01-03-1989 Town Board MinutesState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego County of Wright met this 3rd day. of January, 1989 Town of Otsego at 800 P.M. Norman Freske, Chair- man, Douglas Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden, Supervisors, James Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Deputy. Clerk, and Jerome Perrault, Clerk were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske. Minutes of the December 19, 1988 Town Board Meeting were approved as read. Denise Stack of 15343 - 92ND Street, appeared before the Board with a petition requesting that speed limits be placed on County #39 from where it becomes 90TH Street to Highway #101, traffic lights be installed at the junction of Parrlch Avenue and County #39, ,and increased police patrol. The Board explained that County #39 is a County highway and they would inform the Wright County Highway Department of the petition. The Board also advised her that the Township has contracted for increased patrol service from the Wright County Sheriff's Department in 1989. Dallas Howell of 13922 - 91ST Street appeared before the Board in regards to complaints the Board has received about his trucks running on 91st Street. He said he has only four (4) trucks laft and they only come in about three (3) times a month and are always empty when they come In. He has a garage in Rogers. Thomas Smith and Larry Jensen of 7888 O'Day Avenue appeared before the Board in regards to the notice they received requesting them to remove the junk cars and old semi -trailers from his lot. Mr. Smith said he has removed the junk cars and requested permission to wait until Spring to remove the semi -trailers as he will be moving them to a 40 acre parcel of land up North that is owned by Larry Jensen and at present is snow covered. The Board advised Mr. Smith that they would re -check his lot on May 1, 1989 to see if the trailers are removed. Gil Darkenwald and Clem Darkenwald appeared before the Board with their plat of Mississippi Parkwood in Section 16, Range 23, on the North side of County #39. The County has requested that the street leading into the development, line up with the revised approach of County #37 to County if39. The street leading into the development will be a double wide street with an in lane and an out lane. They do not want to inter -connect the streets in their development with the streets in the developments to the East, Burdicks and Mississippi Shores. They are planning a park area by the river which they want to be for the exclusive use of residents of their development. John Anderson and Harlan Rask appeared to say they had received a $2,500.00 contribution from the Elk River American Legion to be used exclusively for improvements to the Otsego Cemetery. The Board advised them to place the money in a savings account until next summer when the improvements will. be made. State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego Town Board Minutes January 3, 1989 Page 2 Dave Montebello of the Wright County Highway Department appeared before the Board to discuss the County 1/42 project. He presented figures on the Township's share ofthe cost of the curb and gutter on, the West side of County #42 from the bridge to ¶36TH Circle and on the East side by the residencs. The estimated share for this would be $87,990.00. The Township would have the option of assessing a share of this cost to the property owners. To construct a walkway or bike path on the West side from the bridge to 96TH Street would cost about $7,000.00 for a bituminous six foot (6') wide and approximately $23,250.00 for cement four foot (4') wide. The cement is more expensive but requires loss maintenance, The Board agreed to pay for the walkway and would not assess any of the cost as it benefits many people, not just the property owners. Street lighting would be the Township's expense. A permanent system would have a estimated cost of $10,000.00 and a temporary system about $5,000.00. The figures presented by Mr. Montebello included $10,500.00 as the Township's share for shouldering. As this is a County road, the Board did not feel the Township should pay for shouldering. They will meet with the County Engineer to discuss this further. For County #42, the Highway is planning for two (2) tweleve foot (12') drivinglanes and eight foot (8') shoulders. They have decided not to permit any parking along the sides of County. #42. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to renew the Township's original pledge of contributing. up to $5,000.00 for the enviromental study for the Highway #101 project. Seconded by Norman Freske, all Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Proceeding as a Board of Audit, the Town Board audited and allowed verified accounts No's. 585 to 593 and 1 to 21 inclusive. On motion the meeting adjourned. NORMAN Y. FRESKE, CHAIRMAN -SUPERVISOR DOUGLAS LINDENFELSER, SUPERVISOR FLOYD RODEN, SUPERVISOR ATTEST: JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK JP/eb