08-01-1988 Public Hearing MinutesState of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego of Kadler Avenue was A Public Hearing on the proposed upgrading and bituminous surfac- ing of Kadier Ave. from Co. if39 South to 85TH ST. and 92ND ST. West held this ist day of August, 1988 at 7:30 P. M. Norman Freske, Chairman, Douglas Lindenfelser and Floycl Roden, Supervisors, James Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Larry Koshak and Ginger Cloutier, Engineers, were present. The Public Hearing was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske, who then called on Engineers Larry Koshak and Ginger Cloutier to present the facts and figures on the project. The costs for the Project are as follows: FOR KADLER AVENUE: Bituminous Surfacing - 2,350 tons Class 5 Gravel - Shaping and Grading - Estimated Construction Cost Contingencies, Engineering & Administrative ESTIMATED PROJECT COST FOR 92ND STREET: Bituminous Surfacing - 530 Ton Class 5 Gravel - Shaping and Grading - Estimated Construction Cost Contingencies, Engineering & Administrative ESTIMATED PROJECT COST The figures presented are for a twenty-two foot wide (22' wide) mat, Three inches thick (3"thick), with an eight inch (8") gravel base and two foot (2') gravel shoulders. The design is for a seven ton (7) road. There are seven (7) assessable units on 92ND Street as the total estimated cost for 92ND is $31,875.00, the assessed cost per unit would be $4,553.57. As Kadler Avenue has eleven (11) Assessable units, using the $4,553.57 for all eighteen (18) units, the cost breakdown on the project would be as follows: TOTAL COST 165,875.00 ASSESSABLE UNITS 18 ASSESSED COST PER UNIT 4,553.57 ANNUAL UNIT COST FOR 10 YEARS 709.45 ASSESSED COST $4,553.57 X 18 $ 81,964.26 TOWNSHIP SHARE $ 83,910.74 As Kadler Avenue is a thru street, a second alternative would be to assess the 11 units on Kadler Avenue at a $2,276.78 figure and the 7 units on 92ND Street at the $4,553.57 figure as it is a residential street Using these assessment figures, the breakdown on the project would be as 58,700.00 38,700.00 9,800.00 07,200.00 26,800.00 134,000.00 $ 13,250.00 ▪ 8,750.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 25,500.00 • 6 375.00 • 31,875,00 State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego Public Hearing August 1, 1988 - Page 2 follows: TOTAL COST $ 165,875.00 ASSESSED COST: Kadler Ave - 11 units @ $2,276.78 $ 25,044.58 92ND ST. - 7 units @ $4,553.57 $ 31,874.99 TOTAL ASSESSED COST $ 56,919.57 TOWNSHIP SHARE $ 108,955.43 John Simola said that 92ND Street is badly in need of gravel whether the project is done or not. He said that the project cost reflects a 44% higher figure than projects the County is doing this year. Because the street is in need of gravel, he felt the Township should pay for the gravel on 92ND Street if the project is done. He said he did not feel his property would benefit to the entent of the $4,553.57 Assessment and as he has helped pay for other projects in the Township he feels the Township should help pay for 92ND Street. Supervisor Douglas Lindenfelser said that it has been Township policy to fully assess bituminous projects in residential areas. Donald Greninger asked which project his 20 acres of Ag. land would be assessed for as it fronts on both Kadler Ave. and 92ND Street. Engineer Larry Koshak said he would be assessed for 92ND Street as that is the longer side and normally a corner lot is assessed for the longer side. The Board said that the Township would consider picking up the cost of the gravel on 92ND Street and the assessment would then be reduced to approximately $3,303.00. A straw vote was taken to obtain the residents opinion of the project. FOR THE KADLER AVENUE PROJECT: In Favor - 2 Opposed - 6 FOR THE 92ND ST. PROJECT: In Favor - 2 Opposed. - 3 Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to adjourn the Hearing and postpone a decision on the project until the next Town Board Meeting on August 15, 1988. Seconded by Norman Freske, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. NORMAN F. FRESKE, )--Chairman, DOUGLAS LINDENFELSER)------SUPERVISORS FLOYD RODEN ATTEST: JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK JP/e.b