05-02-1988 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego urer, Elaine Beatty, ent. The Meeting was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske. Minutes of the April 18, 1988 Town Board Meeting were approved as read. The Town Board reported doing the following site inspections since the last Town Board Meeting: Jeff Nagorski, of 14801 - 87TH Circle has two lots, one of which is half the size of the other, had requested the $3,000.00 Storm Drain Assessment be taken off the smaller lot. After doing a site inspection, The Board determined the smaller lot to be a buildable lot and therefore, left the Assessment on the lot. Elmer Martel of 8956 Ohland Avenuehad requested a barrier be putby the "T" near his home to keep cars from crashing into his home. After doing a site inspection, The Board determined that because it was a 30 M.P.H. Zone and because of the location of his home, they did not believe a barrier was necessary. John Clasen of 14626 NE 83RD ST had requested a variance to const- ruct a 1800 square foot pole building for storage. The Wright County Planning Commission has determined this to be two large for a resident- ial area and has not determined what size they will approve. A site inspection of lots one and eight (1 & 8) Mississippi Shores 6th Addition was done in connection with John Weicht's request to build a Day Care Facility. The problem of an existing drainage and utility easement on the South ten feet (10') of lot one (1) and the North ten feet (10') of lot eight (8) will need to be resolved if he wishes to build his building in that area. The Board, accompanied by Engineer Peter Raatikka and Maintenance man Dave Chase, conducted a Road Inspection Tour to determine the needs for Seal Coating, gravel, over -lays and patching. Louis Szenay appeared before The Board in regard to the letter he received requesting him to remove the junk cars and a semi -trailer on his lot. He said he is trying to get rid of the junk cars, but asked if he could get a permit to keep the semi -trailer. He uses the semi- trailer seasonally and licenses it when in use. The Board advised him to remove the junk cars and the semi -trailer and would consider allow- ing him to keep just the tractor on his lot. John Weicht appeared before The Board in regard to his Day Care Facility project. He suggested to The Board that the drainage and utility easement be changed from the center of the property to a fifteen foot (15') easement across the South end of the property. A survey has determined this would satisfactorily drain the area. The Board agreed to accept a fifteen foot (15') drainage and utility ease- ment across the South end of the property. Attorney William Radzwill advised Mr. Weicht and The Board that a Public Hearing will be needed to vacate the present easement. Notice of the Public Hearing will need to be Posted and Published. Motion by Floyd Roden to set a Public Hearing for May 25, 1988 at 8:00 P.M., to vacate the drainage and utility easement described as the South 10 feet of lot 1 and the North 10 feet of lot 8 in block 1, Mississippi Shores 6th Addition. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. The Town Board of the Town of Otsego met this 2nd day of May, 1988 at 8:00 P. M. Norman Freske, Chairman, Floyd Roden and Douglas Lindenfelser Supervisors, James Barthel, Treas- Deputy Clerk and Jerome Perrault, Clerk were pres- State of Minnesota May 2, 1988 County of Wright - Page 2 - Town of Otsego Frank D'Algle appeared before the Board in regard to his applicat- ion for a permit to build an airplane hangar on the North side of Mud Lake. He has purchased the former Valerius Farm located on the North side of Mud lake in Section 36 Range 24, PID No. 214-100-361100. He wishes to construct a 30' x 54' pole building with 12' side walls and tracks on wheels to pull the plane from the lake to the hangar. Motion by Norman Freske to approve a permit for Frank D'Algle to construct a 30' x 54' pole building with 12' side walls to be used as an airplane hangar. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to approve and adopt Ordinance No. 5, an Ordinance on Mechanical Amusement Devices, Arcades, Pool Halls and Bowling Alleys. Seconded by Norman Freske, all Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. The Town Board Ordains Ordinance No. 5 to be in effect upon public- ation of a notice of it's adoption. Complete copies of Ordinance No. 5 are available for viewing at either the Town Hall Office or the residence of the Clerk. If desired, copies of the Ordinance may be obtained at the Town Hall Office. Motion by Floyd Roden to adopt the attached Conditional Resolution, a Conditional Resolution approving the concept of Access Road 2, as part of The Minnesota Department of Transportation, Cold Region Pavement Research Test Facility. Seconded by Norman Freske, all Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Motion by Floyd Roden to request the Wright County Zoning Administra- tor to include the Flora Kolles Estate Property in the Township Compre- hensive Plan as R-1. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Motion by Norman Freske to approve a Law Enforcement Contract with the Wright County Sheriff's Department requesting patrol service eight (8) hours per day, three (3) days per week, commencing May 15th and until December 31, 1988. (Contingent upon approval of the Wright County Board of Commissioners). Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the Motion.. Fred Watts, of Computer Satisfaction in Elk River, appeared before The Board to discuss providing a Computer for Township use. He anticipa- tes it would take about 100 hours to program the computer for Assessor's use. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to purchase an Intec Computer from Fred Watts with the following attachments: Intec Computer $ 1,295.00 Seagate Hard Disk 820.00 Xtra Software Learning Disk 87.50 Toshida Printer 750.00 D.F.I. Mono Graphics Board 81.25 Packard Bell Monitor 101.50 First Choice Soft Ware Package 105.00 Page Reader 1,000.00 100 Hrs. of Programing 2 000.00 Total- evammtemommommemmemmmmmmmommommemmisemmmmmmas Seconded by Norman Freske, all Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego May 2, 1988 -Page 3 - Motion by Norman Freske to send a letter to Clayton Eckhart of Lot 2, Block 3, Vasseur's 1ST Addition to clean up the junk on his lot by June 6, 1988. