03-16-1989 Town Board MeetingState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego County of Wright met this 16th day of March, 1989 at Town of Otsego 800 P.M. Norman Freske, Chairman, Floyd Roden and Douglas Lindenfelser, Supervisors, James Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, and Jerome Perrault, Clerk were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske. Minutes of the March 6, 1989 Town Board Meeting were approved as read. Supervisor Norman Freske and Treasurer James Barthel took their Oaths of Office fax their respective Offices. Norman Freske was re-elected Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to serve until the first Town Board Meeting following the Annual Town Meeting in March, 1990. Glen Sundeen of the Elk River Municipal Utilities, appeared before the Board to request permission to re-locate three (3) utility poles at the intersection of County #42 and County #39. They wish to place three (3) utility poles in the service road right-of-way in Mississippi Shores 6TH Addition, ono on the lot line East of the Tomb Thumb Store, and one one the lot line between Tom Thumb and the Liquor Store, and one on the lot line between the Vet. Clinic and the Day Care Center. Motion by Norman Freske to grant Elk River Municipal Utilities permission to locate and place three (3) utility poles in the service road right-of-way in Mississippi Shores 6TH Addition, contigent upon approval of the businesses in the area. Seconded by. Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Tryvie Hall, Jerry Smith, Engineer Larry Koshak, and Attorney William Radzwill appeared before the Board in regard to the proposed developments of Jerry Smith's Deer Park and Trygvie Halls property. Larry Koshak presented an Engineer's review of the preliminary plat of Jerry Smith's Deer Park Burdick's Property) a proposed 81 acre development consisting. of 38 single family lots, and recommended the following changes be made: 1. A temporary turn around should be provided on Ogren Avenue and (1)0 NE 96TH Street. 2. The length of the vertical curve on NE 91ST Street beginning at Station 6+50 is insufficient. The minimum acceptable curve legenLh for the proposed grades is 140 ft. 3 Lot 7, Block 3 does not meet the minimum lot width of 150 ft. 4 A soils investigation as well as percolation tests should be provided to determine if the proposedlots can be developed. Based on the Wright County Zoning Ordinance, the areas containingterril loam soils are unacceptable for on- site soil absorption systems due to a high water table. Approximately' seven (7) lots in the development have this soil type and appear Lo be unsuited for on-site septic State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego Town Board Meeting of March 16, 1989 - Page 2 - 5. The runoff from Lots 1,2,3, and 41n Block 5 does not appear to have a positive outlet, therefore a means of containing a. 100 year flood needs to be shown on the grading plan. The grading for the proposed ponding area on Lot 3, Block 4 should also be shown. A culvert across Ohland Avenue N.E. is needed to provide a means for the runoff to flow to the proposed ponding area on Lot 15, Block 3. In addition, the low area on Lots 12 a 13, Block 3, needs to be graded to prevent pounding and cause drainage East toward the proposed ponding areas. Runoff from 96TH Street and Ogren Avenue should be directed toward a drainage easement or public drainage way. Runoff calculations arc needed to determine if the ponding areas are sufficient for storage of 100 year storms as well as calculations for sizing of culverts. 6. If land is to be dedicated for public use in lieu of a cash payment, the location and size of the arca should be noted on the plans. The above items should be complied with as well as any recommendations from the Board prior to plat approval. Mr. Smith said that he felt mound systems could be used on the lots not suitable for soil -absorption septic systems. Mr. Radzwill asked Mr. Smith if he was the owner of Dear Park as the Township is incurring considerable expense in. the process of plat approval. Mr Smith said he has a purchase agreement contingent upon plat approval and that he is agreeable to posting a bond. Mr. Smith agreed to meet with Engineer Larry. Koshak an3. work out drainage and street problems in Deer Park. He will also contact Mr. Darkenwald about his plans as the Board. feels that the streets in Deer Park should connect. Lo the Darkenwald development just West of Deer Park, Trygvie Hall requested Mr. Koshak Lo do a drainage study of his development just North of Deer Park. Motion by Floyd Roden to deny preliminary plat approval for Mr. Smith's Deer Park and Trygvie Hall's Development at this time because of insufficient information as to drainage and streets. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all voted. in favor of the motion. Vasscur appeared to request an overload permit to bring 11) 0. digger and readymin trucks. Motion by Floyd Roden to grant Meiny's Diggers an overload permit to use 85TH Street. