06-06-1986 Emergency Meeting MinutesState of Minnesota An emergency meeting of the Town Board of the County of Wright Town of Otsego was held this 6 day of June, Town of Otsego 1986 at 9:30 a.m. to discuss a temporary sol- ution to the flooding in Halls Addition. Norm Freske and Floyd Roden, Supervisors; William Radzwill, Township At- torney; Dave Christenson, Army Corp of Engineers; Bruce Sunstrom, DNR Floodplain Hydrologist; Al Baert, Regional Co-ordinator for Em- ergency Services; Leonard Brisson of the Brison Pump Company; Wayne Fingalson, County Engineer; and Basil Schillewaert, Wright County Commissioner, and Jerome Perrault, Clerk, were present. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Norman Freske in the absence of Chairman Douglas Lindenfelser. Attorney William Radzwill conducted the meeting and called on Dave Christenson for a report on the study the Army Corp of Engineers had done on the possible pumping of halls pond. Mr Christenson said the Army Corp of Engineers recommended installing a pump on the north side of halls pond and pumping the water through pipes by way of three possible routes. Plan A would be to lay the pipe in a northest direction crossing County Road 39 justeast of Lorraine Locke's home (about 40 rods west of Page Avenue) and then to the Mississippi River. This plan would require closing County Road 39 while pumping is in progress. This would not be feasible because of the heavy traffic flow on County Road 39. The second plan would be to pump the water north to County Road 39 ditch and let the water flow in a north west direction along Co. Rd. 39 ditch to an exsisting 24 inch culvert and then through the culvert into an ag field on the north side of Co. Rd. 39. The third plan would be to pump the water thru pipes in a north- northwest direction thru the exsisting culvert under Co. Rd. 39 and then through pipes north accross the field to the river or through pipes alond the north side of Co. Rd. 39 until it reached a point where the Co. Rd. 39 ditch would carry the water to the river. Engineer Pete Raatikka advised that he would check the ditch a=, long the north side of Co. Rd. 39 to see if it could carry the water away and at what point it would be possible to use the ditch without pipes. Bruce Sandstrom said the DNR has a 12 inch pump with a Volks- wagon engine available that is now at Hinckley and a 12 inch power takeoff pump in the metro area also available. Wayne Fingalson, Wright County Engineer, advised that the Co. Rd. 39 ditch is not designed to take away water and the County Board would have to approve using the Co. Rd. 39 ditch to drain water a- way from a pump outlet. Any crossing of Co. Rd. 39 would require a permit from the County Board. Leonard Brisson advised that his company has pvc pipe and butyl pipe available. Butyl is more expensive but more efficient and easier to lay and pick up again. He has an 8 inch pump available for rent at $100.00 per day withoutwer unit. He prefers not to rent pipe. He said he could furnish 18' pvc pipe now and the same pipe could be used for the permanent drain system. Cost of 18" pvc pipe is $862 per hundred feet and comes in 13 foot lengths. In truckload lots of 975 feet the price would be $825 per hundred. Motion by Floyd Roden to postpone a decision on the pumping until further information is available, seconded by Norman Freske, passed. On motion, the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: Jerome Perrault, Clerk 0-7 4,%/..,L.,