05-16-1989 Board of Review MinutesState of Minnesota The Board of Review o the Town of County of Wright Otsego convened this 16TH day or May. Town of Otsego 1989 at 8:00 P.M. Norman Freske, Chairman, Douglas Lindenfelser and. Floyd Roden, Supervisors, Elaine Beatty, Deputy. Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Andrew Merges, Assessor, Douglas Gruber, County Assessor and Randy DesMarias were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske, Lawrence Virnig of 8673 Ogren Avenue appeared to say he felt his house and lot was assessed too high at $61,600.00. Andrew explained his lot was decreased to $2 , 500.00 before the storm drain was put in, but now has been raised to $15,000.00 and has valuation was increased two percent (2%) over last year. Albert Shonyo of 11689 80TH Street appeared to say that at least four to five (4 to 5) acres of his ten acres (10) is low and wet. The assessor and Board will check his property. Dale Beaudry of 7675 MacIver Avenue appearedto say he had a $300.00 increase in taxes over last year. His house and lot is valued at $79,600.00. He said his basement finished and according to the assessor's books, it is a finished basement. The Board and Assessor will recheck his house. Ronald Lewis of 14831 78T11 Street appeared to say he felt his lot and house was valued too high at $65,700.00, a $7,000.00 increase over last year. His lot is valued at $20,000.00, the same as the others in the area. Motion by Norman Freske to leave the valuation the same, as it is comparable [:0 his neighbors and sales reflect the valuation. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Gerald Gordon, of 8389 O'Dell Avenue has a double wide mobile and one acre lot (1) valued at $62,300.00. His mobile :is not in good condition. The Board and Assessor will check this home. Joseph Thies, of 14811 78TH Street appeared to say he felt his house and lot were valued too high at $61,100.00. His to is valued at $20,000.00, the same as the others in the neighborhood. No changes were made. Robert Osmonson of 14295 96TH Street appeared to say he felt his house and lot were valued Loo high. at $110,000.00, a. $7,000.00 increase over last year. According to the Assessor books, the lower level is finished andit is not. The Board and Assessor will recheck his home. Tim Michaelson of 10303 Kahler Avenue appeared to say Rio house and lot is valued at $126,200.00, a $13,000.00 increase over last year. He has a wooded 2-1/4 acre lot that is valued at $22,000.00. The valuation is comparable to others in the neighborhood. and no changes were made. Wilbert Bauer of 15414 93RD Street appeared to say his house and lot were valued too high at $65,900.00, a $5,000.00 increase over last year. The house is smaller than 1t shows State of Minnesota Gounty of Wright Town of Otsego The Board of Review for Taxes M 16, 1989 - Page 2 - his property. Mike Bistodeau of 7903 LaBeaux Avenue appeared to say his lot is 2 1/2 acres smaller than recorded. The lot was assessed for the right acres but his card indicated more acres. Cecil Adams of 14107 78TH Street appeared to say he felt his lot was valued.. too high because his lot floods because the Township road ditch is deep enough. The Board will go out and check the drainage problem. Steve Schmidt of 14167 78TH Street appeared to say he fon his mobile home and., lot were valued too high at $46,000.00, He complained that many lots in his neighborhood are poorly. cared for. The Board and Assessor will check his lot and home and the drainage problem Duane Theuninck of 9428 Park Avenue appeared to say h valuation had increaSed to $89,300.00, a $5,000,00 increase over last year. The Assessor explained all lots were increased in value and his house was re-classified from 0 6 to 9-6-1/2. Vincent 'hien of 14369 BOTH Street appeared to say. he felt his home and lot were valued too high at $78,500.00. He paid $57,000.00 a year ago and the house has some damage. The Assessor will recheck his home. Roger Kirscht of 7101 LaBeaux Avenue appeared to check valuations. His house and lot are valued at $90,100.00. The Assessor explained the increase was due to a new building added that was valued at $7,000.00 and a 2% increase in home valuation. Glen Wolters of Route 112, Box #44, Monticello appeared to say that he has paid $102,800.00 for his home ad it is now valued at $108,200.00. The Assessor will recheck his home. Chris Baffle of 10500 Kadler Avnue appeared to say the valuation on his second, lot is valued too high at $22,500.00 because it is nut a buildable lot. (Lot 1, Block. 7, Island View Estates.) The Assessor will com0 out and re check the lot and reduce the valuation. Eugene Thompson of 14263 81ST ST appeared to say he paid .