03-19-1984 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this
County of Wright 19th day of March, 1984, at 8:00 p.m. Floyd
Town of Otsego Roden, Chairman; William Schulz and Douglas
Lindenfelser, Supervisors; Jerome Perrault,
Clerk; Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer; and Lani Will, Deputy Clerk, were
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Floyd Roden. The
minutes of the March 5, 1984, Town Board meeting were approved as
Douglas Lindenfelser took his oath of office as supervisor.
Jerome Perrault took his oath of office as clerk.
Douglas Lindenfelser was elected Chairman of the Board for the
ensuing year.
Charles Christian appeared before the Board to discuss his develp-
ment of Outlot A of Deerfield Acres. He had a map of the area com-
plete with soil borings and perk tests. The Board advised him they
would like to have the Otsego Planning Commission have another look
at the plans before reaching a final decision.
Motion by Floyd Roden to table action on the development of
Outlot A of Deerfield Acres at this time. Seconded by William Schulz.
Passed unanimously.
Paul Schneider of Minneapolis appeared before the Board to say
that he is interested in a ten acre site at the S.E. corner of the
junction of 85th Street and Nashua Avenue. The site has two houses
as well as a barn and quonset building on it. He plans to use the
quonset building and barn to store tires. Board advised him there
is some question whether the site is 10 or 20 acres and requesting
him to clarify with the present owner how many acres are in the tract
and to appear before the Otsego Planning Commission on April 5, 1984,
to present his request to them.
Motion by Floyd Roden to approve and sign the dog Impounding
Contract with the City of Monticello. Seconded by William Schulz,
passed unanimously.
Motion by Floyd Roden to reconsider Gordon DeMars wage contract,
Passed unanimously.
Motion by William Schulz to raise Gordon DeMars wage from $6.25
per Hour to $6.90 per hour for the fiscal year. Seconded by Douglas
Lindenfelser, passed unanimously.
Motion by Floyd Roden to pay Gordon DeMars for all legal holi-
days and time and a half for work necessary on Sundays. Seconded
by William Schulz, passed unanimously.
Motion by Floyd Roden to leave Ed Greningers paid holidays at
6 and pay time and a half for work necessary on Sundays as decided
at the last meeting. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously.
Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to leave Ed Greningers paid
holiday at 3 weeks per year. Seconded by William Schulz, passed
Motion by William Schulz to raise Ed Greningers wages from $9.80
per hour to $11.00 per hour. Seconded by Floyd Roden.
Motion by William Schulz to retract the previous motion. Second-
ed by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously.
State of Minnesota Page 2
County of Wright Meeting of March 19, 1984.
Town of Otsego
Motion by Floyd Roden to raise Ed Greningers wages from $9.80
per hour to $11.15 per hour. Seconded by William Schulz, passed
Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to raise the Clerks salary from
$140.00 to $160.00 per month, including the first meeting of the month
and $35.00 per meeting for each additional meeting attended. Seconded
by William Schulz, passed unanimously.
Motion by William Schulz to raise Treasurer Lewis Pouliots
salary from $65.00 to $80.00 per month. Seconded by Douglas Linden-
felser, passed unanimously.
Motion by William Schulz to pay the Deputy Constable $20.00 per
meeting requested to attend and $4.50 per hour for Election Days.
Seconded by Floyd Roden, passen unanimously.
Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to pay election judges $4.00 per
hour and the chief election judge $4.50 per hour. Seconded by
William Schulz, passed unanimously.
Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to raise the Supervisors hourly
rate from $5.50 to $6.50 per hour. Seconded by William Schulz,
passed unanimously.
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
ATTEST: Jerome Perrault, Clerk