03-17-1988 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego Treasurer, Elaine present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske. Minutes of the February 29, 1988 Town Board Meeting were approved as read. Floyd Roden as Supervisor and James Barthel as Treasurer took their Oaths of Office. Clerk Jerome Perrault took his Oath of Office before a Notary prior to the meeting. Norman Freske was re-elected Chairman of the Town Board for the coming fiscal year. Dr. David Gilgenbach appeared before the Board to request a Permit to build a Veterinary Clinic and small animal Hospital in Mississippi Shores 6th Addition, Lots seven (7) and Two (2), Block 1. He stated that he would comply with all setback and parking requirements. All animals will be contained inside the building. The building would be built on Lot seven (7) and Lot two (2), which he has also purchased, would be used for future expansion. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to approve a Conditional Use Permit for Dr. David Gilgenbach to build and operate a small animal veterin- ary clinic on Lot seven (7), Block one (1), Mississippi Shores Sixth Addition. Seconded by Floyd Roden. All Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Arlene DeCandia appeared before the Board in regard to the applicat ion of Riverwood Conference Center for an expansion of their Conditional Use Permit to include a Restaurant open -to -the -public. She stated that she is the majority stock holder and President of Riverwood Conference Center. She feels this expansion is necessary for the survival of Riverwood, as it inables them to use the facilities during slack times in the Conference Business. She said they employ seventy-five (75), mostly local people. Michelle Lavrenz, Director of Administration at Riverwood, said that the restaurant would be accepting reservations only when not in use by Conference Center clients. The seating capacity of the restaur- ant is one hundred and twenty (120) and they have a wine license, but not a liquor license. The restaurant would be open from 11:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. But, no reservations would be accepted after 9:00 P.M. One of the benefits would be to provide more stable employment for their employees. She further stated that Riverwood has always earned the highest ratings from the Health Department. Stewart Turnquist addressed the meeting. He said that he was part owner and designer of the Conference Center. He said that he was opposed to the expansion to include a public restaurant as he felt this would cause increased traffic and also that Riverwood would loose it's identity as a Conference Center. Lloyd Dewey addressed the meeting. He said his wife is one of the owners of the land just in front of the Conference Center and former owner of much of the land on which the Conference Center is built. He is concerned about the proposed expansion of the Conference Center and feels that this is beyond the original intent of the Conference Center. He is also concerned if the sanitary facilities are adequate for this expansion. Robert Spencer, who lives right next to the Conference Center, said that he has had no problems with the way the Conference Center has been operated in the past, but is concerned about the expansion because of the increased number of people going in and out at times. Glen Benson, a member of the Otsego Planning Commission, said that the Planning Commission is concerned about what could happen in The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 17th Day of March, 1988 at 8:00 P. M. Norman Freske Chairman, Douglas Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden Supervisors, and James Barthel, Beatty Deputy Clerk, and Jerome Perrault Clerk, were State of Minnesota Town Board Meeting County of Wright March 17, 1988 Town of Otsego Page - 2 - the future if the Conference Center were sold and the new owners would change the intent and purpose of the business. Arlene DeCandia said that she feels this expansion is necessary and asked for the Board's approval. Supervisor Douglas Lindenfelser said that there seems to be con- siderable concern by the neighbors about the expansion to include a public restaurant, and that this should be considered when making the decision. Motion made by Douglas Lindenfelser to deny the request of the Riverwood Conference Center for an expansion of their Conditional Use Permit to include a restaurant open-to-the-public. Motion secon- ded by Floyd Roden. Douglas Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden voted in favor of the Motion, Norman Freske abstained. John Clasen of 14626 N.E. 82nd Street, who owns Lot Ten (10), Block Two (2), Vasseur's Second Addition, appeared before the Board to request a variance to build a storage building larger than the 800 square feet the CountyOrdinance allows. He wishes to build a thirty feet by sixty feet (30'x60') pole building with ten feet (10') side walls to store antique cars. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to approve a Variance for John Clasen to build an eighteen hundred square feet (1800 sq. ft.) steel pole building with ten feet (10') side walls and colored steel siding. Seconded by Floyd Roden. All Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Cecil Adams, who owns Lots two and three (2 & 3) block four (4) Walesch Second Addition, appeared to request a Variance to build a storage building larger than eight hundred square feet (800 sq. ft.), a twentyeight feet by fortyeight feet (28' X 48') building with twelve feet (12') sidewalls. Motion by Floyd Roden to approve a Variance for Cecil Adams to construct a twentyeight feet by fortyeight feet (28' X 48') storage building with twelve feet (12') sidewalls on Lot three (3), Block four (4), Walesch SecondAddition. