06-01-1987 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this County of Wright 1st day of June, 1987 at 8:00 P.M. Norman Freske, Town of Otsego Chairman, Douglas Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden, Supervisors, Elaine Beatty, and Lani Will Deputy Clerks, James Barthel, Treasurer, and Jerome Perrault, Clerk, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske. Minutes of the May 18, 1987, Town Board Meeting were approved as read. Charles Axelson and Audrey Balfanz, Dog Catchers for the Town of Otsego, appeared before the Board to discuss Liability Insurance for the Dog Catcher Position. The Township has been billed $972.00 premium for the coming year for Liability Insurance. The Board asked if they had signed any contracts with the other Communities who had approached them for Dog Catcher service. They replied that none of the Communities had talked to them recently. They have received a permit to enlarge their kennel but have not started this project as yet. The Board asked them to check other Companies for Liability Insurance rates and also requested Elaine Beatty to check other Company rates. Virginia Bistodeau appeared before the Board to request a variance to split 2 acres and the existing house from a 30 acre parcel of Ag. land. The remaining 28 acres will remain Ag. land and be sold to her son, Mike. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to approve a variance for Virginia Bisto- deau to split 2 acres with the existing house from a 30 acre parcel of Ag. Land and the sale of the remaining 28 acres to her son Mike, contingent upon approval of the Otsego Planning Commission. Seconded by Norman Freske, passed unanimously. Jim Peterson presented the Board with a revised plat for the Flora Kolles Estate property. His plan now has 53 lots, but he feels that should be reduced to between 30 to 40 lots. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to approve rezoning the Flora Kolles Estate Property from R2A to R-1, Contingent upon approval of the Otsego Planning Commission. Seconded by Norman Freske, passed unanimously. Don Leuer Appraiser for the Storm Drain Project, appeared before the Board to discuss the Assessments for the Storm Drain Project. He has compiled a list of proposed assessments ranging from $2,700.00 per lot for the area closest to Halls Pond to $600.00 per lot for those lots on the West side of Co. 37. The Board advised they have approved rezoning 76 acres of Ag. land on the Kolles Farm to R-1 which would increa4e the Assessment valuation of the land. The Storm Drain Project cost $415,000.00, and it is the request of Board that it be 100% Assessed. The Board re- quested Engineer Peter Raatikka to prepare an Assessment Roll for the Storm Drain Project and tentatively set July 13, 1987 to meet with the Engineer to review the Assessment Roll. The Board received a petition from 10 residents of Packard Avenue from County 122 South to the Town Line requesting that Packard Avenue be bituminous surfaced. Motion by Floyd Roden to request Engineer Peter Raatikka to do a feasibility Study for bituminous surfacing Packard Avenue from County 122 South to the Town Line. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Mcition by Douglas Lindenfelser to send a complaint notice to Ilene Thackeray requesting her to remove the junk cars from her lot at 7867 O'Day Avenue by July 6, 1987. Seconded by Norman Freske, passed unanimously. Elaine Beatty notified the Board that Willard James has not complied with the notice to clean up the junk cars on his lot by June 1, 1987. The Board advised her to send him a second notice giving him another 30 days. Motion by Floyd Roden to request the following people to appear at the next Town Board Meeting to review their Temporary Use Permits: Gerrit Hoogenraad - Temporary Use Permit for under -sized Mobile Home State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego June 1, 1987 Town Board Meeting Page 2 to replace burned out Mobile Home. Thomas Klein - Temporary Use Permit for a Mobile Home that was to have been removed by September 1, 1982. Maxim Valerius - Temporary Use Permit for a Mobile Home while house was being constructed, was to be removed within a year or two. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Proceeding as a Board of Audit, the Town Board Audited and allowed Verified Accounts Numbers 108 to 142 inclusive. On Motion the meeting adjourned. SUPERVISORS ATTEST: Jerome Perrault, Clerk