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. The Board advised Mr. Vasseur that the readymix trucks should be able to adjust their load size to comply with weight restrictions. Steve Rohlf appeared in regard to a sewage plant co- operative agreement between Elk River and Otsego Township. State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego Town Board Meeting. of March 16, 1989 - Page 3 - the future needs of both Elk River and Otsego would be needed. The agreement would have to be beneficial to both Elk River and Otsego in order to be feasible to enter into. The Town Board should contact Elk River City. Administrator Mr. Klaers .if hey are willing to participate in a feasibility' study. to see if such an agreement is advisable. He also advised the Board that providing sewer service for one acre (1) lots is not economically.. feasible. Engineer Larry Koshak reported that he had done a prelimary study of the action needed to be taken Lo begin. the process to be able to collect and treat wastewater in Otsego Township. He said the following iniLial steps would be necessary: Prepare a comprehensive plan to identify areas and population requiring treatment facilities now and in the future. Prepare a pre -design study, have an Engineer Consultant prepare a study for the construction of ewastewater treatment and collection fdelliLies. Apply to the Minn/PCA needs list. Apply to other agencies for funding such as the Fm H.A. He also said that in order to enter into an agreemenl with the City of Elk River, it would be necessary for the City of Elk River to furnish information to the Township as to when a feasibilitystudy would start and be completed, when construction of expansion. facilities would occur, when trunk facilities would be available for hookup, what flow capacity would be available to Otsego, the capital costs of trunk lines and lift stations to the Treatment Plant from Otsego, Otsego's share of plant expansion costs, hookup, charge per unit for Otsego users and the operation and maintenance cost per unit for Otsego users. He also said that Otsego would need to know if the influent quality measured in 801) 5 and suspended solids would be subject to limitations at the Elk River Plant. Dave Licht of Northwest Associated ConsulLants, Inc., has submitted a proposal to do a Preliminary Comprehensive Plan Study for Otsego Township for a fee of $2,500.00. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to accept the March 6, 1989 proposal of Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc.to do a Preliminary Comprehensive Plan Study for Otsego Township for a fee of $2,500.00. Seconded by. Floyd Roden, all Board Members voted in favor of the moiton. Isabelle Collins appeared before the Board Lo request re -imbursement JrfFire Assessments on Outlot 8 and Outlet F, both. in Block 1, Groat River Acres 2ND Addition, as the./. arc not buildable lots. She requested re -imbursement for 1988 Fire Assessments and all p0revlous years the Fire Assessmente were in force. Mr. Radzwill advised the Board that it would State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego Town Board Meeting. of March 16,1989 - Page 4 - current year. Motion by. Douglas Lindeafelser to re -imburse Gerald and Isabelle Collins for the 1988 Fire Assessments on OUtlots E and F, Block 1, Great River Acres 2ND Addition, at $27.00 per Outlot. Seconded by Norman Freske, all Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Motion by Floyd Roden to remove the Fire Assessments on the following. Outlots, all located in Block 1, Great River Acres 2N1) Addition: Outlot B, except the Sout4 150 It owned by Anderson ndustries, Inc. of Elk River. South 150 ft. of Outlot B owned by Sandra and Jansson Stice. Out lot Outlot Outiot C owned 1) owncd E and. 13 Outiot 6 owned River. Seconded by Norman Freske, all Board Members voted In favor of the motion. Motion by Floyd Roden to approve the driveway access to 85T13 Street for Richard Concannon in accordance to the fngineer's recommendation of 108 ft from the Nashua Avenue and 85T0 Street In Seconded by. Norman Freske, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Floyd Roden to pay Township Officials and Employees $.24 per mile mileage while on Township business usingtheir own vehicles. Seconded by Norman Freske, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Norman Freske to adopt the following Resolution: Be it resolved that the Township of Otsego use the firm of Piper Capital Management as a depository for Investment Funds. Seconded by. Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. The Board advised Treasurer James Barthel to use the $300,000.00 in Pass Book Savings to invest in Certificates of Deposit at Piper Capital Management and to use the two (2) maturing Certificates of Deposit to invest in three Months (3) Certificates of Deposit at the Security State Bank of St. Michael. Motion by Norman Freske to accept the bid of Northern Lights Electric to install new flourescent lighting. in the Town Garage for $708.00. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by Norman Freske to authorize Attorney William Radzawill to secure an. Attorney. Generals.Opiniun on Townships over 5,000 in population being classified as a Municipality. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. by Frank and Cynthia Nagle. by Brian and Brenda Blaine. owned by Gerald and Isabelle Collins. by. Anderson Industries, Inc. of Elk. State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego Town Board Meeting. March 16, 1989 - Page 5 - and allowed Verified Accounts Numbers 140 co 146 inclusive. On motion the meeting adjourned. NORMAN F. FRESKE, CHAIRMAN -SUPERVISOR DOUGLAS LINDENFELSER, SUPERVISOR FLOYD RODEN, SUPERVISOR ATTEST: JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK JP/ch