08-14-1989 Public Hearing MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA A Public Hearing was held COUNTY OF WRIGHT this 14 day of August, TOWN OF OTSEGO 1989, at 7:30 P.M. on the proposed Storm Drain for Vasseurs 4th Addition and 2 parcels of Ag land just West of Vas curs 4th Addition. Norman Freske, Chairman, Douglas Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden, Supervisors, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, Jerome Perrault, CLerk, Larry Koshak, project Engineer and William Radzwill, Attorney, were present. Chairman Norman Freske called the hearing to order and called on Engineer Larry Koshak to address the hearing. Mr. Koshak explained he had done a feasibility study of the proposed Storm Drain project and determined the estimated cost of the project to be as follows: Storm sewer - 1280 linear ft. $18,000.00 Manhole - Catch basins - 2 each 1,000.00 Flared end sections 500.00 Ditch cleaning & Excavation - 450 ft. 2,250.00 Drain tile - 300 ft. 1,200.00 Culverts - 15" & 24" 2,080.00 Turf establishment - 1 acre 1,000.00 $26,030.00 Engineering, Legal & Administrative costs 7,809.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $33,839.00 This Storm Dain project would benefit Lot Nos. 1 thru 8 and 27 thru 30 in Vasseurs 4th Addition and 2 farm land parcels, Nos. 204200 and 204201. The Cost Summary of the project is as follows: Total project cost DNR Grant Property owners share Cost per unit ($18,254 by 18) Cost per unit per year for 10 year $33,254,00 15,000.00 18,254.00 1,303.86 218.40 In order to proceed with this plan it was necessary for the Board to obtain a drainage easement on the Ford Slaughter property North of 85th to clean the ditch and lower it but the Board has not been able to obtain the easement from Mr. Slaughter. Because of the failure to obtain the easement from Mr. Slaughter, Mr. Koshak said he did a feasibility study of an alternative route by placing a storm drain tile line along 85th St. West to Nashua Ave. but this would increase the total project cost to $77,194.00 and the assessment per unit for the 14 units would be $4,442.23. He felt this alternative would be too costly to the property owners. The question was asked if the Board had considered following the old tile line. The Board said they felt this would require too many easements and they would run into too STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT - PAGE 2 TOWN OF OTSEGO PUBLIC HEARING, AUGUST 14, 1989 TOWN OF OTSEGO many septic systems and drain fields. Mr. Kincannon asked if he had a right to drain his land through Mr. Slaughter's property. Mr. Radzwill said that if he could prove that the ditch was originally deeper and did drain his property, then he would have the right to clean out the ditch to drain his property. The question was asked if they missed the August 31 deadline for applying for the DNR Grant, when could the Board reapply? Mr. Radzwill said they would not be able to apply for another year. Tom Constant said that he owns the property next to Ford Slaughter and he would consider allowing the tile line to be placed across his property. Mr. Koshak agreed to do a feasibility study of this possibility. The Town Board, Mr. Koshak, and Mr. Constant agreed to meet tomorrow evening (August 15) at the site on Mr. Constant's property to evaluate the possbility of placing the tile line there. Floyd Goenner asked Mr. Koshak why the tile line needed to be that big as the old line was only a 10 inch. Larry Koshak replied that they seldom use a .Storm Drain line smaller than 15 inchs because a line smaller than 15 inches is harder to maintain and will not lust as long. Motion by Douglas Lindenfelser to re -open the Storm Drain Hearing at 7:00 P.M., August 21, 1989. Seconded by Norman Freske, all Board Members voted in favor of the motion. Clem and Gil Darkenwald appeared at this time at the request of the Town Board to discuss the Developers Contract for Mississippi Parkwood. Chairman Norman Freske called the meeting to order and asked the Darkenwalds if they had arrived at any new offers as to what they were willing to pay per lot as per the Developers Contract. Gil Darkenwald said they had nothing new to offer except what was in the letter their Attorney, Ed Bock, sent to the Town Board in which they offered to pay $25.00 per lot at the time the Contract was signed and $75.00 per lot at the time the building permits are issued, a total of $4,900.00 for the 49 lot developement. The Board said they felt the Township should recover all expenses incurred during the plat approval and construction process. The Board said they already have expenses between $7,000 and $8,000, and the process is not completed. Gil Darkenwald asked if this included expenses with Jerry Smith and other developers and the Board replied that this amount was just for their plat. The Board said that the Township Engineer had done a further study of the per lot fees and had come up with a revised fee of $400.00 per lot which includes a $150.00 per lot fee for Seal Coating. The Board said they would be willing to waive the Seal Coating fee at this time and decide later whether to assess the Seal Coating costs or STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT - PAGE 3 TOWN OF OTSEGO SPECIAL HEARING, AUGUST 14, 1989 TOWN OF OTSEGO pay for it out of the General FUnd. The Board explained they are not trying to make money with the Developers Contract, they just feel they should recover expenses and the taxpayers of the Township should not be liable for any development expenses. Floyd Roden asked if the Darkenwalds were agreeable to the Developers Contract as such. The Darkenwalds said they were agreeable to the principle of a Developers Contract, its just that they felt the fees were much too high and that the Developers Contract was not mentioned until just before final plat approval. Clem Darkenwald had a cost sheet of what other communities charge and they are less than what Otsego wants. He said the City of Anoke charges $280.00 per lot and that includes sewer and water. Anoka charges for Seal Coating but the City of Monticello does not. Gil Darkenwald asked why Jim Peterson was not required to pay a per lot fee and the Board explained it was part of the Court Settlment of the Storm Drain Assessment charges. Gil Darkenwald asked the Board if they were willing to accept the $100.00 per lot they had offered. The Board replied they could not accept it because it was not enough to cover the Township expenses and they could not justify it to the taxpayers of the Township. The Darkenwalds said they had nothing more to say at this time and left the meeting. On motion the meeting adjourned. rir NORMAN FRESKE, CHAIR -SUP. DOUGLAS LINDENFELSER, SUP. FLOYD RODEN, SUP. ATTEST: JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK JP/jh