02-01-1988 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met County of Wright this 1st day of February, 1988 at 8:00 P.M. Town of Otsego Norman Freske, Chairman, Douglas Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden, Supervisors, James Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, and Jerome Perrault, Clerk were prestnt. The Meeting was called to order by Chairman, Norman Freske. Minutes of the January 25, 1988 Town Board Meeting were approved as read. The Riverwood Conference Center has been operating a Public Restuarant without a Conditional Use Permit to do so. Michelle Lavrenz, representing the Conference Center, appeared before the Board to say that the Conference Center has applied for an ex- pansion of their Conditional Use Permit, to include a Restuarant open tb the public. The reason for this expansion is to give their employees more stable hours during slack times for the Conference Center business. At present, they have a wine license and a set- up license, but not a liquor license. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to purchase an exhaust fan system from D. J.'s Heating and Air Conditioning for the Township garage with an 8" drop for the welding bench at a cost of $285.00 and 2 - 6 inch chimneys for the trucks @ $150.00 each. Seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. Motion by Floyd Roden to appoint the following people as possible election judges for the Annual Town Election: Marion Alexander Judy Roden Marie Corbin Della Anderson Joy Swenson Sharon Berning Maxine Davis June Fenstra Jacqui Rognli Germaine Beaudry Elaine Beatty Stella LeFebvre Carol Weidenback Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Richard Wolters, a New Technologies Engineer for the Minnesota Department of Transportation, addressed the meeting concerning the Department's plans to build a Cold Region Test Strip. The Department of Transportation is in charge of the Interstate System within the State as well as all State Highways. The Interstate System is now complete and Maintenance is now the problem. They are proposing to build a Cold Region Test Strip just North of the West Bound Leine of I-94 starting one mile West of Albertville and ending three miles East of Monticello. This Test Strip Lane will be used to test verious types of material for pavement repair and maintenance and West Bound Traffic will be routed over this lane from time to time. They are also proposing to build a second and shorter teststrip just North of the first test strip which will be used for special testing and the general traffic will not be routed over this strip. They will be needing a Servbe Road to bring material and trucks into the test area. They are proposing to upgrade and blacktop 70th Street from County #19 West to Kadler Avenue and from this point will be const- ructing an entire new blacktop road through the test area and connect- ing with Jalger Avenue. This new road will be constructed by the State Department of Transportation and turned over to the Township. They will also be constructing a building in the test area to store material and monitoring equipment. The Otsego land involved in the project is owned by Arlyn Bajari and Kenneth Zachman. The reason this particular area was chosen is because of a high -traffic area closefeas to the Twin Cities and The University of Minnesota, and this particular areaddoes not have a lot o5r,residential houses. The project will cost about $5,000,000.00 of which all funding has not State of Minnesota Town Board Meeting, February 1, 1988 County of Wright Town of Otsego - Page 2 - save millions by knowing which materials to use for repair and maintenance. Motion by Floyd Roden to obtain a seperate hookup and new phone number for the Town Garage. Seconded by Doug Lindenfelser, passed unanimously. Proceeding as a Board of Audit, the Town Audited and allowed Verified Accounts Numbers 506 to 530 inclusive. On Motion, the Meeting adjourned. SUPERVISORS: Douglas Lindenfelser Floyd Roden CHAIRMAN: Norm Freske ATTEST: Jerome Perrault, Clerk JP/eb February 1, 1988 Town Board Meeting COLD REGION PAVEMENT RESEARCH TEST FACILITY PRESENTED BY: Richard C. Ingberg, Research Administration & Des Engr. St. Paul Paul Richard 0. Wolters, P.E. New Technologies Engr. Ronald B. Bray, Dist. Pre -Design Engr. Brainerd, Minn. INTERSTATE SYSTEM: They are taking the Transportation System as a whole. No new pavement. How do we fix and repair and maintain ones being already built? How do we fix it? With What? It is much more difficult to repair than building a new pavement or road. Dollars are not there to keep everything up to standard as everyone would Our problems are different than Texas because of the warm andlike it. lem. A lot cold climates, coldis more bimprovements�fEtcanswers are not known how