05-21-1985 Board of Review MinutesState of Minnesota The Board of Review of the Town of Otsego met County of Wright this 21 day of May, 1985, at 8:00 p.m. Floyd Town of Otsego Roden, Chairman; Douglas Lindenfelser and Norman Freske, Supervisors; Jerome Perrault, Clerk; Andrew Merges, Township Assessor; and Mr. Krietlow, Wright County Deputy Assessor, were present. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Virnig appeared before the Board to say that the valuation of their lot has increased from $7000.00 to $10, 000.00 and their lot is now half flooded. The lot is in Halls Add- ition. Motion by Floyd Roden to reduce the value of their lot to $8,000.00. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Cecilia Moore appeared to say that her garage is valued too high. Her address is 9458 Park Avenue NE. Adrew Merges, Assessor, will go and check the garage. Duke Rasmussen of 15132 92nd Street NE, appeared to say he did not receive homestead rights on his lot in 1984. He will receive Homestead rights in 1985. The realtor did not change the title on his former property so he could not get homestead rights on two pro- perties. The Deputy County Assessor said that the realtor was in error because she did not change the title on his former property and he should contact her regarding her being liable for the differ- ence in the amount of tax. Peter Thompson, who owns a lot in Vasseurs Oak Grove 2nd Addi- tion, 8013 Ogren Avenue NE, appeared to say that he thought his lot was valued too high. He does not live on the lot and does not re- ceive Homestead. His lot and the mobile home are valued at $27,000.00 and he would be willing to sell it for $23,000.00. Andrew Merges explained that its valuation was comparable to other mobile homes in the same area. He will inspect the mobile home to see what condition it is in. Ray Vasseur appeared to say that he thought his 40 acre tract of agricultural land is valued too high. The Deputy County Assessor said an error was made and the value of the land should have been $32,500.00 instead of #39,000.00 as shown on his tax statement. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to lower the market valuation to $32,500.00 the same as last year. Seconded by Norman Freske, passed unanimously. Stewart Turnquist appeared to say that he thought the house he had purchased from Bob Saxon was valued too high. It is now valued at $23,500. Andrew Merges will check the condition of the house to see if the value is too high. Motion by Floyd Roden to give Cindy Olson homestead rights for the last half of 1984 and all of 1985. Seconded by Douglas Linden- felser, passed unanimously. On motion, the meeting adjourned. SUPERVISORS ATTEST Jerome Perrualt, Clerk