06-16-1986 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 16th day of June, 1986, et 8:00 p.m. Douglas Town of Otsego Lindenfelser, Chairman; Floyd Roden and Norm Freske, Supervisors; Lani Will, Deputy Clerk; and Jerome Perrault, Clerk, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Douglas Lindenfelser. The minutes of the June 2, 1986, Town Board Meeting were approve PS read. Rehabilitation Consultant >r,Isaacson appeared before the Board and said that because Gordon DeMars is continuing to have some cardiac problems she recommended that he continue on the 6 hours per aay sched- ule until mid-July. The doctor has advised her he will be doing more stress tests on Gordon in early July. Motion by Floyd Roden to continue the work schedule of Gordon DeMars at 6 hours per day until mid-July. Seconded by Norman Freske, passed unanimously. Engineer Pete Raatikka presented the Board with the plans and specifications he has prepared for the bituminous surfacing of Page Avenue from County Road 39 south to 85th Street and then west on 85th Street to the exsisting bituminous paving. Motion by Floyd Roden to approve and accept the plans and specs for bituminous surfacing Page Avenue and 85th Street and to advertise for bids on the project with the bids to be received on or before 11 a.m. July 7, 1986. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed un- animously. Engineer Pete Raatikka presented the Board with a feasibility report for the emergency pumping plan for Halls Addition and the surrounding area. He presented the Board with 3 alternatives for pumping the water: Plan A would be to use a diesel generator and submersible pump with a capacity of 2000 gallons per minute. Estimated costs for the plan would be as follows: Piping $22,000 Pump & Generator Rental 4,400 Fuel 1,700 Labor for pumping 1,100 Ditch Cleaning & repairs 2,000 Easments, Engineering & Contingencies 8,000 TOTAL COST $39,300 This plan would require 18 days of steady pumping to remove 160 acre feet of water. Plan B would be to use a diesel generator and a submersible pump with a capacity of 1000 gallons per minute. Estimated costs for this plan would be as follows: Piping $16,900 Pump and Generator Rental 4,500 Fuel 1,000 Labor for pumping 2,200 Ditch cleaning and repairs 2,000 Easements, Engineering & Contingencies 8,000 TOTAL COST $34,600 This plan would require 36 days of steady pumping to remove 160 acre feet of water. Page 2 Town Board Meeting June 16, 1986 Plan C would be to use a power takeoff driven pump and a 60 h.p. tractor with a capacity of 2000 gallons per minute. Estimated costs for this plan would be as follows: Piping $16,900 Pump & Tractor Rental 19,800 Fuel 1,000 Labor for Pumping 6,500 Ditch Cleaning & repairs 2,000 Easements, Engineering & Contingencies 8,000 TOTAL COST $54,200 Engineer Pete Raatikka recommended using Plan B which would require a longer time to remove the water but would reduce the ero- sion in the drainage channel because of the lower volume of flow. Motion by Floyd Roden to forward a fee of $10.00 to the D.N.R. for the application permit to pump water out of Halls Pons. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Gwen Lapp appeared before the Board to request a. conditioni.l use permit to move in a garage. She lives in Beaudrys Addition along County Road 19. Motion by Norman Freske to approve the request of Gwen Lapp for a conditional use permit to move in a garage. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to deny the request of Donald Olson to use a mobile home for storage. Seconded by Norman Freske, passed unanimously. The Otsego Planning Commission had also denied this request. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to table the request of Joel Kolles for a road easement back to a proposed building site on a 1 per 40 break for lack of information. Seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. Motion by Floyd Roden to table action on the request of Roger Marx for a setback variance to build closer than 130 from County Road 122 until the Otsego Planning Commission has further considered it. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Stewart Turnquist appeared before the Board to request their approval of his application for an on sale liquor license for the Riverwood Conference Center. Motion by Norman Freske to approve the application of Stewart Turnquist for an on sale liquor license. Seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. Mr Turnquist will apply to the County Board for the on sale li- quor license. Motion by Norman Freske to purchase liability insurance for the dog catcher on condition that if he becomes self-insured the policy will be cancelled. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. On motion, t e meeting adjourned. SUPERVISORS ATTEST Jerome Perrault, Clerk