10-01-1984 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 1 day of October, 1984, at 8:00 p.m. Douglas Town of Otsego Lindenfelser, Chairman; Floyd Roden and Norman Freske, Supervisors; Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer; Lani Will, Deputy Clerk; and Jerome Perrault, Clerk, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Douglas Lindenfelser. The minutes of the September, 17, 1984, Town Board Meeting were ap- proved as read. Engineer Pete Raatikka gave a progress report on the Great River Acres road project. He said plans are to lay the bituminous surface ,on Thursday of this week. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to have the Assessment Hearing on the Great River Acres bituminous surfacing on November 5, 1984, at 8:00 p.m. Seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. The proposed per unit charge Fire Protection Contract system was discussed by the Town Board. The City of Albertville has indi- cated they would be willing to serve sections 14 & 15, 10 & 11, all in Range 24 that are currently served by the City of Monticello and also Section 13, Range 24, and Section 19, Range 23, that are currently served by the City of Elk River. If the City of Albertville proposal was acceptable to the City of Monticello, it would eliminate the need of having a contract with the City of Monticello. .The Board discussed the possibility of having a meeting attended by representatives of all three cities to discuss areas to be served by each. No definate date for the meeting was set. The City Administrator has not given the Board an exact figure on what the City of Elk River would charge per year for fire protection but has estimated it to be $15,000 to $19,. 000.00 per year. Under the present system of the Contract bassed on assessment valuation and run charges the Township has been paying the City of Elk River approximately $14,000.00 per year. Motion by Floyd Roden to postpone a decision on the per-unit fire contracts until the next meeting. Seconded by Norman Freske, passed unaimously. The Town Board appointed the following people to serve as election judges for the General Election on November 6, 1984: Shirley Tulki, Marie Corbin, Judy Roden, Sharon Berning, Olga Roskaft, Joy Swenson, Carol Weidenbach, Marion Alexander, June Fenstra, Stella Lefebvre, Della Anderson, Mary Greninger, Marilyn Lefebvre, Betsy Vetsch, Lewis Pouliot, Ernest Barthel, Germaine Baeudry, Jean Bob- endrier, Joann Martin, Jacque Rognli, Viola Lundwehr, Erma Ruprecht, Maxine Davis, Martina Beaudry, Mrs, Fabian Sadowski, Lani Will, Kelly Bistodeau. On motion, the meeting adjourned. SUPERVISORS: ATTEST: Jerome Perrault, Clerk