06-18-1984 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this Count of Wright 18th day of June, 1984, at 8:00 p.m. Douglas Town of Otsego Lindenfelser, Chairman; William Schulz and Floyd Roden; Supervisors; Lani Will, Deputy Clerk; and Jerome Perrault, Clerk, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Douglas Lindenfelser. The minutes of the June 4, 1984, Town Board Meeting were approved as read. Mark Sieg appeared in regard to a variance to build a storage building larger than 800 sq ft. He said the Otsego Planning Commission and the County Zoning Administrator have approved a 1200 sq ft building instead of the 1800 sq ft building he had originally requested. Motion by Floyd Roden to approve a variance for Mark Sieg to build a 1200 sqft building for personal storage. Seconded by Doug- las Lindenfelser, passed. Tim Peterson appeared in regards to a complaint that he had tires stored on a residential lot in Otsego Acres along County Road 37. He said his plans are to store the tires in a building and build a fence to shield the tires and build from view. He also plans to build a garage for 2 milk trucks that he owns. The County Zoning Administrator has advised him that he needs a Conditional Use Permit to store tires on the lot. The Town Board will meet with Mr. Peterson at his lot to make a site inspection and review his plans. The matter of a driveway would have to be disceussed with the County as Odean is a County Highway. Mrs. Tom Christian and Melvin Beaudry appeared in regard to her request to rezone a 5 acres lot with a house on it located accross County Road 39 from the Tom Thumb Store. She wishes to rezone from Agricultural to Business or Commercial with the intention of building an addition on the house and converting it to a Beauty Salon and Office Building. This does not comply with the Township Comprehen- sive Plan. The Otsego Planning Commission has turned down the re- quest for this reason. Motion by William Schulz to table consideration of the request of Mrs. Christian at this time. Seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. James Hackenmueller and John Roebeck appeared in regard to a request to divide 14 acres into 2 tracts with the intention of build- ing a house on each tract. The 14 acres is located in the SW14 of Section 34, Range 24. The Otsego Town Board has already approved the division but the Wright County Planning Commission was not sat- isfied because their original plan called for one driveway for the 2 lots. They have revised their plan and will re -appear before the County Planning Commission. Our residents of 91st Street in Great River Acres appeared be- fore the Board to present a petition signed by 75% of the residents of 91st Street requesting that 91st Street be blacktopped. Motion by Floyd Roden to table action on the request to black top 91st Street until the project can be researched and the Town Board can consult an engineer. Seconded by William Schulz, passed unanimously. State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego Town Board Meeting June 18, 1984 Page 2 Larry Larson and some other residents of Ogren Avenue in the Halls Addition appeared in regard to water ponds along Ogren Avenue. The water level keeps rising and it flooding lots and basements. The Town Board will go out and check the situation before deciding what action should be taken. Motion by Floyd Roden to conduct a'Hearing on the Otsego Comp- rehensive Plan at 9:00 p.m, on July 16, 1984. Seconded by Doug- las Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. On motion, the meeting adjourned. SUPERVISORS: ATTEST: Jerome Perrault, Clerk emmaysamposOotmaemsagamIrasiatmaIMOma .1101110.1011