State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego Continuation of February 27, 1984, Town Board Meeting. Page 2. The Board will bring up the subject at the Annual Town Meeting for discussion and will request Assessor Andrew Merges to determine how many units there are in the Township, a unit being a residence or farm. On motion, the meeting adjourned. SUPERVISORS: ATTEST: Jerome Perrault, Clerk