02-27-1989 Town Board MeetingState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego County. of Wright met :his 27th day of February, 1989 Town of Otsego at 8 : 00 P.M. Norman Freske, Chair- man, Douglas Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden, Supervisors, Junes N. Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Deputy. Clerk, and Jerome Perrault, Clerk, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske. Minutes of the February 6, 1989 Town Board Meeting were approved as read. Deputy Sheriff Terry Dehmer appeared at the meeting and informed the Board that he has been assigned Lo Otsego and will spend his entire shift of six (6) days a week in Otsego. He has been issuing a lot of speed citations on Parrish Avenue and some on County #39 also, as well as some Stop Sign violations. He also spends quite a bit of time assisting motorists with problems and answering other calls for assistance. 4-H Leader, Glenn Benson reported on the recycling program the 4-H Club has been taking care of. They have been accepting some old tires and he was wonderingwhat they would do if they had a .large number of tires dumped on. them, The Board said they would arrange to dispose of them and would rather do that than have people throwing the old tires in the road ditches. He also said he is not satisfied with Polka Dot Recycling of Buffalo who has been picking up the recyclable material the 4-H has collected. He is way behind, in his payments and the kids are getting discouraged. He would like to make an agreement with Elk River if possible and work with cheat rather than Polka Dot. The Board was in. agreement with his idea. Bruce Theilen, Wright County Park Administrator appeared before the Board to say that he would be requesting the County Commissioners to add Outiot B of Tryvic Hall's Development to the Otsego Park as a Park Dedication. He also has talked to the Nature Conservatory about securing a large range option on about seventy (70) acres of flood plain land in Trygvie Hall's and Darkenwald's property with the intention of developing it as a Park. He would be applying. for Federal and State Grants to purchase the land for a Park. He requested the Town Board's approval of his plans. Trygvie Hull said he would like to sec the area become a Park as it is an ideal spot for a Park. Motion By Floyd Roden that the Town Board approves the concept of Park expension to include the seventy (70) acres of Holl and Darkenwald property, contingent upon consideration and approval of the Otsego Planning Commission. Seconded by Norman Freske, all Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. The Board received a letter from the Wright County Highway. Department notitying them that the Brainerd District Traffic Engineer has done a study of planning speed limits on State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego Town Board Minutes February 27, 1989 - PAGE 2 - determined that fifty-five (55MPH) miles per hour is a suitable speed for that roadway. The request for the study was made by. the Wright County Commissioners following. a petition received from residents of the area requesting that speed limits be placed on County Road :W39. Attorney William Radzwill addressed the Board concerning future developments in the Township. He asked the Board if they would want to do their own Planning and Zoning and if so, they will need guidelines to follow. Because of our population growth, we arc going to be forced into a. lot of municipal activity. One of the first things needed is an up to -date Comprehensive Plan which will be needed to obtain funding and grants. You will aced planning to prepare a budget and determine where you are going to spend your money. and what you are going to do, Mr. Radzwill intorduced the Board to Dave Licht a professional planner, who was present at the meeting. He said that Mr. Licht has worked with the Township of Monticello and he highlyrecommended him. Mr. Licht said he would be interested in working with Otsego Township should they desire his services Mr. Radzwill said he had talked to Engineer Pete Raatikka and Pete had advised him that their engineering- firm has an employee, Merlin Otto, who has a good understanding of Grants and how to obtain them. If the Township is goingto get involved in major improvements such as sewer and water and a new Town Hall, they are going to need Grants or they will be short of money. Mr. Radzwill said he had talked to Tom Salkowski, Wright County. Planning and Zoning Administrator, who was present at the meeting, about the Township doing it's own Planning and Zoning. He had asked him if Building. Permit fees would cover the administrative costs of doing their own Planning and Zoning as a Building Inspector would leneeded an. additional office staff. Mr. Salkowski said that in his opinion Building Permits fees would not be sufficient. Mr. Radzwill said there is a Bill before the State Legislature thaL, if passed, would give the Township authority to issue Industrial Revenue Bonds. We also need a Statute that would make the Township eligible for Municipal Aid, which would be worth about $35,000.00 a year. There is also a Municipal State Aid Fund fax Street Construction and Maintenance that is distributed to Cities over 5,000 population each year. If the Attorney General rules that the Township is eligible for this Fund it would mean $500,000 a year for the Township. Mr. Radzwill also said that the Township needs the authority to impose an Impact Fee per lot on new developments Lo help offset the additional cost for streets and other State of Minnesota Coutny of Wright Town of Otsego Town Board Minutes February 27, 1989 - PAGE 3 - might be possible to negotiate an agreement with the Developers of the four (4) new developments that are being condsidered to pay- this fee if the Legislature would, give the Township authority to impose it. Motion by Norman Freske to change the date of the Town Board Meeting scheduled for March 20, 1989 to Thursday. March 16, 1989. Seconded bv Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Proceeding. as a Board of Audjt, the Town Board audited and allowed Verified Accounts Nos. 90 to 106 inclusive. On Motion the meeting adjourned. NORMAN F. FRESKE, CHAIRMAN -SUPERVISOR DOUGLAS LINDENFELSER, SUPERVISOR FLOYD RODEN, SUPERVISOR ATTEST: JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK jP/eb