$46,000.00 for his house and lot and it is now valued at $48,400.00. He has a double wide mobile. The Assessor will re -check his property. Walt and Bonnie Lee, P19 #214-127-001010 appeared to ask why taxes were so high when they. don't have paved streets like they had in. Plymouth. His home and lot are valued at $138,000.00. The Assessor from the County explained Lftat he only gets Homestead Credit on the first $60,000.00. The tax rate increases above that. Everett Gonzales of 8136 O'Day Avenue appeared to say his cardindicated he did, nut receive homestead credit onhis O roperty. The Assessor explained It has been corrected. State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego The Board of Review for Otsego Twp. May 16, 1989 Page 3 - Street appeared 10 ask why his valuation has increased to $60,100.00. He has a single wide mobile with an addition. The Assessor will re -check the home, Arlene Holen of 14182 96TH Street appeared to ask why the taxes had increasedso much on her three platted lots (3). Her home value increased $1,000.00 and the Assessor explained it was due to a 2% overall increase, The valuation has increased on her platted lots because they are now on the market. Kent Nielson of St, Albans Mill Road, Minnetonka owns lots ten and eleven (10 & 11) block seven (7), Island View Estates, and both have been classified non -buildable by the Wright County Zoning Office. The lots can be combined as one building site, Motion by Floyd Roden to reduce the valuation of the lots to $11,200.00 each, 1/2 the normal lot value in that area. Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Robin Lindberg of 10381 Kahler Avenue asked how this valuation o $118,000,00 was arrived at. The Assessor explained it was classified as a D-7 home and a two story home. She said. it was not a full two story home. The home was appraised at $95,000.00. The Assessor will re -check the home. Mike Hackenmuciler of 7962 LaBeaux Avenue questioned why his house was valued ole $70,100.00. The Assessor explained that all the houses in that area were raised from D-6 to D- 61/2 and the lots have raised in. valuation by $5,000.00. No changes were made. Andy Vorlicek of 15374 95TH Street said his valuation increased from $70,300.00 Lo $74,000.00. The Assessor explained it was due to a classification change from D-6 to 9-61/2 and a 2 overall increase. No changes were made. Greg and Debra Coklas of 14400 88TH Street asked why their house and lot has increased to $53,700.00 in. valuation. The Assessor explained it was due to an overall $5,000.00 a lot valuation increase and a. 21 overall increase this year. No changes wore made. Kathleen Eggers of 0301 95TH Street questioned if she was paying taxes on thirteen (13) acres on the North side of 95TH Street that she does not own. According to the Assessor's book she is not being taxed for Donna Clairmont of 10365 80TH Street asked why her property. was valued so high at $94,600.00. The Assessor will re -check the property as the number of tillable acres seemed to be too high. Dennis Groess of Lot 4, Block 1 Vasseur's 1ST Addition questioned. whyhis valuation has increased so much. His lot andhome were valued at $41,900,00 in 1986 and are nowvalued ,,,,,,, \mined State of Minnesota County of Wright Town of Otsego The Board of Review for Otsego Twp, May 16, 1980 Page 4 - $36,900.00 in 1982 and is at .the same value today. A basement_ was added that is valued at $6,700.00 and the valuaiion of he lot has been increased io $15,000.00, No changes were made. Ronald MacDiarmid of 14281 78TH Street asked whyhis valuation has increased $6,000.00. The Assessor explained that he has added a garage valued at $0,500.00. No changes were made. Joseph Trenda of Lot 11, Block 4, Mississippi Shores 4TH Addition, by letter, complained that his valuation was too high at $61,500.00. The Assessor explained it was due to a lot valuation increase and e. 2% overall increase this year, No changes were made. Roger Kluver of 14221 BIST Street complained by letter that his valuation. was too high at $44,400.00. The Assessor explained that he moved in a double wide mobile home to replace his single wide in 1988. No changes were made. Robert. Kosloski of Lot 2, Block 2, Deerfield Acres complained he is being taxed for a foyer that takes op part o the garage. The square footage of the garage was reduced by 72 Square feet, Motion by Norman Freske to reduce Mr. Kosloski's valuation by $600.00. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Board Memubero voted in favor of the motion. Timothy Clark of 14900 70T5 Street complaioned that Llle valuation of hie property was increased by. $9,000.00 The Assessor will re -check his proper :y Deputy Assessor Randy DesMarias, Assessor Andrew Merges and the Tow': Board agreed to meet at the Town Hall on Thursday, May 25th at 2:00 P.M. to review the results of the properties theyare re -checking. On motion the Board of review recessed until 200 P.M, May 25th. NORMAN F. FRESKE, CHAIR -SUP. - - - - - -, FLOYD RODEN, SUP. , DOUGLAS LINDENFELSER, SUP. P/el) JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK