02-18-1987 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 18 day of February, 1987, at 8:00 p.m. Douglas Town of Otsego Lindenfelser, Chairman; Norman Freske, And Floyd Roden, Supervisors; Lard Will, Deputy Clerk; Jerome Perrault, Clerk; and Richard Cox, Attorney, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Douglas Lindenfelser. The minutes of the February 2, 1987, Town Board Meeting were approved as read. Bids for the sale of bonds for the storm drain project were re- ceived and opened at this time: The bond issue was for $415,000. Moore, Juran and Company, Inc - 6.0786% with a total interest cost of $194,516.75. American National Bank of St. Paul - 5.8402% with a. total interest cost of $185,310.00. Piper, Jaffrey and Hopwood - $6.3884% with a total interest cost of $204,420.40. Allison -Williams Company - 6.0035% with a total interest cost of $192,115. Motion by Floyd Roden to accept the bid of the First National Bank of St. Paul at 5.7970 with a total interest cost of $185,310. for $412,925 in bonds. Seconded by Norman Freske, passed unanimously. Motion by Norman Freske to appoint the American National Bank as registor for the 1987 bond issue. Seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. Motion by Norman Freske to have Attorney Richard Cox investigate the G. O. Bond issues of 1982, 1984 and 1985 to see if the bonds are recallable, and if so if they can be paid off and a lower interest rate be obtained. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Al Schwab appeared before the Board in regard to his application for a land alteration permit. Thw Right County Planning Commission has requested that no more fill be hauled in, the fill that has already been put in should be re -shaped and the iron that is protruding should be removed. Motion by Floyd Roden that Al Schwab preceed to remove the metal and any additional fill brought in would be contingent upon approval of the Wright County Planning Commission. Seconded by Douglas Linden- felser, passed unanimously. Sandy Waidelich appeared before the Board to request a conditional use permit to operate a beauty salon as n home occupation. She will be the sole operator with no employees except as a replacement for herself. She and her husband plan to purchase lot 2 block 4, Mississi- ppi Shores lit Addition. Motion by Norman Freske to approve a home occupation permit for a beauty salon with only one operator for Sandy Waidelich. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unaimously. Motion by Floyd Roden to have the Wright County Zoning Admini- strator take action to have the old tires removed from along the river just off county Road 36 (old Bill Bouley farm). Seconded by Norman Freske, passed unanimously. Proceeding as a Board of Audit, the Town Board audited and allowed vertified accounts numbers 512 to 518 inclusive. On Motion t e meeting adjourned. SUPERVISORS ATTEST Jerome Perrault, Clerk