06-02-1986 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 2 day of June, 1986, at 8:00 p.m. Douglas Town of Otsego Lindenfelser, Chairman; Floyd Roden and Norman Freske, Supervisors; Lewis Pouliot, Treasurer; Lani Will, Deputy Clerk; William Radzwill, Attorney; Jerome Perrault; Clerk, and Larry Koskak, Engineer, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Douglas Lindenfelser. The first item on the agenda was a public hearing on a proposed storm drain system to lower the water level of Hall Pond in Hall's Addition. William Radzwill addressed the hearing on the proposed project. He said water problems are occuring not just here in Ot- sego Township but all over Wright County and that an attempt will be made tonight to solve the water problem either on a temporary or more permanent solution. He said people should keep in mind that only persons who benefit will be assessed for the permanent solution. Engineer Larry Koskak addressed the hearing concerning the pro- posed solution. He said approximately 840 acres drain toward the pond with the area of the pond being the lowest above sea level. There are two types of problems that contribute to the rising water problem, heavy rain runoff and high ground water level. He is recommending a 36 inch drain pipe so that it would be able to handle a 100 year storm and that it may be necessary to install laterals at some future date into the secondary area. He proposed assessing the primary drain- age area for an 18 inch drain pipe and the secondary area for the dif- ference in the cost of an 18" and the 36" drain pipe. The cost of an 18" would be approximately $225,000 and the cost of the 36" pipe approximately $433,000. A resident asked how deep the pipe would be buried under the road. The engineer said it would be 5 feet below the road grade. He also asked why the roads were not assessed and the engineer ex- plained that roads were tax-exempt. Edmund Martin asked what the elevation of the river was as com- pared to the elevation of the pond. The Engineer replied that the river was at 859 feet above sea level and the pond can be lowered to 869 feet above sea level. A resident of the area said that since laterals will eventually be needed to drain the area, he thought they should be included and assessed right away. A resident of Ogren Avenue asked what is a 100 year rain. The engineer explained that it is a 6 inch rain in 24 hours on top of ground that is already saturated. Mr Berg said that he and his wife have 33 acres of farmland in the primary drainage area (area A) and he does not have a water pro- blem but according to the Engineers pro() al he would be assessed $1506 per acre. Roger Bradkowski asked why he is in the primary drainage area when he does not livein,Halls Addition and does not have a water problem on his lot. Douglas Lindenfelser said that he felt a 18 inch pipe would be adequate to drain the area. A petition was presented to the Board by a group of residents of the secondary drainage area requesting that their names and lots be deleted from the benefiting area. Shirley Schmidt asked why the builders who developed the area. was not at the hearing and if he would be allowed to develop another problem area. State of Minnesota June 2, 1986 Town Board Meeting County of Wright page 2 Town of Otsego Stan Sawyer said that he lives in the primary area but will not benefit. Jacque Rognli made a comment that she does not have a problem but 2 houses away from her do have a problem and she feels she would benefit from having the pond drained because it would increase the value of the whole area. Fabian Sadowski said that he owns a 120 acre farm just south of the area and he didn't have a water problem until all the housing development occurred around him. Gil Darkenwald made the comment that he thought a combination of piping and an open ditch could be used to temporarily lower the pond. A resident who siad she lived in the area for the past 9 months and had served on a planning commission prior to moving here said that she felt neither the Wright County Planning Commission or the developers had done adequate research on the area before allowing the development to take place. Ingolf Roskaft asked the engineer if it were possible to pump the water to the ditch along County Road 39 and then have it run to the river. The engineer said further study would be needed to see if that were possible. William Radzwill said that the Army Corp of Engineers is doing a feasibility study on a temporary solution to lower the pond. Chairman Douglas Lindenfelser thought they should proceed with a temporary solution and start pumping if they can obtain the pump and piping. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to order the engineer to prepare plans and specifications for an 18 inch pvc storm sewer line and also a 24 inch storm sewer line. Seconded by Norman Freske, passed unanimously. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser that the hearing be recessed un- til a later date when more cost figures are available on both a perm- ament and temporary solution. Proceeding as a Board of Audit the Town Board audited and allowed vertified accounts numbers 115 to 143 inclusive. On motion t meeting adjourned. SUPERVISORS: ATTEST: Jerome Perrault, Clerk