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to send a notice to the following people to remove the junk cars from their lots by June 6, 1988: Dennis Sieben of 14737 NE 84TH ST, Elk River, Minn. Elaine Speaker of 9423 Nashua Ave. N.E. Elk River, Minn. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Proceeding as a Board of Audit, the Town Board Audited and allowed Verified Accounts Nos. 83 to 121 Inclusive. On Motion, the meeting adjourned. SUPERVISORS: Floyd Roden Douglas Lindenfelser Norman Freske Jerome Perrault, Clerk CHAIRMAN: ATTEST: JP/eb Enclosure TOWN OF OTSEGO STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) CONDITIONAL RESOLUTION CONDITIONAL RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONCEPT OF ACCESS ROAD 2, AS PART OF THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION COLD REGION PAVEMENT RESEARCH TEST FACILITY. WHEREAS: The town board for the Town of Otsego has been presented with a proposal from the Minnesota Department of Transportation to construct a Cold Region Pavement Research Test Facility, partially within the Town boundaries. WHEREAS: The town board has been only partially informed on details of this proposed Cold Region Pavernent Research Test Facility, and so can only make a Conditional Resolution at this time, relying on the attached exhibits, including the Minnesota Department of Transportation document entitled Cold Region Pavernent Research Test Facility, attached as Exhibit A and herein incorporated by reference. WHEREAS: The Minnesota Department of Transportation has proposed to construct a roadway designated as Access Road 2 on the map prepared by the Department of Transportation, attached as Exhibit B and herein incorporated by reference, which will be used as a haul road by the Department of Transportation during construction of the project and then turned back to the Town of Otsego as a Town road after construction is completed. WHEREAS: The Town of Otsego desires to improve that section of the town road which would remain as gravel, and the Minnesota Department of Transportation has indicated by letter, attached as Exhibit C and herein incorporated herein by reference, that the contract for such improvements can be included in the total project contract, although the town understands that it will bear the costs for, such improvements. WHEREAS: The Town Board of Otsego recognizes that substantial drainage problems exist within the proposed area and believes that the Township should be held harmless for any drainage problems resulting from the proposed construction and that the Minnesota Department of Transportation should be liable for any such drainage problems. WHEREAS: The town board has been assured by the Minnesota Department of Transportation by letter of its employee Ronald B. Bray (See Exhibit C), that all liability for damage which occurs during construction to the roadway will be the responsibility of the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation, and the Town Board believes that all liability of any kind relating to the Town Road should be assumed by the State of Minnesota while they are controlling the road. WHEREAS: The Town Board concurs with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation that the typical section shall be as designated in exhibit B, and explained in a copy of the Town Board minutes dated February 1, 1988, attached as Exhibit D and incorporated herein by reference, as two twelve foot travel lanes with a four foot shoulder, two feet of the shoulder which will be paved. WHEREAS: The Town Board believes that a 100 foot right-of-way would suit the purposes of both the Town of Otsego and the Minnesota Department of Transportation. - 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Otsego provisionally accepts the plan presented by the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation and will accept access Road 2 as a Town Road upon completion of construc- tion, upon the partial information so far received and under the following conditions: 1. That all liability on the Town Road will be assumed by the State of Minnesota during the period in which it controls the portion of the Town Road it will utilize in furtherance of the Cold Region Pavement Research Test Facility. 2. That any damage which occurs during the roadway's construction will be repaired before the road is turned back to the Town of Otsego. 3. That any future damage to Access Road 2 resulting from operation of the Cold Region Pavement Research Test Facility shall be repaired by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. 4. That paving of the gravel portion of the town road not included in this project, will be included as part of the Department of Transportation's bids on the project. The town will be responsible for the costs of this portion of the roadway. The Town of Otsego reserves the right to reject bids on that portion of the town road not included in the above-mentioned project. 5. That the Minnesota Department of Transportation will take steps to minimize drainage impact on the County Ditch System by constructing retention ponds, and that any other agreements or promises made by the Minnesota Department of - 3 Transportation at the Wright County Ditch Committee meeting of April 13, 1988, relative to drainage problems shall be binding on the Minnesota Department of Transportation, and shall be incorporated into this document by reference. 6. That acceptance of this project is done on the basis of limited information. All information upon which this decision is based is attached as exhibits, and incorporated herein by reference. Should there be a substantial change in the information or assertions upon which this resolution is based, this resolution can be withdrawn at the discretion of the Otsego Town Board. Dated: Attested to by,4 t Tow,A Clerk or the Town of Otsego, Wn':ight County, Minnesota 4 3- 0/\_x_. -a,, C a -0--Trr�n 17 : tv i Yom' l!• Superdisor