09-10-1984 Special Meeting MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 10 day September, 1984; at 8:00 p.m. Douglas Town of Otsego Lindenfelser,'Chairman; Floyd Roden and Norman Freske, Supervisors; Lani Will, Deputy Clerk; and Jerome Perrault, Clerk, were present. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the per-unit charge system of fire protection contracts with Albertville, Monticello, and Elk River. Attending the meeting representing the City of Albertville were Donald Berning, Clerk; Loretta Roden, Mayor; and Kenneth Wacker, Councilman. Donald Berning explained that the City of Albertville spends on the average over the past 6 years 25 to 30% of the fire department time on fire calls in Otsego Township. Based on an operating cost""of $18,500.00 per year, the cost per year for Otsego Township's share would be approximately $4,600.00. The part of Otsego served by Albertville has 203 units with buildings and 124 empty lots. After discussion the Board tentatively considered a. unit charge of $5.00 per unit for empty lots and $23.00 per lot or farm with buildings for the Albertville service area. The City of Monticello did not send a representative to the meet- ing but did submit a summary statement of their operating costs per year and the time spent in Otsego Township and figures on what would be Otsego's share of their operating expense. According to the Fest five year average, the Monticello Fire Department spends about 4% of its time in Otsego. Based on this percentage, Otsego's cost per year of the total fixed cost of $29,976.00 would be approximately $1,175.00 per year. In addition the City of Monticello averages 1 fire calls per year in Otsego Township. Based on 84 lots with buildings and 107 empty lots in the Monticello Protection Area, the Board tentatively estimated the per unit charge for the Monticello Protection Area at $19.00 per lot with buildings and $5.00 per lot for empty lots. The City of Albertville has not yet submitted a summary of their operating costs and what Otsego Township's share would be. On motion the meeting adjourned. SUPERVISORS ATTEST: Jerome Perrault, Clerk