05-01-1989 Town Board MeetingSTATE 01? MINNESOTA The Town Board of the Town of Otsego COUNTY OF WRIGHT met this 1st day of May, 1989 at TOWN OF OTSEGO 8:00 PM. Norman Freske, Chairman, Douglas Lindentelser and Floyd Roden Supervisors, James Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, and Jerome Perrault, Clerk were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske. Minutes of the April 17, 1089 Town Board Meeting were approved as read. Norman Freske announced that no decision had been made on the development of the Burdick property and OOCction. will be taken on street layouts at this time. Shirley dland, of 8332 Needham Avenue appeared before the Board to sayshe is still having water problems in her yard. She had contacted Jack Schmitz about drainin9. it, but he wants $70.00 en hour and will not guarantee results. Floyd Gocnnr was present and said there is a tile line in the area, but it is plugged. He farms land just west of Madlands and has five to six (5 to 6) acres of land that he can't farm because the tile line is plugged. The tile line was put in. by Bill Lefebvre, who farmed the land, Floyd Goenner who now farms the land, and Lawrence Vasseur who farmed the land where the Madiands home is now. Attorney Bill Radzwill advised the Board that under Statute #429, the Township could 90011003 and repair or replace the tile line and assess it back to the benefiting property owners. The Town Board and Floyd Goenner will check the area tomorrow, May 2, 1989, to see if they can determine where the tile line runs and where it is plugged. Tony- and Curtis Lindenfelser appeared before the Board to request a lot line adjustment to add 175 feet to a 10 acre parcel (311) #214-100-222201) on the South side of 11: and remove it from PID #214-100-222200, a 70 acre parcel with. no buildings. They own both parcels and wish to construct a pole buildingfor pigs on 9T0 #214-100-222201. The land is located in Section 22; Range 24. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to approve 0 lot line adjustment for Curtis Lindenfelser to add 175 feet to the South side of PID #214-100-222201, contingent upon approvaJ of the Otsego Planning Commission. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Dennis Moore, who owns the triangular piece of land along. County #39 just South of Darkenwald's Parkwood Development, appeared before, the Board to say he was planning on building two houses on the seven acre piece hut wiould be interested .in Commercial Development. The Board had commented that it might be more suitable for commercial development and suggested that he be at the May 4, 1089 meeting' of the Otsego Planning. Commission to discuss it with them. Neil Corder, who owns the land just West of Darkenwald's Parkypod Development, appeared to say that he was concerned about the easement in Darkenwalds to connect with 96TH ST. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT TOWNOF OTSEGO TOWN BOARD MEETING OF MAY 1, 1989 - 8:00 PM - PAGE 2 In Hy -Lo Acres. The Board explained that they have no such plans for now and it is only. for the future if needed. Mr. Radzwill advised him it would be to his advantage to have the easement in Darkenwald's, should a future owner o his property want the street built thru. Richard Backlund of Audio Communications in Big. Lake appeared before the Board to discuss a new two-way radio sysiem for the Township Maintenance Department. He recommended fifty (50) watt radios for better reception. The Township needs two (2) base stations and four (4) radios, one each for the two trucks, the pickup and the grader. The Board suggested using. the newest twenty-five (25) watt radio for the tractor. Motion by. Norman Freske to table purchase of the radio at this time. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. The Brainerd Department of Transportation. Office has notified the Board that they will be doing. a speed limit study on 85T11, Street on June 5, 1989. Norman Fre ske brought up the possibility of having. an Ordinance requiring all new homes to have an attached garage. Attorney Bill Radzwill advised the Board that they could include that stipulation in their Developers Contracts this Lime and in the future when the Township has their own Planning and Zoning Ordinance it could be included. Residents living near the West end of the permanent dike near Elk River have advised the Board that hank erosion is occuring in that area and needs attention. Bill Radzwill advised the Board to have the residents bring. their concerns to the at of the County Board as the County Board was the local government involved in the construction of the permanent dike. Motion made by Norman Freske to reimburse the Otsego 4-5 Club for expenses incurred in disposing.. of old tires. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Board Members voted in favor of the Motion. Proceeding as a Board of Audit, the Town Board Audited and allowed Verified Accounts 11225 to 11266 inclusive. On motion the m-eting adjourned. -----NORMAN V. FRESKE, CHAIR -SUP - - - - -DOUGLAS LINDENFELSER, SUP. ---FLOYD RODEN, SUP. 051355