04-03-1989 Town Board MeetingState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego County of Wright met this 3rd day of April, 1989 at Town of Otsego 8:00 P.M. Norman Freske, Chair- man, Floyd Roden and Douglas Lindenfelser, Supervisors, James Barthel, Treasurer and Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk. Jerome Perrault, Clerk was ill so the Deputy Clerk stood in for him. The Meeting was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske. Minutes of the March 16, 1989 Town Board Meeting were approved as read. Ing Roskaft appeared before the Board and presented a check in the amount of $100.00 from he and his wife, to be used for the upgrading of the Otsego Cemetery. Chris Bame of Lot 1, Block 7 Island View Estates, 10500 Kadler Avenue appeared before the Board to ask about getting a rebate on the Kadler Avenue Street Assessment he had paid on this lot that he stated is unbuildable. He had talked to Tom Salkowski and Craig Schultz of Wright Co. Planning and Zoning Office. The Assessment was $2,000.00. He stated that the County Assessor, Doug Gruber told him the lot would have to be reassessed. Attorney Bill Radzwill stated if we give back the assessment amount it would have to come out of the General Fund. Chris Bame said the Pavement comes up only 1/3 of the way on the lot. Bill Radzwill told him he is paying for access to the lot. Chris Bame was informed by Floyd Roden to check dates of Assessment and purchase of lot. Also to check with Title Insurance. Bill Radzwill stated the appeal should have come before the final assessment. Motion by Floyd Roden to have Chris Bame get further information. Douglas Lindenfelser Seconded the motion, Motion Carried Unanimously. Ed Stieg of Ed's Fence, who was on the Agenda did not appear. Dennis Taylor, of Taylor Land Surveyors, Jerry Smith Developer, Trig Holl, Clem and John Darkenwald appeared before the board to try and inter -connect the roads in the three pending developments. Township Attorney, Bill Radzwill and Township Engineer Larry Koshak, and a group of concerned citizens from 96TH Street also appeared. Jerry Smith stated he had talked to the Township Engineer and basically they have the same plan as before as they have to work with a power line easement and are trying to fit 96TH Street in and would loose 7 or 8 lots if they changed the layout. Ken Barthel of Barthel Realty is a sub- stantial investor in this project Gerald Smith announced. Douglas Lindenfelser stated they could run 92ND Street through. Loren Stasson, a resident of 15016 NE 96TH Street stated Packard gets very little use. Dennis Taylor stated that the Township and the County said they have to run 96TH Street through. The residents of State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego Town Board Minutes April 3, 1989 - Page 2 - Loren Stasson stated he would like to see 96TH ST. not go through. Clem Darkenwald wanted to know how the drainage worked. Dennis Taylor stated they had not changed the drainage. Larry Koshak, Township Engineer, took copies of all three plats and put them together. He stated 96TH Street going through probably would not be in the best interest of everyone involved. Larry suggested deleting the cul -du -sac and bringing 96TH ST. into Ogren. Doug, Floyd and Norm all stated they think 96TH ST. should not come out on to Co. #39. Larry koshak stated there is a possibility of going with one entrance only. Bill Radzwill stated we have to balance the needs of the residents, emergency vehicles, and the development. Dennis Taylor stated that Smith would loose 4 or 5 lots with this layout. Clem Darkenwald stated they had originally wanted one access in and out, extra wide. He didn't think it was right to have two more roads coming in. John Darkenwald said their layout has no cul -du -sacs and he thinks it's a plus - good planning. Larry Koshak stated Darkenwald had not done a drainage plan yet and there may be a necessity to consider overall drainage for all three plats. Floyd Roden stated that before we agree on drainage, a street plan needs to be agreed upon. Dennis Taylor stated Smith's plat is designed the way the County wants it and says they won't approve the new proposed streets by Larry Koshak. Norm Freske suggested that we have a Spe4ial Meeting with everyone and get this street problem resolved. Floyd Roden suggested we get together April 4, 1989 at 12:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Meeting was set. Douglas Lindenfelser motioned that we make this decision at the next Board Meeting of April 17, 1989, Norm Freske Seconded, Floyd Roden Agreed. Shirley Madland of 8332 Needham Ave. N.E., Elk River, Lot 28, Block 2, Vasseur's 3RD Add. Sec.20, Twp.121, R.23, appeared before the Board with pictures of the high water in the area to discuss the flooding problems. Larry Koshak stated that the portion that is flooded is the portion that is not on the Hall's Water Project Assessment, and they can ditch it to the West and North themselves, or they can petition the Town Board for an Improvement and the Board can take independent action. The Town Board would order the Engineer to prepare a Feasibility study and this project should be under $10,000.00. An Assessment Hearing would be held and the property would be State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego Town Board Minutes April 3, 1989 - Page 3 - Bill Radzwill stated that the people would have to pay for this drainage one way or the other and it costs governments money for this. Bill said if they get figures to do the project themselves, they