05-16-1988 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego County of Wright met this 16th day of May, 1988 at Town of Otsego 8:00 P.M. Norm Freske, Chairman, Floyd Roden and Douglas Lindenfelser, Supervisors, James Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, and Jerome Perrault, Clerk, were present. The Meeting was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske. Minutes of the May 2, 1988 Town Board meeting were approved as read. Edmund Martin of 10226 Parrish Avenue appeared before the Board to discuss the cleanup of his lot. He said the vans are parked on his lot in anticipation of storing household goods in them when he raises his home. The Wright County Planning Commission will be doing a site inspection of his lot Wednesday morning May 18 at 9:30 A.M. The Town Board will try to be present for the site inspection. Motion by Floyd Roden to table action on the cleanup of Mr. Martins lot at this time. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Michelle Laverenz, Director of Admninistration of the Riverwood Conference Center, appeared before the Board to request their approval of renewal of the Wine License for the Riverwood Conference Center. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to approve renewal of the Wine License for the Riverwood Conference Center. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Attorney William Radzwill appeared before the Board to say that there will be a preliminary Hearing of the case of the Flora Kolles Estate versus The Town of Otsego in the Matter of the Storm Drain Assessments on Thursday, May 26th, 1988. He suggested that the Township hire Jerome Cyphers as a witness in the case as he is a Certified Appraiser. Motion by Norman Freske to hire Jerome Cyphers, a Certified Apprasier, to serve as a Township witness in the preliminary hearing and trial in the case of the Flora Kolles Estate versus The Town of Otsego in regard to the Storm Drain Assessments. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Mr. Radzwill presented the Board with a prelimary draft of an application to the State Legislature to grant Charter Township Status to the Town of Otsego. He requested that the Board review and study the applicatioln and he will discuss it further with them at a future Board Meeting. Motion by Floyd Roden to adopt the following Resolution: Be it resolved that the Township Fiscal Year be changed to coincide with the calendar year and end on December 31st. Seconded by Norman Freske, All Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to accept the bid of - Page 2 - Ziegler, In#c. to furnish the Township with a new 140 G. Caterpillar Motor Grader including a V -plow and hitch, Michelin Tires and Cab Air -Conditioning for a purchase price of $122,674.00. Seconded by Norman Freske, all Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Engineer Peter Raatikka presented the Board with a list of needed bituminous repairs and the estimated cost of each project which he determined were needed when he and Maintenance man Dave Chase reviewed the Township bituminous streets. A complete listing of the streets meeding repairs and estimated costs is attached to the Minutes. Repair costs are based on removing poor materials up to two (2) feet and reconstructing with gravel and three (3) inches of bituminous overlays would be 1-1/2 inches of bituminous and seal coating using 30 pounds of aggregate and .3 gallons of liquid asphalt per square yard. The estimated costs do not include engineering fees. Motion by Norman Freske to table a decision on bituminous road repairs until June 6, 1988. Seconded by Floyd Roden. All Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Motion by Floyd Roden to purchase a lawn mower for the Township use for a price not to exceed $2,500.00. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, All Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to send a notice to Gary Moehlmann that he is operating a used car lot in a residential area which is in violation of the County Ordinance. He lives at 9031 Page Avenue N.E. Seconded by Floyd Roden, All Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Proceeding as a Board of Audit, The Town Board Audited and allowed Verified Accounts Nos. 122 thru. 137 inclusive. On Motion, the Meeting adjourned. SUPERVISORS: Douglas Lindenfelser Floyd Roden CHAIRMAN: ATTEST: JP/eb Attachments Norman Freske Jerome Perrault, Clerk