04-21-1986 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 21 day of April, 1986, at 8:00 p.m. Douglas Town of Otsego Lindenfelser, Chairman, Floyd Roden and Norman Freske, Supervisors, Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer, Lani Will, Deputy Clerk, and Jerome Perrault, Clerk, were present. The Meeting was called to order by Chairman Douglas Lindenfelser. The minutes of the April 7, 1986, Town Board Meeting were approved as read. Rehabilitation Specialist Barb Isaacson reported to the Board that Dr. Londer has been treating Gordon DeMars for heart problems and has placed him on medication for these problems. Dr. Londer plans to re-examine Gordon on May 8, 1986, to determine the result of the medication. She plans to attend the appointment and will be recom- mending a work program following results of the examineation. Motion by Floyd Roden to leave Gordon DeMars on a 4 hour per day, 20 hour per week schedule until May 19, when the Board will have more information on Gordon condition. Seconded by Norman Freske, passed unanimously. Next on the agenda was a discussion of the water problem in Halls Addition known as Halls Pond which is causing flooded lots and water filled basements. Kerry Saxton of the Wright County Soil and Water Conservation Department reported to the Board on the work they have done in the area of Halls Pond. He said the problem is caused by a high ground water table at the present time in addition to the surrounding area draining into the pond which is now about 12 acres in size. He said that the high ground water levels and high lake levels are a problem all over the State of Minnesotaright now. Engineer Pete Raatikkareported to the Board his findings on the possible drainage of Halls Pond. As this is a protected Wetland Area he has consulted the D.N.R. and they have authorized lowering the cur- rent level of the pond by three feet. His survey indicated there is sufficient fall to drain across Mississippi Shores to the Otsego Park and the Mississippi River. He said it would not be feasible to drain South toward Darkenwalds Lake as it would require the drain pipe to be up to 18 feet deep in some areas. He recommended a. 36 inch drain tile to take care of the heaviest rain fall that have occured in the last 100 years, at an estimated cost of $400,000. Douglas Lindenfelser asked what the estimated cost would be if an 18 inch tile were used. Pete Raatikka said the estimated cost would be about $225,000., however, a 36 inch tile would handle 4 times as much water as an 18 inch. One of the residents of the area said he thought at least 2 homes in the area have artesian wells and the overflow from these wells are also contrib- uting to the problem. Another resident of the area complained that the developer did not do enough research on possible water problems while although the area was relatively dry when the houses were built around 1980, she has pictures taken in the early 1970's which show high water in the area. Attorney Bill Radzwill explained assessement procedures in a water drainage problem such as this. He explained that because Otsego is an Urban Township, the Town Board has the authority to put in a drainage system and assess the cost to the benefiting property owners. He explained that the benefiting property owners could be assessed in proportion to how much they benefit and all would not be assessed alike. He explained that appraisers would have to do a study and make a de- termination of the amount of benefit for each home owner and that the assessment hearing can be held prior to the start of the project so that the residents will know what to expect and can voice their opinion State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego Town Board Meeting April 21, 1986 Page 2 as whether they wish to proceed with the project or not. In this case there could be over 300 homes that could be considered as benefiting property owners. Mr. Radzwi11 emphasized that the vote of the residents on the project would be only advisory and not binding and that the final say on the project would be up to the Town Board. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to have Engineer Pete Raatikka do a feasibility study on the drainage of Hall's Pond and the af- fected surrounding area. Seconded by Norman Freske, passed unan- imously. Engineer Pete Raatikka presented the Board with an updated version of a feasibility study he had done in 1981 for the bitum- inous paving of Page Avenue from Wright County Road 39 to 85th Street and then West on 85th Street to the exsisting bituminous surfaced street. The estimated costs and quantities for this project would be as follows: Bituminous Surfacing - 1100 ton $25,000.00 Class 5 Gravel - lump slim 12,000.00 Shaping and Subgrade correction - lump sum 5)500.00 Estimated Construction Costs $42,500.00 Contingencies, Engineering, Administrative. 8,500.00 Estimated Project Cost $51,000.00 Motion by Floyd Roden to have a Public Hearing on May 19, 1986 (in conjunction with the Town Board Meeting on that date) at 8:00 p.m. on proposed bituminous surfacing of Page Avenue from County Road 39 to 85th Street and then West on 85th Street to the exsisting bitum- inous surfaced street. Seconded by Norman Freske, passed unanimously. Mrs. Leonard Smith has two mobile homes on her property at lot 4,block 2,Vasseurs Oak Grove Estates 1st Addition. She was issued a permit fr a mobile home to replace the exsisting mobile home and the old mobile home was not removed. Motion by Norman Freske to authorize the Wright County Zoning Office to take legal action against Mrs Leonard Smith if the second mobile home is not removed by May 19, 1986. Seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. Motion by Floyd Roden to send a complaint to Harry Seidenkranz at 15407 NE 93rd Street to have all waste material, debris, and refuse cleaned off his lot or contained in a building. Seconded by Norman Freske, passed unanimously. Motion by Floyd Roden to have the Wright County Zoning Office take legal action against the owner of Lot 6, Block 2, Walesch Estates at 8143 NE O'Day Avenue for having 2 mobile homes on the lot. Seconded by Norman Freske, passed unanimously. On motion, the meeting adjourned. SUPERVISORS: ATTEST: Jerome Perrault, Clerk asecomeso