10-03-1988 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego The Town board of the Town of Otsego met this 3rd. day of October, 1988 at 8 00 P.M. Norman Freske, Chairman, Douglas Lindenfelser and Floyd, Roden, Supervisors, James Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, epul:y Clerk and Jerome Perrault, Clerk, were present, The meeting was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske, Minutes of the September 19, 1988 Town Board meeting were approved. as read. Jim Peterson appeared before the Board to discuss his proposed development of the Kolles property. He is planning on forth -eight (48) lots, all one acre (1 acre) plus, with an outlot for possible park development. There will be one street through the development which will enter off Page Avenue, go through the development and exit onto Page en,ue and some facing eighty-fifth (85th) street on the South end of the development. He will be appearing before the Otsego Planning Commission on October 7, 1988 to present his plans to them. Ing Roskaft appeared before the Board to discuss his attending the meetingon Celebrate Minnesota 1990. which was held in St. Cloud. State grants are available at the rate of one matching dollar for each three dollars the Township spends on special projects the Township undertakes to Celebrate Minnesota 1990. A special meeting will be needed to get the public involved and get their input ori what projects should be undertaken. Motion by Norman Freske to have a Public Meeting on October 25, 1988 at 7:30 P.M. et the Otsego Town Hall to discuss plans to Ce)ebrate Minnesota 1990. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion, County Commissioner Basil Schillewaert appeared before the Board to discuss County road improvements within the Township. He said the rebuilding of County Rd. #39 from one- fourth mile East of County Road #19, to County Road 1175 is nearing completion. Next year County Road #39 from the end of the new construction to Highway #101 will be overlaid and the shoulders will be bituminous surfaced. He also would like co rebuild County #42 and. County #130 next year, Be encouraged the Board to meet with the County Engineer and push for these projects to be done next year. Completion. date of the stop lights at the Intersection of Highway #101 and County Rd. #130 could delay the construction of County Ra. #130. Gilbert and Clem Darkenwald appeared before the Board with their plans to develop the former Steiner farm in Section 16, Range 23, on the North side of County Road #39. Their plans call for fifty (50) lots with a twenty-five acre (25) park area next to the Mississippi River. The lots closer to the river will be two acre (2) lots as they are within the wild and Scenic River area and the rest of the lots will be one acre (1) lots. Al]. lots will have individual well and septic systems. There is a cul-de-sac in State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego Town Board Minutes October 3, 1988 Page 2 - the Southeast corner of the plat. The Board suggested that theyre-design the plat to eliminate the cul-de-sac if possible as cul-de-sacs present a street maintenance problem. Motion by Norman Freske to set the per unit assessment for the Albertville Fire Department Service Area at $23.00 for 1989. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelscr, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Floyd Roden Lo set the per unit neouiuent for the Elk River F.ire Department Service Area at $27.00 for 1989, seconded by Douglas Liudeufelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Floyd Roden that the Township support the Public Regional Library in the City of St. Michael. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Proceeding as a Board of Audit, the Town Board audited and allowed Verified Accounts Numbers 357 to 405 inclusive. On Motion the meeting adjourned. NORMAN F. FRESKE, CHAIRMAN SUPERVISOR DOUG LINDENFELSER, SUPERVISOR FLOYD RODEN, SUPERVISOR ATTEST JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK JP/eb