would have to double the figures if the Town Board had the work done. Douglas Lindenfelser suggested Jack Schmidt of Monticello does this kind of work. John Clasen of Lot 10, Block 2, Vasseurs 2nd Addition was in attendance at the Meeting and the Board informed him he should get his garage finished this Summer. John Clasen stated he had a problem in the ditch where Minnegasco was working Iasi Summer. The Board informed that they would resume work when the weather permits this Spring and would probably fix it. If not, let them know. Norm Freske asked Bill Radzwill about a meeting with the League of Cities. Bill thought we should meet with them and the Town Board set a tenative meeting for Friday, the 7th of April at 1:00. Bill will check with them and get back to the Board. Bob Madland, husband of Shirley who appeared earlier, appeared late and wanted to know about the water problems. He was informed as to what had transpired. The Town Board questioned Bill Radzwill and Larry Koshak as to how their billing is done, to clarify it for the Board. Larry Koshak and Bill Radzwill stated that when a developer comes in with a preliminary plat the fee is charged back to the Developer in a lot of Towns and Cities. Norm Freske made a Motion to deny the Sheriff's Association Tickets. Doug Lindenfelser Seconded, motion carried unanimously. Doug Lindenfelser motioned to table the Wire Contract until next Town Board Meeting. Norm Freske Seconded, Motion carried unanimously. The Town Board Ammended the Minutes of March 16, 1989 to read: Part of Passbook Savings was invested in the Security State Bank of St. Michael and part of Passbook Savings was invested in the Bank of Elk River. Norm Freske made a motion to authorize Piper Capital Management to invest money for the Township per attached Resolution. Floyd Roden seconded, Motion carried unanimously. Douglas Lindenfelser made a motion to send letters to the following: Robert L. & Dianne Cederberg PID #214-025-001020 Donald R. Loftus PID #214-016-001020 Wallace M & Julie A Hauan PID #214-000-334401 Richard Gardner PID #214-000-184202 Andrew Flum, Sr. PID #214-016-001010 State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego Town Board Minutes April 3, 1989 - Page 4 - These letters were pertaining to junk cars and debris. Norm Freske seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously. Proceeding as a Board of Audit, the Town Boar audited and allowed Verified Accounts Nos. /r7 to inclusive. On,4iotion, the meeting adjourned. c• -e-‘0 i4e NN F. RESKE, C MAN -SUPERVISOR ta-4 (DOUG AS LINDENFEtE. SUPERVISOR FLOYD RDEN, SUPERVISOR ATTEST: ELAINE BEATTY, DEPUTY CLERK EB TOWN OF OTSEGO 13474 NE 95TH ST ELK RIVER, MINN., 55330 PHONE; 441-4414 OR 441-8823 April 3, 1989 Minnesota Municipal Money Market Fund, C/O Cadre Consulting Services, Inc. 400 Post Avenue Westbury, New York, 11590 Gentlemen: This letter will authorize the wire transfer of monies from the Minnesota Municipal Money Market Fund account or accounts of the Town of Otsego to pay for certificated of deposit purchased by the Municipality to be issued in its name under the optional "Fixed -Rate Investment Service" available to participants of the Fund through its Administrator and Sub - Administrator. Sincerely, TOWN OF OTSEGO, JAMES N. BARTHEL, TREASURER eb t 't and withdraw municipal monies in and from the Fund and pursuant to the Fixed -Rate Investment Service. You may have any number of Authorized Officials; attach an addi- tional list if necessary) NORMAN F. FRESKE Printed Name FLOYD RODEN Printed Name DOUGLAS LINDENFELSER CHAIRMAN, TOWN BOARD OF OTSEGO Title SUPERVISOR, TOWN BOARD OF OTSEGO Title SUPERVISOR , TOWN BOARD OF OTSEGO Printed Name JAMES BARTHEL Printed Name JEROME PERRAULT Title TREASURER, TOWN BOARD OF OTSEGO Title CLERK, TOWN BOARD OF OTSEGO The Clerk shall advise the Fund of any changes in Authorized Officials in accordance with procedures established by the Fund. Section 3. The Trustees of the Fund are hereby designated as having official custody of this municipality's monies which are invested in accordance with the Declaration of Trust. Section 4. Authorization is hereby given for members of the Board of Directors of the League of Minnesota Cities to serve as Trustees of the Fund pursuant to the provisions of the Declaration of Trust. Section 5. State banks, national banks, and thrift institutions located either within or without the State of Minnesota which qualify as depositories under Minnesota law and are included on a list approved and maintained for such purpose by the Investment Advisor of the Fund are hereby designated as depositories of this municipality pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 118.005 and monies of this municipality may be deposited therein, from time to time in the discretion of the Authorized Officials, pursuant to the Fixed -Rate Investment Service available to Participants of the fund. THE TOWN OF OTSEGO It is hereby certified that /insert name of the municipality) duly adopted the Model Resolution at a duly convened meeting of the council (or board) held on the 3RD day of APRIL , 1989 , and that such Resolution is in full force and effect on this date, and that such Resolution has not been modified, amended, or rescinded since it adoption. ,,` , �, April 3, 1989 ;.