04-17-1989 Town Board MeetingState of Minnesota The Town Board of the Town of Otsego County of Wright met this 17 th clay of April, 1939 at Town of Otsego 800 P.M. Norman.. Freske, Chairman, Floyd Roden and Douglas Lindenfelser Supervisors, James Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Deputy' Clerk, and Jerome Perrault, Clerk were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske. Minutes of the April 3, 1989 Town Board Meeting were approved an read, A large crowd was in attendance who were interested in the layout of the streets in the Burdick, Darkenwald and Trgvie Holl plats. Chairman Norman Freske announced that there had been. a change in development plans and turned the discussion over to Attorney. Bill Radzwill. Mr. Radzwill advised the people inattendance that the County has the final say on the layout of the streets in the three (3) plats Mr. Burdick's Attorney. was present and said that at this time he was not certain if Jerry Smith was going to develop the Burdick property. Because of this factor, it makes it difficult to reach a decision on the layout of the streets at this time. Some of the residents in attendance felt that the Town Board should proceed with the decision. on the layout of the streets at this time, regardless of who develops the Burdick property. Mr. Radzwill advised that a different developer could come in and have entirely different ideas for the use of the property and want a complete change in the streets and necessitate doing the layout all over again. Gil Darkenwald asked if the Burdick property was not developed at this time if that would hold up their development. Mr. Radzwill advised him it would not, but an agreement would have to be made to be in the streets in their development to the Burdick property. Motion by. Douglas Lindenfelser to postpone considertion of the Jerry Smith Development until the May 1, 1989 Town. Board Meeting.. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Trygrive Holl said that one-half of his developmen.t is dependent on the Smith Development and he also would like to wait until May 1, 1989. Gil and John Darkenwald presented their revised, plat of Mississippi Parkwood for consideration by the Town Board. The Board requested that a street be built to connect with Ogren Avenue, and easement be provided for a future street to connect with 92ND Street, and an casement be provided for a future street to connect with 96811 Street. Motion by Floyd Roden Lo require Darkenwald's Mississippi Parkwood to have a street casement to connect with 96TH Street on the West side, a street easement to connect with 92811) Street on the East sido, and ostreet constructed to connect with Ogren Avenue on the East side. Seconded by Norman Freske, all Board_ members voted in. favor State of Minnesota County. of Wright Town of Otsego Town Board Meeting April 17, 1909 Page 2 - Motion by Norman Freske to approve the revised plat of Darkenwald's Mississippi Parkwood, contingent upon the Township Engineers approval of the plat drainage. Seconded by. Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Ed Irvine of 15052 NE 96TH ST, appeared before the Board to request another driveway access to 96TH Street for the ne3. garage he is building. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to approve a second driveway. access for Ed. Irvine, with the it that a. 15" culvert 30long be installed if needed. Seconded by. Norman Freskc, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Rose Denalt, of 210 East River Parkway in Champlin, Minnesota appeared before the Board.. to say she is leasing 1200 square feet of space from. Clem Darkenwald in his 1 a F Foods Building, and is requesting the Town Board's approval of an Off -Sale Liquor License for her business. The Otsego Planning Commission has approved. her application for an Off - Sale Liquor License. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to approve the Offale Liquor for Rose Denalt. Seconded. by Norman Freske, al] Board Members voted in favor of the motion. James Peterson and James Peterson Jr., appeared to discuss their plat of James Addition. They have revised the plat and added three lots in the outiot arca, enlarged some of the other lots and reduced the total lots by one. The three lots (3) in the former outlot area will be accessed by a cul-de-sac which will become a thru-street If the lots .are subdivided. in the event that sewer and water are put in. The Township Engineer has approved the drainage plans for the plat, including the proposed ponding areas in the event of heavy rains. The homes on the lots are positioned so that the lots can be subdivided in the future and future street easements are provided for. Motion by Floyd Roden to approve the revised plat (as of April 14, 1989) of the James Addition. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion made by Fioyd Roden to adopt. the following Resolution: BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BRAINERD DEPARTMENT 05 TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT x' REQUESTED TO DO A SPEED LIMIT STUDY ON 85TH STREET FROM NASHUA AVENUE TO PAGE AVENUE. Motion seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Tim Boerger, who lives on 9615 Street, requested the Board to consider placing. Stop signs at the intersections along. 96TH Street to slow down traffic on that street. The Board advised him that the Wright County Highway Department State of Minnesota County of Wright Town Of Otsego Town Board Minutes April 17, 1989 - Page 3 - ago. A. complete list of their recommendations is on file in the Township Office and they would check the list to see if any recommended Stop signs were not in place. The Board discussed the Elk River Fire Contract and requested Attorney Bill Radzwill to review the proposed 1989 Contract offered by the City.. of Elk River. They. are requesting an approximate $0,000.00 increase over the 1988 Contract. Motion by Norman Freske to postpone a decision on the Elk River Fire Contract at this time. Seconded by Dougld.s LAndenfelser. All Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Motion by. Norman Freske to send a notice to John Karnes of 8360 Oakwood Avenue 10 clean up his vacant house and maintain and mow his lot. Seconded by. Douglas Lindenfeler, all Board Members voted in favor of .he motion. Glenn Benson requested a dumpster to be used in connection with the 4-H Recycling. Project. Douglas Lindenfelser will check with Gary. Lindenfelser Garbage Service about obtaining. one. Motion by Norman Freske to bill Marcon Homes $300.00 for road damage in Island View and $300.00 for road damage to Kaliher Avenue South of County #39. Seconded by Floyd. Roden, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Proceeding as a Board of Audit, the Town Board audited and allowed Verified Accounts Nos. 200 to 224 inclusive. n motion the meeting adjourned. NOR .0( FRESKE, • OP• 3.0 ATTEST: jP:cb JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK