06-08-1987 Public Hearing MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met County of Wright this 8th Day of June, 1987, at 8:00 P.M. Town of Otsego Norman Freske, Chairman, Floyd Roden and Douglas Lindenfelser, Supervisors, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk and Peter Raatikka, Engineer, were present. The Public Hearing on the Kadler Avenue Bituminous Project was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske. Engineer Peter Raatikka addressed the hearing on the proposed bituminous surfacing of Kadler Avenue from Co. 39 to the Mississippi River. Plans call for 4 inches of base gravel and a 3 inch mat put on in 2 - 1" layers. The mat will be 22' wide. Cost of the project is as follows: Bituminous $50,250.00 Class 5 Gravel 17;500.00 Shaping & Grading 9,500.00 Culverts & Restoration 6,700.00 Total Construction Cost 784,000.00 Contingencies, Engineering & Administrative 21,000.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST $1-05,000.00 Total Assessable Units 24 Assessed cost per unit 2,129.00 Annual Unit Cost for 10 years 317.22 Assessed Cost ($2,129.00 X 24) 51,096.00 Township share of cost 53,904.00 Elaine Norin asked who would benefit: Board replied that the residents who live on the road and the Public who use the road as an access to the river. The Board said because it is heavily used by the public the Township is paying for over half the cost. The Board said the reason they want to bituminous surface, the road is because it has been difficult to maintain because of heavy traffic. One resident asked what the weight limit would be. The Engineer said it was designed for 9 ton and should be at least a 7 ton road. Carl Swenson said that he has no driveway onto Kadler Avenue from his agricultural land and asked why he would be assessed. The Engineer said that the land would be considered as a buildable lot and access is available. Donald Greninger expressed the opinion that he thought the Board should consider grading up the road one year and putting on the black- top the following year. The Engineer said there will be a minimal amount of rebuilding done. The Board asked for a straw vote of the residents. Six voted in favor of the project, four were opposed. Elaine Norin urged the Town Board to be sure the project is done right. Motion by Doug] Lindenfelser to order plans and specifications for bituminous surfacing Kadler Ave. From Co. 39 to the Mississippi River. Seconded by Floyd Roden, Passed unanimously. On Motion, the hearing adjourned. SUPERVISORS ATTEST: Jerome Perrault, Clerk