08-07-1989 Public Hearing MinutesTOWN OF OTSEGO A Public Hearing ori the proposed COUNTY OF WRIGHT bituminous surfacing of Nashua Ave. TOWN OF OTSEGO from Co. 39 South to 85th St. was held this 7th day of August 1989, at 7:00 P.M. Norman Freske, Chairman, Douglas Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden, Supervisors, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, Jerome Perrault, Clerk, and Larry Koshak, Engineer, were present. The Hearing was called to order by Chairman Norman Freske and he called up Engineer Larry Koshak to address the Hearing. Mr. Koshak explained that he had done a feasibility study of the proposed bituminous surfacing of Nashua Ave. from Co. 39 to 85th St. and determined the estimated cost of the project to be as follows: Shaping and Grading Aggregate base Culvert cross pipes Bituminous Surfacing Turf establishment Total Estimated Construction Cost Engineering, Legal, Administrative $ 7,438.00 20,100.00 3,600.00 50,462.00 1,200.00 $82,800.00 20,700.00 $103,500.00 The right of way for Nashua Ave. is 66 ft. There are 3 cross culverts under Nashua Ave. which will be replaced with new culverts. Mr. Koshak said that plans are to use 6" of base gravel, a 3" bituminous mat 24 ft wide with 2 ft. shoulders. This would be classified as a 9 ton road with proposed life of 15 to 20 years and would require seal coating every 5 to 7 years. Assuming that the township would pay half the project cost and assess half the cost, a cost summary of the project would be as follows: Total Cost Total Units assessed Assessed cost per unit Annual unit cost for 10 Assessed Cost Township Share $103,500.00 17 3,044.00 yrs 510.00 51,750.00 51,750.00 Mr. Koshak said that if the project proceeds, bids could be received by Sept. 18 and the project completed this fall with the exception of bank seeding. The question was asked if the $510 assessment would be each year for 10 years, the answer was yes unless the assessment was paid in full within 30 days following the assessment hearing. John Anderson asked if the long culvert under Nashua Ave. that extends to the drainage ditch about 100 ft. from STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT - PAGE 2 - TOWN OF OTSEGO PUBLIC HEARING, AUGUST 7, 1989 TOWN OF OTSEGO the road would be replaced. Larry Koshak said that it would be replaced and is included in the project cost. The existing culvert is a 12 inch and would probably be replaced with a 15 inch. John Anderson said that the part of his property that abuts Nashua Ave. is swampy and unbuildable, classified as a designated wetland area and he would not benefit from the bituminous road. Cook, who owns the S.E. corner lot at the junction of Co. 39 and Nashua Ave., said that he would not benefit from the bituminous surfacing. The access driveway for his home is off Co. 39. Dennis McAlpine said that he does not live right on Nashua Ave. but he would benefit from it and is willing to pay his assessment. Attorney William Radzwill explained that the Township can only assess the amount it benefits the property owner. In a case where the land is low and swampy, the Board would have to make a judgement as to whether there is any benefit. Blanche Barsody stated that the lot she owns that borders Nashua Ave. is classified as unbuildable and that she should not be aessed. The Board agreed that she should not be assessed. A Gtraw vote was taken of the property owners present: Yes Votes - 3 No Votes - 4 Seven of the property owners who signed the petition requesting that Nashua Ave. be bituminous surfaced were not present at the hearing. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to adjourn the hearing and postpone a decision on whether to do the project until later date. Seconded by Floyd Roden, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. ORMAN F. FRESKE, CHAIR -SUP. IUGLAS LINDENFELSER, SUP. LOYD RODEN, SUP. ATTEST: JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK JP/jh