11-07-1988 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota, The Town Board of the Town of Otsego County of Wright met this 7th day of November, 1988, Town of Otsego at 8:00 P.M. Norman Freske, Chair- man, Douglas Lindenfelser, Supervisor, James Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, and Jerome Perrault, Clerk were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske. Minutes of the October 17, 1988 Town Board Meeting were approved as read. County Commissioner Basil Schillewaert appeared at the meeting to discuss County road improvements within the Township. He said the County plans to put an overlay and bituminous surface the shoulders on County Road #39 from just East of County Road #19 to Highway #101 next year. He would also like to rebuild County #42 from Co #39 to the Elk River bridge and County #130 from Co #39 to State Highway #101 next year. If the stop light that is being proposed to be installed at the junction of County #130 , State Highway #101 and County #36 is not installed by next year, he would prefer to build County #130 up to the point where the Town lines are and the stop light would be installed next year and then finish the project when the lights are put in, rather than delay construction of County #130. Bernie Selix of 9109 Park Avenue, appeared before the Board to say that he lives near the Rainbow Day Care Center and would like to see a fence put up between the service road and Park Avenue to keep children and three wheelers from cutting across his lot on their way to the Tom Thumb Store. The Day Care Center IS fenced and he would like to see this fence extended to Park Avenue. Sandra Tinjum, one of the owners of the Day Care Center, was present at the meeting. She said she would discuss it with her partner and they would meet with Mr. Selix to work out an agreement on the fence. Rudy Thibodeau purchased twleve month licenses for the video games at his Mini -Golf business, operated for five months (5), and will be closing down for the Winter. He is requesting seven months (7) credit to be applied to next years business. Motion by Norman Freske to grant Rudy Thibodeau seven months (7) credit for video game licenses in the amount of $168.00. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser and passed. Mike Bistodeau of 7993 LaBeaux Avenue (PID#214-000- 261101) has been charged for two (2) Fire Department Assessments on his farm and it should be only one. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to notify the County Auditor to change Mike Bistodeau's Fire Department Assessment to one assessment. Seconded by Norman Freske and passed. Proceeding as a Board of Audit, the Town Board audited and allowed Verified Accounts Nos. 424 to 476 inclusive. On Motion the meeting adjourned. NORMAN F. FRESKE, CHAIRMAN SUPERVISOR DOUG LINDENFELSER, SUPERVISOR ammu.c.m.-rwinntknu, nr.nrnrim 1-1TVMY7