05-25-1989 Board of Review MinutesState of Minnesota The Board of Review of the Town of County of Wright Otsego re -convened this 25TH day of Town of Otsego May, 1989 at 2:00 PM, Norman Freske, Chairman, Floyd Roden and Douglas Lindenfelser Supervisors, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Andrew Merges, Assessor, and Randy DesMarias, Deputy County Assessor, were present. Andrew Merges and Randy DesMarias reported to the Board the results of the property re -checks they had agreed to do at the Board of Review Meeting on May 16, 1989. Dale Beaudry, PID #214-100-251302, has removed the basement finish from his house and the house needs some repair. They reduced the valuation of his property from $79,800.00 to $74,100.00. Gerald Gordon, PID #214-033-001120 has a double wide mobile home that is in poor condition. He also has a garage. They raised the valuation of the garage and reduced the valuation of the home resulting in a total reduction of $19,700.00 from $62,300 to $42,600.00. They remeasured the house of Wilbert Bauer, PID #214- 025-004030, and found it to be 880 square feet instead of 1008 square feet. They reduced his valuation fro $65,900.00 to $62,300.00, a reductioln of $3,600.00. They reduced the home of Vincent Ihlen PID #214-026- 002130, to a Class 5 rating resulting in a valuation reduction from $78,500.00 to $67,200.00. Albert Shonyo, PID #214-100-251212, was given a Green Acres classification because he has more than 10 acres tillable, resulting in a taxable valuation of $9,300.00 and an estimated market value of $25,200.00. They reduced the valuation of the double wide mobile of Eugene Torgerson, PID #24-036-003020, because of poor condition and added a garage not previously on the assessment sheet, resulting in a valuation reduction from $48,400.00 to $41,800.00. The house of Robert Osmundons, PID #214-045-001010 has been assessed as a full two story and was changed to a tri - level resulting in a valuation reduction from $110,000.00 to $93,000.00. The house of Craig Lindberg, PID #214-121-005090 was re- measured and found to be 238 square feet smaller than in the Assessor's book resulting in a valuation reduction of $18,500.00, from $118,000.00 to $99,500.00. The house of Glen Wolters, PID #214-127-001020 was reduced 1/2 grade to a class 7, a finished basement was added but the screen porch was incomplete resulting in a valuation reduction of $3,600.00 from $108,200.00 to $104,600.00. The house of Timothy Clark was reduced to average condition because the siding needed repair resultaing in a valuation reduction of $1,100.00 from $101,400.00 to $100,300.00. Virginia Clairmont, PID #214-100-262105 was given a Green Acres classification because she has 14 tillable acres. The valuation of her home was reduced because it is in poor State of Minnesota Bounty of Wright Town of Otsego The Otsego Reconvening of the Bd. of Review - May 25, 1989 - Page 2 - to fair condition and the garage was re -measured but has no concrete floor or electricity. Her estimated market value was reduced from $94,600.00 to $82,000.00 and the taxable value was reduced from $94,600.00 to $59,100.00. The Assessor will re -check next year to be sure more than 10 acres is farmed. The mobile home and addition of Joan Keech was raised to a four classification and the valuation of •the home was reduced from $60,100.00 to $52,500.00, because of condition. Christian Bame ownes Lots 1 and 2 in Island View Esttaes and his home was listed as being on Lot 1 and it should have been on Lot 2. The house was changed to Lot 2, PID #214-121- 007020, and the house valuation was raised to $129.400.00 because of fireplace was added that was not previously listed. The combined valuations of Lot 2 and the home was raised to $132,400.00. The valuation of Lot 1, PID #214-121- 007010, was reduced to $11,000.00 because it is classified as unbuildable. Motion by Floyd Roden to approve all the above listed changes made by Assessor Andrew Merges and Deputy Assessor Randy DesMarias after property re -checks, Seconded by Douglas Lindenfelser, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. On motion, the Board of Review Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: JP/eb Norman F. Freske, Chair -Sup , Douglas Lindenfelser, Sup , Floyd Roden, Sup Jerome Perrault, Clerk