11-02-1987 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego rnet this 2nd County of Wright day of November, 1987 at 8:00 P. M. Norman Freske, Town of Otsego Chairman, Floyd Roden and Douglas Lindenfelser, Supervisors, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, James Barthel, Treasurer, and Jerome Perrault, Clerk, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Norman Freske. Minutes of the October 19, 1987 Town Board Meeting were approved as read. Jim Talbot appeared before the Board to request a Land Alteration Permit to prepare a site for a new home on PID #214-000-362400 in Section 36, Range 23, Township 121. He wishes to cut down some high spots left from previous excavating and fill in some low areas. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to alpprove a Land Alteration Permit for Jim Talbot, contingent upon approval of the Otsego Planning Commission. Seconded by Floyd Roden, Passed unanimously. Motion by Doug Lindenfelser to grant permission to Northwestern Bell to place buried telephone cable along Ochoa Avenue. (Job Order No. 17302). Seconded by Floyd Roden, Passed Unanimously. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to combine Tax Parcel Nos. 214-100- 151103 and 214-100-151104 owned by Adam M. Hines and Bonnie A. Hines into one lot for Zoning purposes. Seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to send a letter Lo Harold Reimer o2 8728 LaBeaux Avenue N. E. notifying him that he is in violation of the County Jrdinance by having a second residence on his property. S,_conded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to send a letter to Jerry Opay of 12111 80th Street N. E. notifying him that he is in violation of the County Ordinance for heying his son living in the garage on his Lot. Seconded by Floyd Roden, Passed unanimously. Motion by Norman Freske to appoint Nancy Duerr and Ing. Roskaft as Co -Chairpersons of the 1990 Census Program. Seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to send a letter to Mr. Alden of 6263 Quale Avenue N. E. in regard to his dog barking at night and enclose a portion of the Dog Ordinance pertaining to dogs disturbing the peace by barking. Seconded by Norman Freske, passed unanimously. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to send a notice to Wade Keller of 14436 N. E. 85TH St. N. E. ( Lot 8, Block 1, Vasseurs) to clean up the junk on his lot. Seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. Nancy Duerr and Ing. Roskaft reported to the Board on the results of a survey they had done of roadside advertising signs in the Township. The following signs were not in compliance with the County Ordinance. 1. Heavens Gate - A dog kennel on 95th St. 2. Richard Paffel 1722 N. E. 95TH ST. NE, Garden tilling - Sign too large. 3. James Daluge - Rabbits for sale - Sign too large. 4. River View Kennels - Junction of Co. 39 & Kadler Ave. Sign Too Large and possibly in road right -of way. 5. David Plude - 14817 N. E. 95TH St. - Blank sign - may be too large. 6. Richard LeFebvre - Storage Sign - Not in proper location Located on Hwy. 101. 7. Rick's Taxidermy - Sign too large 8. Poodle Grooming sign on Mark Plude's Property - 1st sign on Highway 101 on N. E. corner of lot - 2nd sign on Co. 122 East of Hwy 101 Signs may be in road right-of-way. 9. J. B. Auction Service - Col. Jeff Bartheld of 14018 N. E. 85th St. There are also cars being parked in field driveway just off Highway 101 between the Vernon Kolles and Mary Dare Baufield parperties and advertised for sale with a 428-4320 phone number. Motion by Norman Freske to send letters to the above listed people notifying them that there signs are not in compliance with the County State of Minnesota November 2, 1987 County of Wright - Page 2 - Town of 0tego Ordinance and enclose a copy of that part of the County Ordinance pertain- ing to advertising signs. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unan- imously. Edmund Martin appeared before the Board to discuss a Tand Alteration Permit. He has been putting fill on his Lot at 10226 Parrish Avenuc U. E. and was not aware that he needed a Land Alteration Permit. He is on the agenda of the Otsego Planning Commission this Thursday, November 5, 1987 and the Town Board and the Planning Commission will set up a site inspection following this meeting. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to replace a culvert under 70th Street near the Gary Greninger residence. Seconded by Floyd Roden, Passed unanimously. Proceeding as a Board of Audit, the Town Board Audited and allowed Verified Accounts Nos. 358 to 384 inclusive. On Motion the Meeting adjourned. SUPERVISORS: ATTEST: Jerome Perrault, Cierk eb