to take ofpavements, ASPHALT OVERLAY - blacktop concrete - howbt?in or thick should itUNIVERSITY - Aren't teaching treating existing conditions. I like to do the testing of materials in the field. Along with that, Minnesota has proposed a COLD REGION TEST FACILITY.0r OtOur problems and materials are different than other States. Countries Canada, Etc., are interested. Texas is the proposed HOT REGION pavement facility. Plan on putting together a program on pavement that we do not have today. PROJECT LOCATION: Wright County between Albertville & Monticello. The red line - Another additional West Bound ROADWAY: Approximately 3 -Miles east of Monticello to one (1) Mile West of Albertville. One of the benefits of Test Facility on the Interstate is that it would give us real time data (In a real life situation). Real traffic loading. We wouldn't have to hire people to run on a roadds where they normally wouldn't use it. That would accelerate the Phe ss. CONCEPTS AND OBJECTIVES: Intensive research at one spot.(instead of a shotgun pattern around the state). The project would be fully instrumented and monitored. It would cost one million dollars for this one section. (computer read out and weather package is part of that). ACCELERATED PROCESS: Quality enhanced - because of one project, will also include as time goes on a number of variables. This location has access by rail so over time we could get material by rail if need be. There will be a big emphasis on getting as much information as possible about our materials and how it reacts to frost. We are trying to get more exactness on that. Lots of material is trucked on roads. We will be doing pavement and envirmental research on snow and ice materials. Monitoring of water run-off, for example, lead. Also, do we mow, burn ohespray o'ssibilityweeds? areaseofcdu chwill elm incorporated for that. Also t p We would also rails, signs, TEST PADS: COLD REGION PAVEMENT RESEARCH TEST FACILITY NOTES - Page 2 - be able to study traffic marking materials, guard etc. to study unique garbage truck for instance, farm to market trucks, (are they better or worse?) We would like to show the trucking industry different configuration'' and exchange information in a more positive sense. REHABILITATION: Making an old pavement new or better. How do we make that old highway better? MAINTENANCE: Why do we get a pothole? What do we patch it with? AGENCIES THAT ARE INTERESTED IN THIS FACILITY: SHRP - Strategic Highway Research Program. We may have some test sections that would blend in. CRREL - Corps. Road Research Engineers LRRB - Minnesota Local Road Research Board - have some interest in facility. FHWA - Federal Highway Administration Superior National Forrest, University of Minnesota, and Industry - Tie we hope to get in on this. We would have some kind of a building site four equipment, Etc. a parallel access road proposed. It will have test sections for low volume use. Different soil types and different thicknesses. Traffic volume was another consideration. We wanted a location where we could make a gradual change onto another roadway that is there today. We would have construction activities going on every 5 years and some stockpiling. Designated as ®. Maybe we would repeat a section. The Test Pads would be to check out new trucks, Ready Mix, Farm -to -market trucks, Etc. Proposed traffic flow. (every 5 years it will change.) East bound stays East bound throughout the life of the project. We would have the results of these tests in a 5 year period. We hope to have 1989 construction started. We haven't full approval from Dept. or Federal Highway Administration yet. This plan is now our ideas we have tried to put on paper. The total initial cost would be 5 -million dollars. HIGH TECHNOLOGY. Computer medium, ag. mining, agriculture, tourism. This will add to high technoligy and visitors from all over, coming here. We cannot order pavement from anyplace other than here. We would have global use of this information. It will help to build the next generation of pavement expertise. BOTTOM LINE CONCLUSION: How this affects us: the Yellow is new addition west bound roadway. Low volume road loop on end because we can't have the general public driving on this. Kadler and Julger. We are pro- posing a new one mile Township road. The Green is the proposed Right -of -Way which may be involved. Five million dollars is the anticipated cost for the first stage to get it constructed in 1989. COLD REGION PAVEMENT RESEARCH TEST FACILITY NOTES - page 4 - The number one problem in Minnesota is freeze -thaw conditions. The Green on the Township road is right-of-way turned back to the Township. One Summer everyfive (5) years, they would be bring- ing material in for the project. TYPED FROM ELAINE BEATTY'S NOTES OF MEETING, Town Board Meeting eb 2/1/88.