01-23-1989 Town Board MeetingState of Minnesota The Town Board of tahe Town of County of Wright Otsego met this 23rd day of Town of Otsego January, 1989 at 8:00 P.M. Norman Freske, Chairman, Douglas Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden, Supervisors, James Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, and Jerome PerrauTh Clerk were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske. Minutes of the January 3, 1989 Town Board Meeting were approved W read. Wanda and Bernie Selix appeared in regards to their request that a fence be put up from the Rainbow Day Care Center to Park Avenue. Since the day care center was built, the kids from Mississippi Shores have been cutting across their yard to get to Tom Thumb and the Minne-Golf Course. They have tried to talk to the owners of the Day Care Center about building the fence but the owners have said they cannot afford the fence. The owners did say he would contact the owners of Tom Thumb, Riverview Liquorette, the Golf Course and the Vet. Clinic regarding fencing the commercial urea. The Town Board advised Mr. and Mrs. Selix that they would contact the commercial property owners regarding fencing the commerical area. Audrey and Charles Axelson in regards to dog catching procedures. The Board asked them how long they kept the dogs they pickup. They said they keep the dogs at least five (5) days if not claimed by their owners and sometimes longer if Kathy Roberts (who works for the Wright County Humane Socitety) does not have time to pick the dogs up or the Humane Society does not have room at the time. They themselves have kennel room for six to eight (6 to 8 ) dogs at a time. The Board said that they have had some complaints that they did not respond when called to pick up dogr. The Axelsons said they do respond if the dogs are confined, but if the dogs are runnning loose they will not respond and it is almost impossible to get the dogs in that situation. TILIve Hall appeared before the Board to request rezoning from Ag. to R-1 the buildable areas of the 51 acres he owns in Section 16, Twp. 121, Range 23, North of the Burdick property. Most of the 51 acres he owns is in the floodplain. He is planning eight (8) lots ranging from 1.1 acres to two acres in size along the South side of his property boarding the Burdick property. He will be using the proposed streets in Burdicks Development for access to his lots. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to approve R-1 Zoning for Trygve Hall's buildable land. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Xerox Company Representative, William Rohlf appeared to discuss selling or leasing a new copier to the Township. He has two models available, the 1012 and the larger capacity 5018. The .1012 has a capacity of 12 copies per minute, the 5018 has a capacity of 18 copies per minute. Both carry a three (3) year warranty with no charge for service for three State of Minesota Town Board Minutes County of Wright January 23, 1989 Town of Otsego - Page years. The 1012 is guaranteed for five (5) years, if parts are not available during the time the machine will be replaced.. The 5018 carries a seven (7) year guarantee under the same conditions. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to purchase a new 5018 copier from Xerox Company for $6,335.00 which includes a year's supply of timer and developer. Seconded by Norman Freske, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. John Anderson and Harlan Rask reported that the VFW has proposed to donate up to $2,000.00 for cemetery renovation and will also donate a new flagpole for the Otsego Cemetery. Dick Marquette of the County Highway Department has advised the Board that the property owners along Co. Rd. #42 between 96TH Street and 96TH Circle are opposed to having curb and gutter in that area and wants the Town Board's opinion as to how to proceed in this area. The Board advised Elaine to notify Mr. Marquette that if the property owners arc opposed, to not plan for curb and gutter in that area. The Board at this time discussed new wage contracts for 1989 for employees David Chase, Jesse Chase and Elaine Beatty. Motion by Norman Freske to grant Jesse a pay raise from $6.50 to $7.50 per hour, with time and one-half for over 40 hours and Sundays, one week paid vacation and nine paid Holidays, New Years, Martin Luther King Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, july 4TH, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas, and double time if he has to work on a Holiday. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion, His status is as a part-time employee. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to grant David Chase a pay raise from $9.75 to $11.00 per hour, with time and, one- half for over 40 hours and on Sundays, double time on Holidays, $150.00 per month medical insurance, two weeks paid vacation and nine paid Holidays. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Floyd Roden to grant Elaine Beatty a pay raise from $6.75 to $8.00 per hour, with time and one-half for over 40 hours, 2 weeks paid vacation, $75.00 per month for medical insurance, and 9 paid Holidays. Seconded by Norman Freske, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Engineer Larry Koshak and Attorney Bill Radzwill appeared before the Board. At the request of Mr. Radzwill, Mr. Koshak has done a preliminary study of the cost of establishing a Waste Water Treatment Facility for the Town of Otsego, should such a facality be needed in the future. Mr. Koshak recommended a waste stabilization pond system which are discharged twice per year into the river. The system would need to be located in an area accessible to the river above the flood plain and, with a normal water, water State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego Town Board '11nut January. 23, 1989 - Page 3 - table. A near future system which would service the area along Highway 11.101 would require a 40 acre site with a pond capacity of 250,000 gallons per day to serve a population equivalent of 3,300. The cost for this system would be 1.5 to 2 million dollars. This system would serve 165 acres of Commerical and Industrial and some Residential. The above cost does not include land cost. The far future system to serve the Eastern one-third of the Township would require a system capable of 1,500,000 gallon per day and would serve 400 acres of Commercial - Industrial and 1,200 acres of Residential area This system would require a 240 acre pond site and cost between 5 and 6 million, exclusive of land for the site. Mr. Radzwill recommended establishing tax districts within the Township before consideringa Wast Water Treatment Facility so that those not served would not be taxed for it, Mr Radzwill advised the Board there is a State Fund that is available to Cities and Townships above 5,000 population that is apportioned according to population. This money is available for street repairs and construction. As an example, the City of Buffalo received a population apportionment of $90,469.00, $8,505.00 for street rnainLe.nance and $262,893.00 for street construction last year. He believes the Township should apply for a share of these funds. The Town Board set the per meeting rate at $40.00 for Town Board Members, $8.00 per hour for service other than regular Town Board Meetings and mileage at the rate of .22 per mile for all TOM. Officials and Employees for 1989. Motion by Norm Freske to postpone the second meeting in February until February 27, 1989. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Proceeding as a Board of Audit, the Town Board audited and allowed Verified Accounts Nos. 22 to 42 inclusive. On motion the meeting adjourned. NORMAN F. FRESKE, CHAIRMAN -SUPERVISOR DOUGLAS LINDENFELSER, SUPERVISOR FLOYD RODEN, SUPERVISOR ATTEST: JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK JP/eb