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser. Al]. Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Mike Goad appeared before the Board to request a temporary Use Permit to place a mobile home on their lot while their house is being built. There is a sewer system and sand point well on the lot at present, Lot three (3), Block five (5), Otsego Acres First Addition. Motion by Norman Freske to approve a Temporary Use Permit for Mike Goad to place a mobile home on his lot while his home is being built. This Temporary Use Permit to be for a period of up to eighteen months ( 18) with the mobile home to be removed upon completion of the house. Seconded by Floyd Roden. All Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Edmund Martin, who owns P.I.D.No. 214-000-10410 ( 10226 Parrish Avenue), wishes to split his lot which is about four acres (4) in size, and needs a Land Alteration Permit to excavate and build up the lot. He has contacted the Army Corps. of Engineers and the D.N.R. and they have no objections providing he does not use any contaminated or oil base fill. He is in the fringe area of the flood plain. The County Zoning Administrator has advised him he will need a Topography Report before and after the fill is put in place. Motion by Floyd Roden to approve a land Alteration Permit ft r Edmund Martin providing there are no objections from the D. N. R. and providing all clean fill is used, no oil based material and no steel or old iron. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser. All Board members voted in favor of the Motion. State of Minnesota Town Board Meeting County of Wright March 17, 1988 Town of Otsego Page - 3 - Fred Watts of Computer Satisfaction whose office is located in Elk River, appeared before the Board to discuss providing a computer for the Township use and asked what the Township needs were. He sells an I.B.M. compatible machine. The Board said that at present they are interested in putting the Assessor's records on the computer. Mr. Watts said that the City Engineer in Champlin is using one of his machines and suggested the Board visit his office and see what records he keeps on the machine. The Board advised him to check with Assessor Andrew Merges to see what his needs will be, and come to the Board Meeting on April 18th. Andy McArthur of the Radzwill and Olsen Law Firm, presented the Board with a preliminary draft of an Ordinance to regulate and license amusement devices. The Board will study the Ordinance and meet with him at a later date. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to postpone the Town Board Meeting scheduled for April 4th until April 6th. Seconded by Floyd Roden, passed unanimously. Motion by Norman Freske to approve the 1988 Fire Contract with the City of Elk River with a contract fee of Twenty-seven thousand three hundred and fifty four dollars and thirty two cents ($27,354.32). Seconded by Floyd Roden. All Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Motion by Floyd Roden to accept the bid of H. G. Weber Oil Company to furnish gas, diesel fuel, and number two fuel oil to the Township for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1989. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser. All Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Motion by Floyd Roden to accept the bid d_' Cash Gas, Inc. to furnish L. P. gas to the Township for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1989. Seconded by Norman Freske. All Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Motion by Norman Freske to request County Zoning Administrator Tom Salkowski to take legal action against LeRoy Karst for filling on his property (P.I.D. No. 214-000-344100) in Section 34, Range 23, with demolition material and without a Land Alteration Permit. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser. All Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to request the County Zoning Administrator Tom Salkowski to take legal action against Phil Weber (Of Lot four (4), Block one (1) Christian Acres, PID #214-014-001040) for putting fill on his property with demolition material and without a Land Alteration Permit. Seconded by Norman Freske. All Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Motion by Norman Freske to request the County Zoning Administrator Tom Salkowski, to take action against Terry VanDen Hul to remove the illegal mobile home on his lot, (Lot four (4), Block five (5), Walesch Estates Second Addition). Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser. All Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to request the County Zoning Administrator Tom Salkowski, to take legal action against Jim Hennurn to remove the refuse on his lot (P.I.D. #214-100-26410, in Section 26, Range 24). Seconded by Norman Freske. All Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Motion by Floyd Roden to make a payment of ($14 563.93), fourteen thousand five hundred sixty three and ninety three cents to Northdale Construction for Storm Drain Construction, and retain($10,000.00),Ten thousand arA11until Boardall Members1votedfully incompleted. theSeconded on.by Douglas Lindenfelser. State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego Town Board Meeting March 17, 1988 Page - 4 - Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to raise the Otsego Planning Commission Members pay to $20.00 per meeting and $10.00 per site inspection, retroactive to March 1, 1988. Seconded by Floyd Roden. All Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Proceeding as a Board of Audit, the Town Board Audited and allowed Verified Accounts Nos. 1 to 34 inclusive. On Motion the Meeting adjourned. SUPERVISORS: Floyd Roden Douglas Lindenfelser CHAIRMAN: ATTEST: JP/eb Norman Freske Jerome Perrault, Clerk