09-21-1987 Public Hearing MinutesState of Minnesota The Public Hearing on the proposed bituminous County of Wright surfacing of Packard Avenue from 70th Street to Town of Otsego 60th Street was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske at 8:00 P. M. September 21, 1987. Chairman Norman Freske, Supervisors Floyd Roden and Douglas Lindenfelser, Deputy Clerk Elaine Beatty, Clerk Jerome Perrault and Engineer Peter Raatikka were present Engineer Peter Raatikka addressed the Hearing. He said the Hearing was being held in response to a petition received by the Board requesting an upgrading and bituminous surfacing of Packard Avenue between 70th St. and 60th Street. There are 20 assessable units along the one mile road. The Total estimated cost of the project is as follows: Bituminous surfacing Class 5 Gravel Shaping and Grading Total Construction Cost Contingencies, Engineering and Administrative TOTAL PROJECT COST ALTERNATIVE N0.1 Total Assessed Units Assessed Cost Per Unit Annual Per Unit Cost Assessed Cost Townships Share of Cost ALTERNATIVE NO. 2 Assessed Cost Per Unit Annual Cost Per Unit Assessed Share of Cost Townships Share of Cost $ 51,600.00 26,400.00 5,200.00 7 83,200.00 $ 20,800.00 $104,000.00 20 $ 2,078.00 309.61 $ 41,560.00 $ 62,440.00 $ 2,600.00 $ 387.40 $ 52,000.00 $ 52,000.00 If the Project is approved, Construction will be done next summer. One resident of Packard Avenue said that there are numerous frost boils toward the South end of Packard and that would have to be dug out to do the job right and he did not think $5,000.00 for shaping and grading would be adequate. There was also a hill that should be cut down. Another resident said he had done a traffic count and calculated that 70% of the traffic on Packard Avenue is thru traffic. A vote was taken of the residents in attendance, one (1) vote per assessable unit. Six (6) voted in favor of the project Nine (9) voted against the project. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to turn the Packard Avenue bituminous surfacing project down. Seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. On Motion, the Hearing adjourned. SUPERVISORS: ATTEST: Jerome Perrault, Clerk eb