03-05-1984 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego Clerk; Lewis Pouliot, present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Floyd Roden. The minutes of the February 27, 1984, Town Board meeting were approved as read. Ralph Lavedure and Roddy Winter appeared before the Board to request a lot line adjustment. They own a 96 acre tract in Section 35, Range 23, along Highway #101. The tract is divided into 3 lots at present. Their plans are to have the same number of lots (3) but they wish to change the lot lines. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to approve the lot line adjustment for Ralph Lavedure and Roddy Winter. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. John Darkenwald appeared before the Board to request a Conditional Use Permit to put in a Food -n -Fuel store in part of a 6000 sq ft building he wishes to build at the S.E. corner of the junction of Highway #101, County Road #36 and #130. The used car lot presently located on the site is proposed to be moved to the N.W. corner of the intersection of Highway #101 and County Road #130 and #36. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to approve John Darkenwald's request to re -locate the 3500 sq ft used car lot on the N.W. corner of the intersection of Highway #101 and County Road #130 and #36. (on the north side of County Road #130). Seconded by William Schulz passed unanimously. Motion by Floyd Roden to grant John Darkenwald a Conditional Use Permit to put in a 1800 sq ft Food -n -Fuel store in a 6000 sq ft build- ing at the S.E. corner of the junction of Highway #101 and County Roads #130 and #36, the use of the balance of the building to be de- termined later. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Russ Loman and Margaret Nemick appeared before the Board to complain about the neighbors dogs running on`'their property. The dogs have been picked up twice by the dog catcher and the owner has been fined twice but the dogs continue to run. The Board will go out and talk to the owner of the dogs and if this fails to solve the problem, the sheriff will be called. Motion by Floyd Roden to send Gwen Bateman a letter giving her the right to handle as she sees fit the dogs brought to the Monticello Dog Pound from Otsego Township. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. Rollie Lindenfelser appeared before the Board to request a permit to sell 5 acres with the present buildings, then sell another 5 acre lotand then build a home on the remainder of a 40 acre farm he has in the N. W. of the N .W .k of Section 34, Range 24. The Board requested him to present his plans to the Otsego Planning Com- mission for their consideration. Charles Christian appeared before the Board in regard to his developing Outlot A of Deerfield Acres. He has talked to the Zoning Administrator and he wants 3 perk tests and soil borings taken in the area. The Zoning Administrator also suggested chosing the build- ing site on each lot before selling the lots to better position the wells and septic tanks. The Board also suggested locating the build- ing sites so the lots could possibly be sub -divided in the future. Motion by William Schulz to table consideration of the develop- ment of Deerfield Acres Outlot A until the next Board Meeting when information of the. soil borings and perk tests would be available. The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 5th day of March, 1984, at 8:00 p.m. Floyd Roden, Chairman; William Schulz and Douglas Lindenfelser, Supervisors; Lani Will, Deputy Treasurer; and Jerome Perrault, Clerk; were State of Minnesota Continuation of the March 5, 1984 Meeting County of Wright Page 2 Town of Otsego Seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. The Board discussed with Ed Greninger the problem of people cutting the corner on the service road by the Tom Thumb Store on the service road approaching County #39. The Board considered widening the curve as it approaches County Road #39. The Board will talk to the County Engineer to get his suggestion on how to solve the problem. The Board at this time reviewed employees contracts for the com- ing fiscal year. Lani Will's contract calls for $5.00 per hour, Workman's Comp- ensation Coverage, and 4 paid Holidays - New Years, July 4, Thanks- giving, and Christmas. Motion by William Schulz to increase her paid Holidays to six and include Memorial Day and Labor Day, based on 6 hour days. Seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. Motion by Floyd Roden to increase her hourly wage from $5.00 per hour to $5.25 per hour. Seconded by William Schulz. Passed unanimously. Gordon DeMar's present contract calls for $6.25 per hour, Work - mans Compensation coverage, and paid holidays. Motion by William Schulz to increase his paid holidays to six and include Memorial Day and Labor Day. Seconded by Douglas Linden- felser, passed unanimously. Motion by William Schulz to increase Gordon DeMar's wages from $6.25 per hour to $6.55 per hour. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Edward Greninger's present wage is $9.80 per hour, 4; paid Holi- days (New Years, July 4, Thanksgiving and Christmas), Workmans Comp- ensation coverage and Medical Insurance at a rate of $290.00 per quarter, $1160. per year. Ed Greninger submitted a proposal requesting a $2.00 per hour pay increase, more paid Holidays and overtime pay for over 40 hours per week. Motion by William Schulz to increase Ed Greninger's paid holi- days to six and include Memorial Day and Labor Day. Seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. Motion by William Schulz to pay Ed Greninger time and a half for work necessary on Sundays. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Motion by William Schulz to table consideration of Edward Gren- inger's hourly wage and other wage contracts until the next Board meeting. Seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. The Board will present the Per Unit method of paying for Fire Protection Contracts to the residents at the Annual Town Meeting. Lani Will has researched the number of units in the Township and determined that according to present areas served - Elk River has 690 units, Albertville 232 units, and Monticello 73 units. On motion, the meeting adjourned. SUPERVISORS: ATTFGT o Jerome Perrault. Clerk