11-05-1984 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 5 day of November, 1984, at 8:00 p.m. Douglas Town of Otsego Lindenfelser, Chairman; Floyd Roden and Norman Freske, Supervisors; Jerome Perrault, Clerk; Lani Will, Depty Clerk; and Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Douglas Lindenfelser. The minutes of the October 15, 1984, Town Board Meeting were approved as read. Keith Evenson appeared in regards to his application for a home extended business of lumber salvage. The Board informed him they have already approved the business providing there is no objection from the neighbor who is closer than 500 feet. Stewart Turnquist appeared to request an expansion of an exsist- ing Conditional Use Permit to expand the Riverwood Conference Center. He wishes to enlarge the kitchen area by 600 sq ft, build an enclosed patio of 360 sq ft, and build a second story on the building of 1260 square feet. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to approve expansion of Stewart Turnquist's exsisting Conditional Use Permit to enlarge the kitchen area by 600 sq ft, build an enclosed patio of 360 sq ft, and build a 1260 sq ft secondd story on the building. Seconded by Norman Freske passed unanimously. Stewart Turnquist also requested a lot line adjustment to permit him to buy three acres from his neighbor who owns a seventeen acre lot just north of the Riverwood Conference Center. The land in question is basically a wooded hillside located in the NE3 of Section 14, Range 24. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to approve the lot line adjustment request of Stewart Turnquist. Seconded by Norman Freske, passed un- animously. Pete Merges and the proprietor of the Heidelberg Inn in Albert- ville appeared to request a permit to paint an advertising sign on the end of Pete Merge's barn advertising the Heidelberg Inn. Pete Merges lives along I-94 just West of Labertville. Motion by Norman Freske to approve a permit for an advertising sign on Pete Merges' barn. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Richard Saatoff appeared to request a Conditional Use Permit for a taxidermy business as a home occupation. He plans to use his basement forthe business. He lives at 14681 NE 84th Street. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to approve the permit applica- tion of Richard Saatoff for a home occupasion taxidermy business. Seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. Helen Wilson appeared before the Board with a complaint that the Township maintenance man had mowed down new tree seedlings that she had planted along the edge of her farm along 85th Street. Her farm is located at the NE corner of the junction of 85th Street NE and County Road 37. She stated that the maintenance man had mowed down her trees. The Board advised her that they will meet with her at the site to check the damage that had been done. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to deny the request of Ed Palmer to rezone a single dwelling residence into a multiple dwelling residence. Seconded by Norman Freske, passed unanimously. State of Minnesota Town Board Meeting of November 5, 1984 County of Wright Page 2 Town of Otsego The City of Elk River has submitted their cost figures for the per-unit fire protection contract. Based on a four year average, the yearly cost for fire protection in the area of the Township served by the City of Elk River would be $17,557.20. This figure was based on 18% of their annual budget. Their annual operating cost is $67,800. plus an annual expense of $12,737. for equipment (based on a 20 year lifetime), an annual building cost of $10,223. and an annual administration cost of $6,780. The 18% figure was used because the Elk River Fire Department spends 18% of its total time on fire calls to Otsego Township. Based on 1117 units in the Elk River service area, the Board calculated that an annual unit charge of $16.00 would be needed to raise the $17,557.20. Motion by Norman Freske to pay the City of Elk River $16.00 per unit based on1117 units and the City of Albertville $14.00 per unit on 423 units for fire protection in 1985. Seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. Proceeding as a Board of Audit, the Town Board audited and allowed vertified account numbers 341 to 391, inclusive. On motion, the meeting adjourned. SUPERVISORS: ATTEST: Jerome Perrault, Clerk