06-15-1987 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of fte Town of Otsego met this 15th County of Wright day of June, 1987, at 8:00 P.M. Norman Freske, Town of Otsego Chairman, Floyd Roden, Supervisor, James Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, and Jerome Perrault, Clerk, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Norman Freske. Minutes of the June 1, 1987, Town Board Meeting were approved as read. John Darkenwald appeared before the Board to request a permit to move a house onto a Lot in Sec. 23, Range 23, Fronting on Co. 130. The house is now on the former Herbert Lindenfelser Farm. Motion by Floyd Roden to approve a permit for John Darkenwald to move a house. Seconded by Norman Freske and passed. Mr. and Mrs. James Becker appeared before the Board in regard to the Variance they requested to split 10-acres and the existing buildings from an 80 acre farm owned by her parents. The Town Board has approved the Variance, by the County Planning Commission advised them they had not received a comment sheet from the Town Board notifying them of their approval. The Town Board advised Mr. & Mrs. Becker that they will notify the Wright County Planning Commission of their approval of the split. Lance Klein appeared before the Board in regard to the mobile home he had purchased from Thomas Klein. The Klein mobile home was on the lot as a temporary use permit that has expired. Motion by Floyd Roden to approve a 2-year extension of the tempor- ary use permit for the Lance Klein mobile home. Seconded by Norman Freske and passed. Barb Diehm Appeared before the Board to request a permit to erect an advertising sign on the Arlyn Bajari farm just off I-94. The Otsego Planning Commission has approved the request. Motion by Floyd Roden to approve a permit for Barb Diehm to erect an advertising sigh, contingent upon meeting requirements of the Wright County Ordinance. Seconded by Norman Freske and passed. Donald Praught has a mobile home as a farm accessory, the permit for which is subject to renewal at this time. The Board will request him to appear at the next board meeting to verify the present use of the mobile home. Harold Vetsch has a mobile home as a farm accessory, the permit for wich is subject to renewal at this time. The Board will request him to appear at the next board meeting to verify the present use of the mobile home. The Wright County Planning Commission has turned down the request of Kenneth Davis and Raymond Davis to establish a 12 acre lot off a 382 acre parcel of ag. land. The County Zoning Administrator has now requested that the mobile home Raymond Davis is living in be removed as it is no longer a farm accessory. Motion by Floyd Roden that the Town Board meet with Wright County Zoning Administrator, Tom Salkowski regarding the Kenneth and Raymond Davis situation. Seconded by Norman Freske and passed. Motion by Floyd Roden that the Board do a site inspection of the Gerat Hoogenraad and Maxim Valerius mobile homes for which the temporary use permits have expired. Seconded by Norman Freske and passed. There is a mobile home on Lot 5, Block 4, Walesch Estates 2nd Add- ition that is on the lot with no permit. The Town Board will invest- igate the situation. Motion by Floyd Roden to investigate the dumping of stumps on a lot owned by Jim Hennum on Co. 19. Seconded by Norman Freske and passed. State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego June 15, 1987 Town Board Meeting Page 2 Motion by Norman Freske to Table action regarding complaints about Jeff Steckey's dogs barking and the Dog Ordinance as he did not appear at the Board Meeting. Seconded by Floyd Roden and pass- ed. Motion by Norman Freske to renew the Liability Insurance Policy for the Dog Catcher at $300,000 Coverage for a premium of $972.00 for one year. Seconded by Floyd Roden and passed. Motion by Floyd Roden to approve renewal of the off -sale liquor license for Riverview Liquorette owned by Warren and Judith Philips. Seconded by Norman Freske and passed. Motion by Floyd Roden to maintain the Albertville City Street from Zimmers to Hackenmuellers Store and West from Hackenmuellers Store to the private road between the lakes at a rate of $75.00 per hour. Seconded by Norman Freske and passed. Motion by Floyd Roden to request Gary Moehlmann, listed as the owner of Lot 6, Block 2, Mississippi Shores 4th Addition, regarding his operating a Home Extended Business without a permit. Seconded by Norman Freske and passed. Engineer Peter Raatikka presented the Board with a feasibility study for the bituminous surfacing of Packard Ave. from Co.122 South to the Town Line. Estimated Cost of the project $104,000.00 Bitiminous Surfacing $ 51,600.00 Class 5 Gravel 26,400.00 Shaping and Grading 5,200.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST 7 83,200.00 Engineering, Administrative & Contingencies $20,800.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST 104,0 U 0— ALTERNATIVE PLAN NO.L. Total Units Assessed Cost Per Unit Annual Cost Per Unit Assessed Share of Cost Township' Share of Cost ALTERNATIVE PLAN N0.2 Total Units Assessed cost Per Unit Annual Unit Cost Assessed Share Of Cost Township Share Of Cost 20 2,078.00 309.61 41,560.00 62,440.00 20 2,600.00 387.40 52,000.00 52,000.00 Motion by Floyd Roden to Table Action on the Packard Ave. bituminous project at this time. Seconded by Norman Freske and passed. Motion by Norman Freske to authorize Engineer Peter Raatikka to send a letter to Mr and Mrs. Robert Hanneman regarding water problems in their basement following water pumping. Seconded by Floyd Roden and passed. Motion by Floyd Roden to offer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hanneman $400.00 for damages to their basemant from water pumping. Seconded by Norman Freske and passed. On Motion the Meeting adjourned. SUPERVISORS