+'gnature of erk Date n (or Treasurer) of Municipality Note: A copy of this Model Resolution should be completed, attached to the Registration Form (FORM B), and mailed to the fund's Sub -Administrator, Cadre Consulting Services Inc., 400 Post Avenue, Westbury, New York 11590. It is only necessary to adopt this Model Resolution for the first account opened by the municipality. This form may be photocopied. -4 FORM A MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL MONEY MARKET FUND ("THE 4M FUND") MODEL RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENTRY INTO A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT IN THE FORM OF A DECLARATION OF TRUST ESTABLISHING AN ENTITY KNOWN AS "MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL MONEY MARKET FUND" AND AUTHORIZING PARTICIPA- TION IN CERTAIN INVESTMENT PROGRAMS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59 (the Joint Powers Act") provides among other things that governmental units, by agreement entered into through action of their governing bodies, may jointly or cooperatively exercise any power common to the con- tracting parties; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Municipal Money Market Fund was formed in January 1987 pursuant to the Joint Powers Act by the adoption of a joint powers agreement in the form of a Declaration of Trust by a group of Minnesota Municipalities acting as the Initial Participants thereof; and WHEREAS, the Declaration of Trust has been presented to this council (or board) and WHEREAS, the Declaration of Trust authorizes municipalities of the State of Minnesota to adopt and enter into the Declaration of Trust and become Participants of the Fund. Municipality shall mean city, county, town, public authority, public corporation, public commission, special district, and any "instrumentality" (as that term is defined in the Joint Powers Act) of a municipality and WHEREAS, this council (or board) deems it to be advisable for this municipality to adopt and enter into the Declaration of Trust and become a Participant of the Fund for the purpose of the joint investment of this municipality's monies with those of other municipalities so as to enhance the investment earnings accruing to each, and WHEREAS, this council (or board) deems it to be advisable for this municipality to make use from time to time, in the discretion of the officials of the municipality identified in Section 2 of the following Resolution, of the Fixed -Rate Investment Program available to Participants of the Fund. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. This municipality shall join with other municipalities (as such term is defined in the Declaration of Trust) in accordance with the Joint Powers Act by becoming 'a Participant of the Fund and adopting and entering into the Declaration of Trust, which is adopted by reference herein with the same effect as if it had been set out verbatim in this resolution, and a copy of the Declaration of Trust shall be filed in the minutes of the meeting at' which this Resolution was adopted. The President (or Chair) and the Clerk/Treasurer of this Council (or Board) are hereby authorized to take such actions and execute any and all such documents as they may deem necessary and appropriate to effectuate the entry of this municipality into the Declaration of Trust and the adoption thereof by this municipality. Section 2. This municipality is hereby authorized to invest its available monies from time to time and to withdraw such monies from time to time in accordance with the provisions of the Declaration of Trust. The following officers and officials of the municipality and their respective successors in office each hereby are designated as "Authorized Officials" with full powers and authority to effectuate the investment and withdrawal of monies of this municipality from time to time in accordance with the Declaration of Trust and pur- suant to the Fixed -Rate Investment Service available to Participants of the Fund: (List the name(s) and title(s) of the officer(s) and official(s) who will be authorized to invest -3- FORM B` MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL MONEY MARKET FUND REGISTRATION FORM 1 BASIC INFORMATION Name of City, County, Town, Public Authority, Public Corporation, Public Commission, Special District, or Instrumentality (hereinafter the "municipality"). TOWN OF OTSEGO Address Attention 6360 OAKWOOD AVENUE NE,. ELK RIVER , MINN. , 55330 JAMES BARTHEL, TREASURER. Telephone Number 441-5967 - Federal .Identification Number DK -41-0919123 II. WITHDRAWAL INFORMATION AND AUTHORIZATION Authorization is hereby given for the Fund to honor any request, believed by it to be authentic, for the withdrawal, in whole or in part, of the monies of the municipality from the Fund. Unless withdrawn by means of the checkwriting privilege afforded to Par- ticipants of the Fund, monies of the municipality withdrawn from the Fund shall be wire transferred by the Fund only to the bank account of the municipality listed below: Bank Name BANK OF ELK RIVER Account Number CHECKING: 020204 CD #800059 Bank Address 630 MAIN STREET, ELK RIVER , MINN. , 55330 III. CHECKWRITING OPTION The municipality wishes to use the optional Checkwriting Service: Ye No (circle one) If yes, the number of Fund account checks initially required for use by the municipality is: 250 500 Other (please fill in amount) ,t Please check here if your municipality would like a specification sheet for com- puterized checks. (Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery of your free checks). IV. INFORMATION STATEMENT AND DECLARATION OF TRUST It is hereby certified that the municipality has received a copy of the Information State- ment of the Fund and the Declaration of Trust creating the Fund, and agrees to be bound by the terms of such documents. 5