06-19-1989 Town Board MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA The Town Board of the Town of Otsego COUNTY OF WRIGHT met this 19th day of June, 1989, at TOWN OF OTSEGO 8:00 P.M. Norman Freske, Chairman, Floyd Roden and Douglas Lindenfelser Supervisors, James Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk and Jerome Perrault, Clerk, were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske. The Minutes of the June 5, 1989 Town Board Meeting were approved as read with one correction in the paragraph referring to monies to be placed in escrow as per the Developers Contract, it should read 150% instead of $150.00. James Peterson Jr. appeared before the Board in regard to the Developers Contract. One correction was made. On page #4, Paragraph #4, it should read "The Developer agrees to provide in escrow to the Town and County an irrevocable Letter of Credit." It has previously read Town or County. Mario Gerdano appeared before the Board to discuss Highway #101 plans. He inquired if service roads would be installed after the 4-lanes are constructed. Attorney Bill Radzwill and the Board advised him that it would be up to the local communities to help share the cost of building service roads. He has 8 acres of land along Highway #101 and is considering constructing commercial buildings. The Board agreed it should be Commercial rather than Residential. He asked what the costs would be for sewer and water in that area. The Board replied that at this time it is only in the study stage and they have no figures avialable at this time. Mike Roden, who lives on Nashua Avenue appeared before the Board in regard to speeding on Nashua Avenue. He would like to have "Watch Out for Children" signs put on on Nashua Avenue from County #39 to 85TH ST and also 40MPH speed limits. The Board agreed to put up the "Watch Out for Children" signs and will request the Deputy Sheriff to patrol the area. To put up speed limits requires a study by the State Department of Transportation. LaVerne Constant appeared before the Board with a petition containing eleven (11) signatures requesting that Nashua Avenue be bituminous surfaced from County Road #39 to 85TH ST. There are twelve (12) parcels in the area. The Baord advised her a feasibility study would be required first followed by a Public Hearing at which cost estimates for the project would be given. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to request Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. to do a Feasibility Study on the bituminous surfacing of Nashua Avenue from Co. #39 to 85TH ST. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Board Members voted in STATE OF MINNESOTA TOWN OF OTSEGO TOWN BOARD MEETING COUNTY OF WRIGHT PAGE - 2 - JUNE 19, 1989 TOWN OF OTSEGO favor of the motion. John Anderson, Harlan Rask, and Gene Kreuser, of the Otsego Cemetary Association Board, appeared before the Board in reguard to improvements to the Otsego Cemetery. They have cost estimates of $8,500.00 to install a new fence around the Cemetery and $1,200.00 for a new entrance gate. As of now they have received donations of $7,600.00 for the Cemetery improvements. The Board agreed the fence project should be started as sonn as possible. The Board also agreed to pay the bills and the Cemetery Association will turn over the donated funds to the Township as the C.D's in which the donated funds are invested, mature. They Will hire Kenneth Shierts to clean up the old fence and trees with his backhoe. Dennis McAlpine, of Mac's Well Service was present and said he would check the old well in the Cemetery to see what it would cost to restore it to useable condition. It would be intended for watering plants only. Motion by Floyd Roden to proceed with cleaning up the old Cemetery fence and trees. Seconded by Norman Freske, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Ganzel Signs of Delano has given the Township a figure of $207.76 per sign for Township identification signs. They are made of outdoor plywood with a metal edge strip to prevent deterioration. Gene Kreuser suggested getting a cost estimate on all metal signs as they would be more durable. The Board will check the cost of all metal signs before making a decision. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Slaughter appeared before the Board in regard to the drainage ditch North of 85TH St that is on their property. The ditch needs to be lowered and they are concerned about damage to their property. They have trees on their property that they would like to preserve. Larry Koshak, Twp. Engr. will go out to their property and do more elevation studies to find the most practical route for the ditch, take pictures of the property as it is now, and attempt to restore the property as much as possible after the ditch is in plce. They will need a culvert for a ditch crossing for their driveway. Mr. Koshak and the Board will advise the Slaughters of the results of their studies. Gil and Clem Darkenwald appeared in regard to their Parkwood Development Plans. Clem said he was advised that a Developers Contract between the Developer and the Township is STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT - PAGE 3 - TOWN OF OTSEGO TOWN BOARD MEETING JUNE 19, 1989 TOWN OF OTSEGO now required and asked why the $550.00 per lot fee is now required. Attorney Bill Radzwill advised him that it was an impact fee to offset the expenses the Township incurs when new developments are put in. Clem asked if the Township had an Ordinance giving them the authority to require a Developers Contract. Mr. Radzwill advised him the Township did not have an Ordinance to that effect. Gil and Clem said they were concerned about the $550.00 per lot fee in the Developers Contract and the further delay in getting their project started. They requested a copy of the Developers Contract so that their Attorney can study it. Gil said he thought the $550.00 fee should be waived. Larry Koshak advised the Darkenwalds he would consult with their Engineer regarding plat drainage. Attorney Steven Franks, who represents the Burdicks, appeared in regards to the Smith Development of the Burdick property. He questioned the Board if Mr. Smith said that Kenny Barthel was involved in the Development with Mr. Smith. The Board replied that Mr. Smith did say that Kenny Barthel was involved in 15 lots but that Mr. Smith did not specify the extent or nature of Mr. Barthel's involvement. Motion by Norman Freske to approve purchasing a new weed sprayer for the Township. Seconded by FLoyd Roden, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Proceeding as a Board ofAudit, the Town Board audited andallowed Verified Accounts Nos. 341 to 352 inclusive. On motion the meeting adjourned. NORMAN F. FRESKE, CHAIR -SUP. DOUGLAS LINDENFELSER, SUP. , FLOYD RODEN,SUP. ATTEST: JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK JP/eb