07-18-1988 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego County of Wright met this 18th day of July, 1988 at Town of Otsego 8:00 P.M. Norman Freske, Chairman, Floyd Roden and Douglas Lindenfelser Supervisors, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, and Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske. Minutes of the July 5, 1988 Town Board Meeting were approved as read. Thomas Fay of 10795 - 70TH Street N.E. Sec. 35, Range 24 appeared before the Board to request a permit for a lot line adjustment to add another acre to his present one acre lot. He wishes to build a 36' X 36' storage building and needs more area. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to approve a lot line adjustment permit for Thomas Fay to add another acre to his present lot. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Shelquist appeared before the Board to request information on the proposed upgrading and bituminous surfacing of Kadler Avenue from County #39 to 85th Street and 92nd Street West of Kadler Avenue. According to the Engineer's feasibility study report, Mr. Shelquist would have three (3) assessable units on Kadler Avenue at an estimated $2,276.78 per unit, and one unit on 92nd, at an estimated $4,553.97 per unit. As Mr. Shelquist will be out of town when the public hearing on the project is held on August 1, 1988 he will notify the Board by letter whether he favors or opposes the project. Robert Hammer; who lives on Lot 19, Block 1 Wasesch Estates 2nd Addition; appeared before the Board to request a Permit to move in a 20' X 22' garage. The building is in good condition, will be placed on footings and a cement slab, and will meet all setback requirements. Motion by Norman Freske to approve a permit for Robert Hammer to move in a 20' x 22' garage. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Dave Montebello of the Wright County Highway Department appeared before the Board to discuss the County Highway Departments plans to re -construct CSAH #42 from County #39 to the Elk River bridge. They are presently considering two options, a rural type with ditches, and a paved shoulder, or a municipal type section with curb and gutters. As the East side of the road is mostly agricultural, they would consider using a combination of the two disigns with curb and gutter on the West side and rural designs with ditches on the East side except in front of the houses. If a rural design was used, the County would pay all costs. If the municipal type section with curb and guter were used, the County would use a policy like they use when a County Road goes through a City, wherein the Township would pay a percentage of the road construction and a percentage of the curb and gutter. The County's usual funding policy for roads within municipalities State of Minnesota Town Board Meeting County of Wight July 18, 1988 Town of Otsego - Page 2 - is: For Road Construction 70% County and 30% Municipality; for curb and gutter 50% County and 50% Municipality. With a curb and gutter design, storm drain and catch basins would also be needed. The cost share on the storm drain and catch basins depends on many factors such as how much the road benefits and how much the property owners benefit. The benefits of the curb and gutter design are that it requires ten feet (10') less right-of-way, is more attractive in front of the houses and is more conducive to installing sidewalks if ever desired. The rural type design is cheaper to construct and also gives more room to push snow. Also the ditches will take care of runoff water. The figures on the project at this time are only estimates, but a rough estimate of the Township share of the curb and gutter design would be $50,000.00. The County Board prefers not to get involved in assessments so it would be up to the Town Board to decide if they want to assess a portion of the Township's share to the property owners. The County Highway Department has a Public Hearing on the CSAH #42 Project scheduled for Thursday, July 28, 1988 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. The Town Board requested Mr. Montebello to give them some more enact figures on the project cost and what the Township's share would be prior to the Hearing. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to request the County Zoning Administrator to take legal action against the following people: Ronald Webber of 14339 NE 78TH ST. to remove the junk cars and other junk from his lot. Louis Szenay of 14576 - 84TH St. NE to remove junk cars and old tanks from his lot. Ricky Dellwo, of 14179 - 67TH Circle to remove junk cars from his lot. John Birosh, of 14216 - 67TH Circle, to remove old semi- trailer, old trucks, junk cars old tires and garbage from his lot. Seconded by Norman Freske, all Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to give Gerald Baron of 14210 - 62ND ST. NE another 30 days to remove the junk cars from his lot and if he fails to comply, the County Zoning Administrator will be requested to take legal action to have the junk cars removed. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Motion by Norman Freske to send a notice to Noel Wentzel of 14861 - 88TH ST NE to remove the junk cars and old mobil home from his lot within 30 days. Seconded by Douglas State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego Town Board Meeting July 18, 1988 - Page 3 - Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. The Town Board reported that they did a Site Inspection of the Chipper McDowell parking lot and found no problems with it. They also did a Site Inspection of the Douglas Bistodeau Lot and requested him to remove his boat from the stilts he has it placed on within 30 days as it is a potential hazard. There have been cases of fence cutting and trespassing reported in the Township, specifically the Kenneth and Harold Lindenfelser farm. Violators will be prosecuted. On Motion, the meeting adjourned. NORMAN F. FRESKE, CHAIRMAN DOUGLAS LINDENFELSER, SUPERVISOR FLOYD RODEN, SUPERVISOR ATTEST; JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK JP/eb